Chapter 500
Inside the imperial study room.

Uncle Gu Nanyan leaned on the back of the chair as well, and Yunxi behind him asked the maid for a pot of hot water, and replaced the tea on the table with the tea she brought.

The scent of flowers is refreshing, it is Gu Nanyan's favorite jasmine tea.

As for Gu Nanyan himself, he was crossing his legs, throwing peanuts into his mouth, and subconsciously watching Yunxi make tea.

That leisurely appearance, as if in his own home.

The corner of Li Mi's mouth twitched.

Sure enough, no matter when, this girl was as arrogant as ever.

"I have received what you sent back."

To be honest, Li Mi still can't believe that Gu Nanyan is willing to share half of the treasure with him.

Every time she plundered everything from herself, she wished he could remove all the walls. This was the first time she had benefited from her hands.

Not to mention that he didn't believe it, even the people in the household department couldn't believe it, and they didn't dare to take it back to the national treasury at first.

Fearing that Gu Nanyan would turn around and come to settle accounts with them, he even searched for the original things in the treasury.

After Tang Yong personally confirmed that these things were indeed handed in voluntarily by her, and not a trap set by her, he happily snatched them back.

Why use grab?

Because Li Mi has secretly received the things into his private treasury.

He didn't care if Gu Nanyan handed it in sincerely, he accepted it first.

The big deal is to be beaten, and I'm used to it anyway.

"En." Gu Nanyan responded softly, with no expression on her face, still staring at Yunxi's movements.

Seeing that she really had no intention of going back, Li Mi breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to talk about the Qi family.

"There are also those people you arrested. They don't admit that they went to Jiwu Mountain to hunt for treasure, they only said that they went to play in the past. As for the treasure map that you found, they said they picked it up."

This excuse is false as soon as it is heard, of course Li Mi will not believe it.

But he doesn't believe it's useless, just a picture can't be used as evidence.

"Whatever they say, just deal with it according to the rules." Gu Nanyan said leisurely.

Li Mi shook his head slowly: "That's not right, if I annoy them, I'm afraid..."

If it's just the Qi family, that's fine. At worst, they will be dealt with secretly.

But those who dress up strangely and speak a language he doesn't understand can't be dealt with casually.

Li Mi frowned. The other party came from a mysterious background. He couldn't take any risks until he figured out their depth.

Of course, he was not afraid of these people.

Instead, he knew that there must be other forces behind the opponent.

Or rather - the country.

He is the king of a country, and every move may cause conflict between the two countries. If there is a war, only the people and border soldiers will suffer.

Hearing this, Gu Nanyan finally turned his gaze from the curling tea smoke to him.

Although this guy is as timid as ever, but now this posture of worrying about the people is much more pleasing to the eye than before.

"I'm afraid, people will almost dig your ancestral grave, and you still want to be kind to them?"

It's just a few little guys, and it's worth it when he gets entangled like this.

From Gu Nanyan's point of view, although they were digging things from the previous dynasty, they were in the border of Jianan Kingdom. At this time, they should be unanimous to the outside world, and there is no distinction between the former dynasty and the later dynasty.

Seeing that Li Mi was still struggling, Gu Nanyan rubbed his fingers impatiently: "If you want to kill or cut, go ahead and do it, don't you look like a king of a country if you look forward and backward!"

Every time she sees his indecisive look, Gu Nanyan's hands itch.

I don't understand how the first emperor passed on the throne to him. If it wasn't for Li Yi making decisions behind his back, the country would have been destroyed many times.

Li Mi clearly received Gu Nanyan's disdain, and his heart was blocked.

I really want to shout "presumptuous".

But he dared not.

"You treat me as you." Li Mi muttered.

Relying on your own strength, you can do it as soon as you say it, without reason.

Arrogant people and gods are indignant.

But she still has this strength, which makes people dare not say a word.

Li Mi suddenly stopped.

