The farmer has a mall

Chapter 518 Charity School

Chapter 518 Charity School
He felt like a commodity, and his own sister was trying to sell herself.

Still the kind that sticks backwards.

Gu Congyuan: "..."

more heartbroken...

Fortunately, in the end Gu Nanyan let go, and agreed to sell him for three and a half copies... No, it's not right to give it away....

Anyway, Gu Congyuan officially became a teacher.

Regardless of whether it is three and a half copies or three copies, Gu Nanyan had to copy them by hand, and promised him to have someone deliver them within two days.

Satisfied with the harvest, the old lady put on a kind and loving mask again.

It seemed that the "profiteer" who was so preoccupied just now was not him.

"The princess is much more cheerful than before."

Taifu Bai sipped the tea in a happy mood, his eyes were full of relief.

This girl had a cold face all day long. He had seen countless people, and when he saw her for the first time, he was almost frostbitten.

It still looks cold now, but it is obviously different from before. There is more warmth in the eyes, and it will play with brothers and sisters like an ordinary child.

Gu Nanyan paused for holding the teacup.

Are you cheerful?

Or maybe...she has already integrated into this world and is no longer out of it.

The task of this trip was completed, Gu Nanyan didn't wait any longer, and left Gu Congyuan and ran away.

After returning to the mansion, he locked himself up and began to copy books.

I bought three junior high school mathematics textbooks in the mall.

After thinking about it, I bought another physics book.

The old man likes arithmetic so much, he probably will also be interested in physics.

After buying the book, I thought that I hadn't squeezed 888's hair for a long time, so I wanted to call it out and squeeze it.

Generally speaking, customer service like 888 cannot refuse a call from a customer, but this time Gu Nanyan shouted for a long time and did not see it appear.

This is the first time ever.

The dog got away?

Gu Nanyan frowned, she remembered that 888 said that their company has a rule that if there is no major event, it cannot leave her.

She didn't think much about it, and put it behind her in an instant, and began to write quickly.

Two days later, she handed three math books and half a physics book to the servants in the mansion and sent them to the Taifu's mansion.

That's right, half a book!
Gu Nanyan said that she is a principled person, as much as she says is good, she will never give gifts!

Not to mention how speechless Mrs. Bai was when she saw that she really produced half a copy for him.

At this time, Gu Nanyan was about to go out.

Originally, she wanted to go to the main courtyard to see Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Liu.

Since returning to Beijing, Mrs. Liu has lived in Mrs. Gu's courtyard. The two are close in age and have more common topics, but they get along very well.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the main courtyard, the servants told her that Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo took Mrs. Liu to pray for her.

Why pray?
Naturally, it was because her wedding date was approaching, and Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Liu both believed in Buddhism, so they hit it off and went to the temple to fast for three days, praying for her to have a baby soon.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If you are not married yet, you will have a precious son early, and you must not let the saliva star drown.

What are these two old ladies thinking?

Gu Nanyan scratched her head, suffering from a severe toothache.

However, his eyes were much softer, and he went out in a good mood with the corners of his mouth curled up.

I went straight to the Zongzi Shop on South Street.

Gu Congyuan formally apprenticed to his master yesterday, the news got out, causing big waves in Beijing.

Gu Yunze worshiped the Taifu as his teacher, and became the current emperor's fellow apprentice. Everyone just envied him.

After all, his family background is there, and there is Gu Nanyan, a great god, no one dares to offend anyone with sour words.

But Gu Congyuan is different. Although he is also Gu Yao's grandson, he is not favored in the eyes of outsiders.

And a father like Gu Zhengkang, who would take him seriously?

This kind of person can worship the old master as a teacher if his background is not clean, so can others!
So on the day when Gu Congyuan came to visit his teacher, many students flocked to surround the Taifu's residence, and kept saying that they were not convinced, and asked the Taifu to drive Gu Congyuan out of the house, otherwise they would collectively drop the exam.

Mrs. Bai is talented and educated, but she is not good at arguing with others.

After comforting Gu Congyuan, he asked people to close the door to thank the guests.

