The farmer has a mall

Chapter 509 Bird's Nest Crystal Rice Dumpling

Chapter 509 Bird's Nest Crystal Rice Dumpling

Gu Congyuan was about the same age as her, and he was a naughty boy. He often sneaked to the east courtyard to hang out with Gu Yunze.

Don't look at Gu Yunze's appearance as a gentle and elegant Mr. Pian Pianjia now, but when he was a child, he was also a troublesome devil in the world.

He often brings Gu Congyuan, who is younger than himself, to hoo hoo in the mansion, not to mention making a fuss, and sometimes he also brings Xiao Nanyan with him.

Xiao Nanyan has been silent and cowardly since she was a child, and only when she is with these two people can she regain her childlike nature.

Therefore, I am still very impressed with these two elder brothers who often take me to play and take good care of me.

Well, of course, Xiao Nanyan is responsible for every accident.


Although she is often pushed out by her two older brothers, Xiao Nanyan still likes to play with them.

However, the friendship of the three did not last long. As they grew older, they knew about the incompatibility between the East and the West.

I also gradually understood why the two courts did not agree.

Naturally, with less and less contact, Gu Congyuan didn't dare to go to the east courtyard after being taught by Aunt Qiu several times.

Although the time we spent together wasn't too long, it was the most unforgettable memory of Xiao Nanyan's tragic childhood.

Back then, the West Courtyard wasn't pushed into a desperate situation, it was because of Gu Congyuan's friendship with Xiao Nanyan that Gu Nanyan didn't do it.


Gu Nanyan wrote a few rice dumpling recipes, prepared the ingredients on the stove, and brought a few servants to work with Gu Peilan.

There are candied dates, meat, egg yolk meat, and the rare bird's nest crystal brown.

Gu Nanyan first asked people to cut the pork belly into finger-thick and finger-and-a-half long slices, and marinated them with white wine, onion, ginger, soy sauce and other seasonings.

Then soak the bird's nest taken from the warehouse in water, and then lead someone to wrap the candied dates first.

Candied dates are bought ready-made from candied fruit shops, and they are easy to pack.

After the candied rice dumpling is wrapped, the bird's nest is ready.

The bird's nest crystal brown uses sago, which will be crystal clear when steamed, sticky and sweet, and the fillings can be seen through the rice balls.

There is no such thing as sago in the local area, and it is not rice itself. It is ground and dried into sago starch with the pith in the trunk of a palm tree, and then shaken into grains of sago like glutinous rice balls.

In fact, in modern times, most of the sago in dessert shops uses fake sago made of starch, and the texture and taste are not much different from real sago.

So Gu Nanyan asked someone to fetch a pack of potato flour, and spent a whole morning making sago.

The trouble is that it is a little troublesome, but if it is worthy of an expensive supplement like bird's nest, the trouble is even more noble.

When the sago was ready, Gu Nanyan directed the maid to spread a layer of sago on the bottom of the rice dumpling, then put bird's nest, and mashed red bean paste or mung bean paste and pumpkin puree.

Then spread a layer of sago, wrap into bite-sized pocket rice dumplings, and steam them in a pan.

After steaming, the zongzi leaves are removed, and the almost transparent zongzi are placed on a crystal plate. The colorful center is really beautiful and delicate.

Gu Peilan thought that she had eaten a lot of cakes, but she had never seen such a beautiful one, so she picked one up and looked at it for a long time, but she couldn't bear to eat it.

In the end, I couldn't resist taking a bite, and immediately rolled my eyes.

The rice fragrance is mixed with the bean fragrance, coupled with the smooth and jelly bird's nest, it is sweet and fragrant, and the taste of sago is so refreshing that people can't stop eating it.

"Second sister, you are too powerful, what kind of fairy rice dumpling is this, it is not for people to eat at all!"

The corners of Gu Nanyan's mouth twitched when he heard this, and he was just about to ask how much you still eat food that is not eaten by humans.

Seeing her stuffing another small rice dumpling into her mouth, she said intoxicatedly, "Only gods can eat such delicious food. Second sister, did I ascend to heaven after death?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It looks pretty beautiful.

As far as you don't agree with the virtue of an ax now, what are you doing in heaven?
Be the executioner of the fairy world!
Gu Nanyan was too lazy to complain, seeing that the pork belly was almost marinated, she grabbed Gu Peilan who was holding the plate by the collar and continued to make zongzi.