That's right, she relied on her strength to be arrogant. If there was no support behind her, no one would foolishly provoke others.

Li Mi's eyes lit up, and he stared straight at Gu Nanyan: "Have you already thought of a countermeasure?"

Since she dared to attack those people, she must have a way to clean up the mess.

For some reason, the worries of the past few days suddenly relaxed at this moment.

Regardless of his own status, Li Mi got up, walked to Gu Nanyan and sat down next to him, motioning for Eunuch Zhao to also pour him a cup of tea from Gu Nanyan's pot.

Then he moved his head forward and laughed twice in a fawning manner.

"Tell me if you have any countermeasures." After finishing speaking, he took the teapot from Eunuch Zhao and refilled her cup himself.

Don't tell him about the dignity of the emperor, in front of this girl, he has never had such a thing as dignity!

The corner of Eunuch Zhao's mouth twitched, he lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

His master is really becoming less and less like an emperor.

But that's pretty good too, at least you'll save yourself two beatings.
Eunuch Zhao thought about it very much.

He has followed the emperor since he was a child, watching him struggle all the way to today's situation, and clearly knows that he is not a qualified emperor.

Indecisive and indecisive, as his brother, King Sheng has not been easy these years.

Not only to help him deal with state affairs, but also to clean up the mess for him.

Eunuch Zhao secretly looked at Gu Nanyan.

Now that this ancestor is in charge, at least the emperor would not dare to be as extravagant and promiscuous as before and cause trouble everywhere, at least it can be regarded as lightening the burden on King Sheng.

And with her here, at least the emperor will not become the king of subjugation.

pretty good.

Gu Nanyan didn't know that in Eunuch Zhao's heart, he was already a stone-like existence.

The capital city was hot in August, mechanical fans were installed on the four walls of the Imperial Study Room, and there was an ice basin inside the room, making it very cool.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids, and glanced at Li Mi who was smiling.

"What kind of countermeasures do you need? It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water."

She didn't want to reason with those people at first, and she wished that the other party would act quickly so that her Cangyun could show her face in front of the world.

"As far as I know, those people come from a small island overseas. It's hard to say their strength, but you should have seen their weapons."

Gu Nanyan was talking about firecrackers.

Not only the one that was beaten to death by her, but all of them were unloaded by Gu Nanyan and handed over to Tang Yong who was in charge of escorting them.

The power of that thing is mediocre, at most it can pierce the flesh, as long as it doesn't hit a vital point, it will be fatal.

Li Mi, who had seen Gu Nanyan's pistol, didn't take it seriously.

"Do you think they will have artillery, too?"

This is what Li Mi is worried about.

The firing principle of the firecracker is similar to that of a cannon, but the damage is not comparable to that of a firecracker.

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment: "It's hard to say."

She was sure that this world was not the one in her previous life, and the ghost knew how the history here developed.

But even if the other party has her, she is not afraid.

From the rough technique of the firecracker, it can be seen that the opponent's use of gunpowder is still in the early stage, even if there is a cannon, it is not as powerful as her modified one.

Not to mention that if they really came to fight, they would not be able to bring too many bullets from a long distance, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing that she was full of confidence, Li Mi didn't ask any more questions.

Knowing that the sky was falling and she was holding it up, Li Mi completely relaxed.

As for how to deal with those people, he had to discuss it with Li Yi.

Thinking of his younger brother, Li Mi regained his spirits instantly.

"Your wedding is coming soon, is there anything I can help you with?"

The vicious girl is about to get married, and it's his younger brother who is marrying, so things are really changing.

The topic changed so quickly, Gu Nanyan was startled before he could react.

She shook her head and said, "These things are handled by my aunt, and I don't know."

"Besides, there's still a month left, don't worry."

It's just a change of place to live. If it's not for the face of the General's Mansion, she doesn't want to hold the wedding.

Pull the card down directly.

Thinking of how complicated weddings were in ancient times, Gu Nanyan sighed faintly.

Really troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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