The students made a fuss all day, sitting quietly during the day, and laying a bed in front of the Taifu's house at night. The group was full of anger, fighting spirit, and anger.

However, at noon on the second day, this anger was extinguished by Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan brought people from the General's Mansion to come forward and persuade them to disperse. Although these students are also afraid of Gu Nanyan, scholars have backbone.

Coupled with the large number of people, the so-called law does not blame the crowd, the students bit the bullet and confronted the general's mansion, and the two sides refused to give in to each other for a while.

Gu Nanyan considered himself a civilized person and would not use violence at every turn.

Not to mention a group of weak chickens who have no power to restrain them.

She just wants to convince people with reason.

She cleared her throat, Xiaozhi with a gentle expression moved her with emotion and reasoned.

Her original words are as follows: "It is your freedom to take part in the imperial examination. If you don't take part, there will be people who want to get fame, and no one will rush you to take the test. In the future, they will be named on the gold list. Maybe they will give you a red envelope to thank you." Grace without consideration."

"What? I want to tear up the book, don't read it anymore? If you don't read it, don't read it, some people read it."

"What? Can't afford it? Your question is very insightful. Let's do it this way. I will start by building a charity academy. Everyone has the money to contribute, so that those who have been buried can have a chance to stand out. Everyone will join in the show." what."

Gu Nanyan waved his hand and called on rich people to donate on the spot.

Of course, this money is not donated in vain. A merit monument will be built at the main entrance of the school, and the name of whoever donates will be engraved on it.

Merchants value profit as well as reputation. The better the reputation, the more business.

Not to mention that the person who started it was Gu Nanyan, if he could connect with her through a donation, would there be no way to buy the novelties produced in Mingshan City?

This is a lucrative business!
So when Gu Nanyan was still making a generous statement, many businessmen had already rushed over after hearing the news, vying to be the first to eat crabs.

And the donation amount is not low, trying to make a good impression on Gu Nanyan.

The gate of the Taifu Mansion was finally opened.

The servants came out carrying tables and chairs, as well as ledgers, pens and inkstones for recording.

Students: "..."

This is different from what they thought.

Shouldn't the ending be that Gu Congyuan was expelled from the division?
How did it become a donation site!

This is not literature!

The students were unconvinced and wanted to protest, but they were squeezed into the corner by enthusiastic donors, who gave them disgusted eyes.

It's not that they said, these people are stupid in reading, they are dignified princesses, if one person is under one person and above ten thousand people, they still win the public opinion, what are you fighting with them!
Are you more powerful or richer than others, or can you beat them?
It doesn't work, what's the trouble.

Go home early, wash and sleep!

Don't stand in the way here and delay their showing their faces.

Students: "..."

I don't know who said "Let's go first", and all the students dispersed in dejection.

It's not that they don't insist, but that the donation scene is too hot.

They can't squeeze in!
So a siege of scholars was disrupted by Gu Nanyan.

This is unprecedented.

How powerful are the mouths of scholars, gathering together is a catastrophe!

No matter how powerful a person is, his mouth will shrivel when he meets a scholar.

For example, just like the emperor Li Mi, isn't he powerful enough?
But once Yu Shi reprimanded the book and pointed at him and scolded him eloquently, no matter how arrogant he was, he would have to hold back.

And such a powerful force was dismantled by Gu Nanyan in a few words.

The worship of civil and military officials, especially the generals who are not good at words, almost made a statue of her to confess!

The matter of Gu Nanyan building a school has won the hearts of the people.

The students who went to make trouble that day were all from extraordinary families and felt that they could fight Gu Congyuan.

However, it is too late for the real poor students to work hard and make progress, so they have no time to meddle in other people's business.

They were even more indifferent to Gu Congyuan's apprenticeship.

Anyway, it's not their turn to worship anyone, and they only join in when they are full.

In comparison, it is the charity school that wins their hearts more.

So Gu Nanyan invisibly received a wave of student fans.

It also laid a solid foundation for the future rise of Mingshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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