The farmer has a mall

Chapter 508 Gu Congyuan Zhang Jing

Chapter 508 Gu Congyuan Returns to Beijing

Seeing that Gu Nanyan really wanted to help her, Gu Peilan's little face flushed with excitement.

She doesn't expect to make a lot of money, after all, she is not as powerful as her second sister, as long as she can get rid of the current tight life, she is very satisfied.

But who is her second sister?

The things she teaches, not to mention earning a few hundred taels a month, there are always dozens of taels.

Dozens of taels a month can be regarded as the income of a small rich family.

Gu Peilan became more and more excited, as if she hadn't woken up yet.

Decades later, when Gu Peilan, who owns more than [-] rice dumpling shops, thought of today's scene again, she just felt that her idea was too ridiculous.

God's dozens of taels, the things her second sister taught are so cheap?
It's almost a few hundred taels per store!

Of course, this is all for later, at this moment Gu Peilan's eyes sparkled with excitement.

After agreeing to go to the general's mansion to "study art" on the second day, she sent her second sister away respectfully, closed the door happily and went home, and went to announce the good news to the Min family.

Back at the General's Mansion, Yunxi brought back news of Yu's home.

After the triangular eye left, he first went to the medical clinic to get his arm connected, and then took a group of younger brothers to Yu's house.

Sun Laizi and Triangle Eye are worthy of being Street Fighters, and when they make a fuss, they really are like chickens flying like dogs.

Everything in Yu's family was smashed, even the yard they rented, the wall of the yard collapsed.

He also threatened Yu Ci, who was in charge of the house, that if he didn't pay back the money, he would wait for the house to be demolished.

Yu Ci spoke kindly, saying that he didn't know about it, and after asking clearly, he would come to their door and explain to them in person.

Whether Yu Zhizhi knew about it or not, no matter what he said, Triangle Eyes poured out the fear of offending Gu Nanyan and the anger of breaking bones on him, and beat him up severely.

Gu Peiling is a woman, Triangular Eyes thinks she is a man of grace, so she doesn't do anything to her.

But his lips were not forgiving, and he humiliated her very harshly.

She said that it was unfilial for her to ignore her own mother, and it was unrighteous to frame her own sister. She uttered the things she did in front of the neighbors watching the fun, and stripped her hypocritical skin clean.

In the face of everyone pointing and pointing, Gu Peiling, who has always put on airs and is superior to others, can no longer maintain her image, and her complexion is more colorful than her palette.

His chest heaved violently, obviously very angry.

After the two street fighters beat him up, they walked away arrogantly. Before leaving, they announced that if Yu's family didn't pay back the money for a day, they would come to greet him every day.

After the two left, Yu Zhi couldn't hold back any longer, and slapped Gu Peiling in public, angrily scolded her for being disobedient, causing trouble and embarrassing the Yu family, and asked her to settle the matter quickly, otherwise she would not be allowed to enter the house again.

Gu Peiling was not willing to be humiliated, and red-eyedly blamed Yu Ciqi for drinking her own money, and he also had a share of the money, but when something happened, she blamed her.

Of course Yu Ci refused to admit it, and the two quarreled endlessly, which really made the neighbors watch a big show.

Gu Nanyan raised the corners of his mouth mockingly after listening.

She wouldn't believe that Yu Ci didn't know about Gu Peiling's loan of money.

Back then, Gu Peiling's incident caused a stir all over the city and ruined her reputation.

But Yu Zhi was under pressure and insisted on marrying her in despite the gossip.

This feat of affection and righteousness is not at all like his usual style.

Bearing humiliation like this, there must be some conspiracy.

What does the Yu family lack now?
power and money.

It can be said that the third family of the Gu family was kicked out of the general's mansion at the beginning. Everyone in the capital knew that power is impossible.

As for money...

All the money was scraped clean by Gu Zhengkang, so naturally there is nothing left.

But the Gu family's third bedroom doesn't have it, but Gu Peiling does!

Her dowry is worth tens of thousands of taels in silver, so how can it not be tempting.

What Gu Zhengkang did was not hidden from anyone, and there was a lot of movement in selling houses and land, so it was natural that Sanfang became poor overnight.

Then the problem is coming.

Since everyone thinks that Sanfang is poor, how did Yu Ci know about the dowry?
Combined with the matter of Gu Peiling borrowing money now, Gu Nanyan smacked his lips.

