The farmer has a mall

Chapter 502 Dragon 1's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 502 Long Yi's Little Thoughts

"By the way, I just passed by a pastry shop and bought some sweet-scented osmanthus cakes... Maybe not as delicious as Jin Kee."

Pushed the pastry on the table towards Li Yi.

Li Yi pursed his lips, his eyes glowed with joy.

His slender fingers unwrapped the parchment wrapping the pastry.

The sweet-scented osmanthus cake has just been baked, and it is crystal clear and looks very delicious.

Li Yi picked up a piece, thought about it and handed it to Gu Nan's mouth.

He didn't speak, just looked at her with smiling eyes.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, then took a bite of his hand.

The scent of sweet-scented osmanthus fills the mouth instantly, not too sweet and greasy, but very refreshing.

It is more in line with her taste than Jin Kee's.

Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes, and reached out to pick up the piece of pastry that she gnawed.

Li Yi let go, took another piece and started to eat.

He only ate one piece, and the rest went into Gu Nanyan's mouth.

Gu Nanyan was a little embarrassed, glanced at the smiling man, and said with a dry smile: "I'll buy it for you next time."

"Okay." Li Yi said softly, his tone a little doting.

Gu Nanyan moved uncomfortably, but fortunately, Butler Tao came over at this time and invited the two to have dinner.

After dinner, Li Yi took her to see the new house. The decoration of the new house is not luxurious, but the decoration inside is not ordinary at first glance. Even the screen in the bathroom is covered with white jade.

To Gu Nanyan's surprise, there is actually a bathtub in the bathroom.

The whole bath is paved with marble. In order to prevent slipping, patterns are carved on the bottom of the pool. The pattern looks like manjusawa, with only one flower.

Some kind of paint was painted on the flowers, and the fiery red color spread all the way to the edge, just enough to fill the entire bath.

It looks amazing.

The bathtub is square, with a four-clawed golden dragon lying on each of the four corners. The dragon's mouth is slightly opened, which should be the place where the water comes out.

Gu Nanyan clicked his tongue as he looked at it. It really deserves to be called a palace. The size of the bathing pool is almost as big as a small swimming pool.

And the golden dragon on the four walls looks like pure gold no matter how you look at it.

very nice.

These will all be hers from now on.

Gu Nanyan was very happy, and mentioned a few areas for improvement, just like a leader patrolling, walking with wind.

All the servants in the mansion knew that she was the future mistress, and looked at her curiously from time to time.

Gu Nanyan kept smiling, coupled with her round face, it made people feel that this princess was not as fierce as the rumors said.

The servants who were still worried that she would be hard to serve were relieved.

Steward Tao stood at a distance with a kind face on his face.

Behind him was Yun Xi who was expressionless.

When Yun Xi was dragged away from her master, she refused in her heart.

As the master's personal maid and secret guard, how could she let the master stay alone in a strange place.

However, Butler Tao's status in the Palace is not low, nor is he too young, Yunxi dared not do anything to him, and in the end could only watch from afar in desperation.

There are no maidservants in Prince Cheng's mansion, all of them are men, Yun Xi stood out there very conspicuously.

Long Yi appeared from nowhere, and landed beside her lightly.

Yun Xi gave him a sideways look, then continued to silently stare at her master as if she didn't know him.

Long Yi coughed lightly: "But I need to show you around this mansion, so you can familiarize yourself with the environment."

"Don't dare to trouble you." Yun Xi said coldly.

Long Yi rubbed his nose, ignored Butler Tao's strange eyes, and said solemnly: "Don't bother, we will be a family from now on, so why not be polite."

Who is family with you!

The corners of Yunxi's mouth twitched, and she turned sideways, not wanting to talk to him.

Yun Xi looks good, with an oval face and phoenix eyes, delicate and fair skin, plus a small face, she is a proper iceberg beauty.

If she wasn't wearing maid costumes, she would be like a young lady.

A group of single dogs in Prince Sheng's mansion, seeing such a beautiful little maid, inevitably took a few extra glances.

After a while, news spread that the maid beside the princess was a beauty.

Many servants came to see her on purpose, and the previously deserted main courtyard suddenly became more popular.

