The farmer has a mall

Chapter 501 Visiting Prince Sheng's Mansion

Chapter 501 Visiting Prince Sheng's Mansion

Gu Nanyan's indifferent attitude made Li Mi silent.

For a woman, getting married is a lifelong event, and who doesn't start preparing for it from the day of engagement.

This girl is fine, there's only one month left, don't you worry?
In contrast, the younger brother who has been tossing about his room since he returned to Beijing seems to be more nervous.

Li Mi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He tentatively asked, "Aren't you nervous?"

It's not just a matchmaker's words, they can be considered a kiss only because of their feelings.

I'm about to marry someone I like, should I give some feedback?
Gu Nanyan glanced at him inexplicably: "Why are you nervous? I'm not nervous when I kill people. What are you afraid of just getting married?"

Li Mi: "..."

I was speechless.

But is this the reaction that a normal girl should have?
"Aren't you happy to be married to Xiao Yi?"

Impossible, he could tell that this girl treated his brother differently from others.

Gu Nanyan was speechless: "How can you tell that I'm unhappy?"

Li Mi: "You don't even laugh."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Smile when you're happy?"

What kind of theory is this.

I like to be cool, can't I? !
Li Mi glanced at her sideways, and blurted out a sentence: "Happy or not, what's the difference with a female ticket being unhappy."

Gu Nanyan:! ! !

Fuck this dog...

That's quite apt.

Seeing her stunned, Li Mi continued, "Think about it, from now on you and Xiaoyi will live under the same roof, eat together, sleep together and play together, stay together day and night, and someone will help you add clothes when you are cold. Now that someone is helping you, think about it, isn't it very happy?"

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and thought for a moment.

Then he looked back at Yunxi.

Just like she and Yunxi?

Yun Xi: "..."

Somehow she understood it.

Li Mi: "..."

Li Mi also understood.

Li Mi was mad inside.

He always knew that Gu Nanyan was slow to respond to feelings, but he never expected to be so slow!
Although the servants can do the things he said.


"Can a servant be the same as her husband!!!"

Gu Nanyan: Is it different?

Gu Nanyan asked shamelessly: "Then tell me what's different?"

As far as what she heard just now, it was obviously the same.

Li Mi choked, unable to tell what was different for a while.

He lowered his eyelids, picked up his teacup and took a sip, hiding the twitching expression on his face.

"The husband will cherish and love you, and the servant is just doing his duty."

Seeing Gu Nanyan frowning and looking confused, Li Mi's paws were a little numb.

He thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "As a husband and wife, you should trust each other with your wealth and life, and support each other to save you. This is different from the servants."

He thought he had hit the point, and looked at Gu Nanyan expectantly, waiting for her to suddenly realize.

However, Gu Nanyan only heard the word "wealth".

Her confused expression changed, and her eyes sparkled.

"You're right, it's really different."

After getting married, Li Yi's net worth is her own, and her own is still her own. She is like whoring a net worth for nothing!
This is much easier than robbery.

that's nice!

Gu Nanyan grinned happily.

Li Mi: "..."

Although I don't know what this girl has realized, but the expression of picking up the money is definitely not what he wants her to understand.

He shouldn't have discussed this with her!


Tired, Li Mi drove Gu Nanyan out of the imperial study and went back to the harem to heal his wounds.

Gu Nanyan saw that he gave her a "reminder", so it was rare that he didn't care about him chasing people away, and took Yunxi out of the palace for a stroll.

She walked from the general's mansion to the palace.

It was still morning when we came here, and the weather was not too hot, but the sun was already shining brightly.

She wanted to find a carriage to go home, but when she passed a pastry shop, she paused.

After hesitating for a while, he walked in, and when he came out, he carried a few packs of pastries in his hand, and then walked in the direction of Prince Sheng's Mansion.

Li Yi was very surprised when his future daughter-in-law came to the door, and then he was delighted.

He went back to the house and changed into new clothes, and then hurried to see his wife.

Gu Nanyan was bored and sat on the guest chair in the front hall, while Tao Butler smiled and offered tea.

"The princess didn't say anything in advance when she came, so this old slave can arrange someone to pick you up."

I haven't seen her for a while, but the more I think about it, the more likable this little girl is, no wonder his prince likes her so much.

After he said that, he personally took the tea handed by the boy and put it beside Gu Nanyan: "This is this year's tribute tea, it's new, try it to see if it suits your taste."

Gu Nanyan knew that he was not an ordinary servant in Li Yi's heart, so he smiled politely: "Thank you, I won't pick."

It seems that she is not the one who has to bring her own scented tea every time she enters the palace.

Tao Butler's smile deepened, he bent slightly, his face was wrinkled when he smiled.

"It should be, but I can't thank the princess."

As he spoke, he straightened up and looked at the sun outside.

"The prince will be here soon, princess, please wait first."

He squinted his eyes and said kindly: "The old slave went to the kitchen to ask someone to add some dishes. How about you have dinner here at noon?"

Gu Nanyan just wanted to say that there is no need to trouble, she can just go back to eat, but Butler Tao would not let her go easily.

"The old slave will ask the servants to go to the general's mansion and tell the old general in the province to worry."

His prince was cold-tempered. Although he didn't say anything, when he heard that the princess was coming, everyone could see the surprise in his eyes.

So Steward Tao thought of keeping him for a while longer, so as to relieve his prince's lovesickness.

There was the sound of hurried footsteps, and the visitor walked very quickly, but when he reached the door, he paused.

Afterwards, Li Yi walked in from outside the door energetically, his feet were not hurried or slow.

Tao Butler was secretly happy, and finally understood what the world meant when they said that not seeing each other every day is like three autumns.

Butler Tao bowed back knowingly, and closed the door behind him when he went out.

Not yet married, lonely man and widow in a room, the door is still closed, no matter how you say it is a bit bad.

Li Yi stood at the door with an awkward expression on his face, trying to make amends for Butler Tao: "There is an ice basin in the room, close the door to cool off."

Gu Nanyan nodded lightly: "Then close it." She didn't seem to care.

Li Yi stopped when he was about to open the door, and glanced at her.

It happened to meet her gaze.

The little girl was still dressed in Tsing Yi, but because she came over, her face was rosy and pale, and there was fine sweat on her forehead, making her look dewy.

A pair of clear eyes looked at him intently, reflecting his figure.

Let him have the illusion that she only has him in her eyes.

Li Yi touched his reddened ears, trying to keep his breathing steady.

Although there are many opportunities for the two to meet each other, there are almost no opportunities to get along alone like this.

Li Yi was a little uncomfortable, but very happy.

"Why are you here?" So suddenly, he didn't even wash up properly.

Li Yi straightened his robe and made sure that there was no place where he was sweaty before rest assured.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "I can't come?"

Why is this guy suddenly acting like a little daughter-in-law, tugging at this and that, capitalized cramped.

"If you're busy, I'll go back first..." It was her fault for the sudden visit. Gu Nanyan thought he was busy, so she got up and was about to leave.

Li Yi was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "No, I was just a little surprised."

She had never taken the initiative to come to the mansion to look for him: "Come whenever you want, this mansion is your home..."

It's okay to say that the two are getting married soon.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly and sat down again.

Seeing that she didn't refute his words, Li Yi was jumping for joy like a kid.

He curled his lips and said, "You came just in time. I'm having someone tidy up the new house. I'll take you there to have a look. If you think it's not good, I'll have someone change it."

Gu Nanyan agreed without any hesitation, without any shyness.

The new house, which is where she will sleep in the future, should indeed give her some advice.

(End of this chapter)

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