Meat dumplings and egg yolk dumplings are not so small when wrapped. The whole rice dumpling is as long as an adult man's hand, and a whole piece of pork belly is placed inside, half of which is equal to that of glutinous rice.

Although not as good-looking as the crystal rice dumpling, the fragrance is the most overbearing. After steaming, the rice dumpling leaves mixed with the smell of meat filled the whole yard.

The glutinous glutinous rice is paired with the crispy pork belly with soy sauce, which is fat and thin, suitable for lips and teeth.

One bite is sticky and glutinous, the gravy soaks in the mouth, and even the sauce-colored glutinous rice has a strong meat flavor.

Gu Peilan couldn't hold back, she ate two in one go, and when the egg yolk dumplings came out of the pan, she rubbed her belly and gritted her teeth and ate another one.

Well, she can't remember exactly what she learned today, but she ate quite well anyway.

Gu Nanyan, who was also overwhelmed: "..."

She doesn't know whether to teach it or not, but it's true that rice dumplings are delicious.

It was past lunch time when all the zongzi were wrapped.

However, including the servant woman who tried the food, no one was able to eat.

Divide the remaining zongzi into several portions, let Gu Peilan take one portion away, keep it for a few nights to eat, and distribute the rest to each courtyard.

Gu Congyuan didn't wait for Gu Peilan, chatted with Gu Yao in the study for an hour, and left after chatting.

Gu Nanyan thought about it, and decided to go to the third room with Gu Peilan, meet Gu Congyuan himself, and have a snack by the way.

The three-bedroom yard is located in a remote place, in the deepest part of an alley near South Street, so it is really hard to find, no wonder Gu Congyuan found it in the middle of the night.

There is only one entrance to the small courtyard. Although it is a brick and tile building, it is very small and remote. Except for the neighbors who live nearby, few people pass by.

However, when Gu Nanyan arrived, the usually quiet alley was crowded with people, blocking the road.

Gu Nanyan frowned, got off the carriage at the entrance of the alley, and walked there with Gu Peilan.

The alley was very deep, and when I got closer, I realized that the blocked place happened to be the door of the third room.

Gu Peilan was taken aback, thinking that something had happened, she rushed into the crowd anxiously, and Gu Nanyan raised her heel to follow.

However, before they passed through the crowd, they heard low sobs and intermittent voices.

"Mother, Ling'er knows that if you don't treat me as a family member of the water splashed by your married daughter, I don't dare to come here to hinder your eyes, but no matter how much you love your sister, you can't make me worry about everything for her." Now, 500 taels is not a small amount, how can my daughter get it out?"

Gu Peiling cried tearfully, coupled with her pretentious appearance, it really aroused pity.

"The 500 taels was obviously borrowed by you, so why did you bear it for Lan'er." Standing opposite her, Min retorted with a livid face.

Xu Shi has suffered too many blows recently, and the originally well-maintained Min's eyes are wrinkled, and there are still traces of white hair on the temples.

Coupled with poor health and a sallow complexion, the whole person is more than ten years old.

You must know that she is only in her 30s this year, but she looks like a fifty-year-old woman at this time.

Standing next to him was a young man wearing a wide-sleeved robe, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with long hair half tied and half tied.

Xu Shi had a lot of exposure to the sun, his skin was not fair, his facial features were somewhat similar to Gu Yao's, but much more delicate, not as rough and crazy as Gu Yao's.

At this time, he was supporting Min, his sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, his clear eyes showed displeasure, obviously he did not agree with Gu Peiling's actions.

But he didn't know what he was afraid of, and he didn't refute it with Min.

Gu Nanyan stared at him for a while, and finally found an immature face that looked similar to him from his memory.

It was Gu Congyuan when he was a child.

Perhaps her eyes were too focused, and Gu Congyuan looked over as if feeling a sense.

Seeing that it was a little girl staring at him, he was surprised at first, but turned into surprise when he saw his appearance clearly.

Since Gu Peiling was still there, he didn't say hello to Gu Nanyan, but nodded at her with a gentle smile.

Gu Nanyan nodded lightly in response, and then turned her attention to Gu Peiling, who was dressed in brocade and wearing a gold hairpin.

(End of this chapter)

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