Butler Tao didn't point it out, but smiled more kindly.

Long Yi's face was dark, and he looked at the boy who passed in front of him for the third time with an unfriendly expression, his teeth were gritted.

He didn't know when there was so much work in the master's yard, and he asked them to run here one after another.

I don't know if the master is the most annoying and noisy!

Isn't the mansion too busy recently?
"Butler Tao doesn't care?" Long Yi muttered dissatisfied.

These dogs don’t know how to pretend if you want to pretend. Take a look at the two in front. They are carrying a flower pot the size of a palm, and they look heavy. They move slowly, as if the pot is made of gold. of it!

The veins on Long Yi's forehead were throbbing, he really wanted to throw these two people out.

However, Butler Tao sighed, "Young people are full of energy, how can this old slave manage it?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yun Xi.

Then looked at him and smiled meaningfully.

Long Yi: "..."

Are you not the housekeeper?

So many people are blatantly slacking off in front of you.

You tell me you can't control it?

Long Yi's face turned red from holding back, and he really wanted to pull Yun Xi away.

Yet he dared not.

This girl would do it if she said so, if he really dared to pull her, he would definitely get beaten!

Fortunately, the master came out not long after, Long Yi thought for a while, took out a porcelain box half the size of a fist from his bosom, and quickly stuffed it into Yun Xi's hand with lightning speed.

Turn around and run away.

While running, he took away the servants who were peeping at her.

Yun Xi: "..."

Yun Xi looked at the delicate porcelain box in her hand, unable to recover for a while.

"Yo, it's actually Daiyange's rouge." Butler Tao was a little surprised.

"This box is worth hundreds of taels of silver." He clicked his tongue twice, "You brat has never even invited me to drink a pot of dirty wine, but this time he is willing to pay for it."

Yun Xi's delicate brows were tightened, she glanced in the direction Long Yi left, and wanted to return the things to him.

However, Long Yi ran very fast, as if a dog chased him behind him, he couldn't see anyone.

It just so happened that Gu Nanyan came over at this time, Yunxi hesitated for a moment, and stuffed the porcelain box into her sleeve.

Gu Nanyan saw it, but didn't say anything.

Long Yi's thought was clearly revealed, she was blind to see it.

But this kind of thing is not something that she, an outsider, can interfere with. Whether the two can succeed depends on Yunxi's will.

Gu Nanyan pretended not to see it, and at Li Yi's insistence, returned to the General's Mansion in the carriage of the Prince's Mansion.

When Mrs. Guo heard that she was back, she hurried to Tingfengxuan with the account book to find her, and told her about the progress of the car dealership.

With the help of Cui Yao, the shopkeeper, nothing went wrong.

Gu Nanyan only flipped through it roughly and then put it down.

"Second brother, how is it?" She asked Gu Yunze.

The imperial court's scientific examination has been delayed again and again, and finally set a time last month, and it has not been a few days until now.

As a well-known talent in the capital, Gu Yunze has high hopes and is one of the most popular candidates for the number one scholar.

Hearing her mention of her second son, Mrs. Guo shook her head helplessly.

"He's doing well. He's been studying in the academy for the past few days, and he hasn't seen anyone for a few days."

Usually, I don't see him go to the academy once in ten days and a half months, and I go to hug Buddha's feet just before the exam, so Guo Shi is also helpless.

Gu Nanyan smiled: "Second brother is smart and has a solid foundation. The eldest aunt doesn't need to worry, she just waits to become the champion girl."

She probably knows Gu Yunze's level. Before, there was Yu Ci who could compete with him. Now that Yu's family has fallen and everyone is pushing him down, Yu Ci probably doesn't have the heart to take the scientific examination.

Thinking of Yu Ci, Gu Nanyan asked Guo Shi: "Can the marriage between the West Courtyard and Yu's family be retired?"

According to taking care of Peiling's arrogant temperament, she must not be willing to marry Yu Ci.

If she could save face and beg her grandfather, it would not be difficult to withdraw the marriage.

When mentioning the West Courtyard, Guo's expression turned ugly.

"What kind of kiss back, those two have already..."

(End of this chapter)

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