It seems that when Yu Ci insisted on marrying, Gu Peiling paid a high price.

She was still wondering how the Yu family, who had no rights and no money, stayed in the capital, but now she has an answer.

It's just that the higher-ups are very concerned about such a major treason case, and it's impossible to stay in the capital forever.

Delay at most.

As for the situation of the Yu family, Yu Ci was willing to spend so much money on the management, just to stay in the capital for a while, what was he waiting for?
After thinking about it, Gu Nanyan found that for Ci, the only opportunity that could be called an opportunity was the subsequent imperial examination.

Gu Nanyan was silent for a moment, not knowing whether to praise him for being firm-willed or smart.

During the period of the first emperor, the Jianan Kingdom has been fighting for years, but there are few talents, and the talented people hide to avoid the war.

Therefore, the first emperor decreed to abolish the rule that a guilty body cannot be admitted to an official position. As long as the first official in the imperial examination obtains a half-job, the whole family can re-enter the good register to be exempted from guilt.

And Yu Ci's literary talent is not weak, as long as he is given the opportunity to participate in the imperial examination, there is almost no suspense in the examination.

This also explains why a selfish person like Gu Peiling is willing to give up all her wealth.

Feelings are waiting to be an official wife.

Gu Nanyan sighed, it is true that a centipede is dead but not stiff, if there is no accident, Yu's turnaround is just around the corner.

Of course, even if Yu Ci is an official, he must start from the bottom.

It is not so easy to achieve his father's achievements.

After all, being an official does not depend on literary talent.

And this kind of jealous and small-minded person like Yu Ci is obviously not as smooth and good at making money as his father was when he was young.

Gu Nanyan didn't take this kind of little person to heart, after listening to it, he put it behind him and went back to the house to think about the rice dumpling recipe.

On the second day, Gu Peilan came very early with a happy face.

After Gu Nanyan asked, she realized that it was Gu Congyuan who had returned.

She came here today with Gu Congyuan. Gu Congyuan went to report to his grandfather that he was safe, and she came to Tingfengyuan to look for Gu Nanyan.

Although Gu Nanyan was surprised, she was not surprised.

Although Sanfang doesn't live in the mansion, their siblings are still descendants of the Gu family.

Gu Cong has been away from home for many years, so it is also appropriate to come to pay his respects to the elders.

Gu Congyuan arrived yesterday afternoon, but he only knew that Sanfang moved out of the General's Mansion and lived in a small village outside the city.

But he didn't know that the things his father did caused the Min family to take Gu Peilan to change places again.

Therefore, seeing Xiao Zhuangzi who was going to the empty house, Gu Congyuan, who was about to surprise the Min family, was completely dumbfounded.

Knowing what his father did to his grandfather, it is not easy for him to come to the general's mansion to ask.

So Gu Congyuan, who couldn't find his home, wandered around outside all afternoon on a hot day, and didn't find out Sanfang's current address until dark.

By the time he found it, it was already midnight.

In the dead of night, it would inevitably wake up the neighbors, and Gu Congyuan climbed over the wall to get in.

Gu Peilan, who was almost overheard and thought there was a thief, had his head chopped off.

Thinking of the shocking moment last night, Gu Peilan patted her small chest in fear.

"I thought I was a thief, so I picked up the ax by the wall and chopped it down. Fortunately, my brother hid quickly, so I was scared and fell off the wall and smashed some oily skin. Otherwise, you might have to meet me in the prison. I can't learn it." Gu Peilan had a dangerous expression on his face.

She and her mother were the only two women living in the small yard, and she was so frightened that she dared to chop people with an axe.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

So you almost chopped off your own brother's head, but you were just afraid that you wouldn't be able to learn the rice dumpling recipe?

You are really a sister.

Gu Nanyan couldn't laugh or cry when imagining the scene where this girl raised an ax to chop someone down.

She still remembered that when they first met, Gu Peilan's soft and weak white lotus appearance was far from the truth now.

"It's good that you're not injured." Gu Nanyan reassured.

She has an impression of Gu Congyuan.

The two are about the same age, only a few months apart, at the beginning of the month, and Gu Peilan was born at the end of the month.

Speaking of this, I have to sigh for Min's strong fertility.

After giving birth to Gu Peiling, Gu Congyuan was born within a year, and Gu Peilan was born within a year.

Perhaps because of too frequent births, there was no movement after that.

If so, it is considered unique in the Gu family with few heirs.

(End of this chapter)

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