Chapter 519

When Gu Nanyan came to the zongzi shop, Gu Peilan was practicing making crystal zongzi.

Crystal dumplings are small, not as easy to pack as big ones, and they have to be wrapped beautifully and delicately. Gu Peilan didn't know how long she practiced until her fingers were blistered.

Seeing Gu Nanyan, her eyes lit up.

"Second sister!" Gu Peilan jumped happily.

The corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched, but he didn't stop him.

"How is it, have you learned it?" Gu Nanyan glanced into the room, then raised his eyebrows.

The Min family is actually there.

Mrs. Min was sitting on a small bamboo stool, met her gaze suddenly, and stood up quickly in embarrassment, the bamboo dustpan in her hand tilted, and the contents almost spilled out.

Gu Peilan hurriedly helped her up.

Gu Nanyan's eyes fell on the dustpan, which was white powder with small powder clusters of different sizes scattered on it.

Gu Peilan looked at her anxiously.

"My mother saw that I was too tired, so she wanted to learn from Simi, the second sister..."

She could see the second sister's dislike for her mother...

I can't say I don't like it, it's just the kind of eyes that seem to look at strangers.

And this practice of Simi was taught to her by her second sister, and she taught it to her mother without her consent...

Second sister won't be angry.

Gu Peilan's little heart was beating wildly, and she glanced at her cautiously.

Mrs. Min stood there at a loss, obviously an elder, but nervous like a child caught naughty.

She didn't want to learn on purpose, but her daughter's fingers were blistered, and she was really distressed, so she wanted to help.

"I, I won't say it." Min said in a low voice.

She knew what the prescriptions she gave her daughter represented, such a rare and delicious rice dumpling, no matter who holds it, it will make a lot of money!

But she gave it to Sister Lan without hesitation.

To be honest, Min is grateful to her from the bottom of her heart.

At the same time, I felt even more guilty for the stupid things I had done.

Gu Nanyan looked at the dustpan in her hand and frowned.

Min's and Gu Peilan's hearts shrank at the same time.

Is this angry?
The two felt apprehensive, not knowing what to do.

But Gu Nanyan's cold voice came out: "Don't shake too much, it will roll into sago balls."

"Also, it's none of my business whether this prescription is passed on or not, and it's not me who was robbed of the business."

Her tone was distant and cold, without sounding kind.

But it made Min's eyes turn red in an instant, and tears fell into the dustpan patter.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Tsk, why are you crying, it's as if I bullied you.

Hearing that she didn't mean to blame, Gu Peilan's heart relaxed, a smile floated on her rosy cheeks again, and she took the dustpan from Min's hand.

"Mom just got started, and she's still not proficient, just practice more." She pulled Gu Nanyan into the room intimately.

The storefront is not big, once Gu Nanyan entered, the space became even smaller.

"The store is not open today?"

"Well, I didn't sleep much last night. My mother was afraid that I would be tired, so she wouldn't let me go." Gu Peilan shrank her fingers into her sleeves in embarrassment.

She made crystal rice dumplings for a day and a night yesterday, unwrapped and rewrapped them, and then she rubbed her fingers into blisters.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and sat down on the stool without making a sound.

Ever since the relationship with Gu Nanyan eased, Gu Peilan has turned on the chatterbox mode, and she keeps chattering every time she sees her.

The only sound in the small room was her nagging.

Min continued to be her Simi, looking up at Gu Nanyan from time to time.

Gu Nanyan's gaze was always on her hand.

As soon as she frowned, Min stopped her movements, pondered what was wrong with her technique, and quickly adjusted until she stretched her brows.

After a long while, I also figured out some tricks.

And Gu Peilan is still practicing the wrapping method of the crystal dumpling.

The second sister said that the crystal dumpling will be the signboard of their store in the future.

Although the price is expensive, the sales may not keep up with other flavors, but it can be used as a store feature.

When people think of crystal dumplings, the first thing they think of is her shop.

Then the shop associates it with other flavors of rice dumplings.

Gu Peilan didn't understand these things, but she felt that what the second sister said was correct, so she worked hard to practice.

While making zongzi, she babbled and mentioned Gu Peiling.

"She has been running here every day for the past few days, and she cried to her mother as soon as she came, saying how difficult she is recently, and if she doesn't pay the money, she will be kicked out of the house by her husband's family." Gu Peilan said with a small face angrily.

"Why is she telling you this?"

"What else can I do, persuade my mother to sell the shop and pay her back the money!" Gu Peilan said this, and threw away the work in hand angrily.

"It's not difficult for anyone to say. She was afraid that her in-laws would drive her out, so she never thought about what we would eat if we lost this store. Back then, she came out with 1 taels of silver. I didn't feel sorry for her. What kind of store will pay her back!"

This store was bought by Gu Peilan by selling her jewelry, and the deed is in her name, so she is not afraid of others coveting it.

I was afraid that my mother's ears would be soft, so I helped Gu Peiling persuade her.

After all, her mother has always favored her.

Gu Peilan glanced at Min's, pursed her lips and said, "Anyway, I can't agree, even if I tear down the shop, I won't give it to her!"

The dowry has not gone out yet, and it is still the shared property of the three bedrooms.

In that case, not to mention all the income from the public, half should be given to Gu Peilan.

But when her mother was ill and didn't have the energy to think about it, Gu Peiling took the opportunity to take away all the dowry, leaving them no money.

Gu Peilan didn't care about the money.

Rather, he hates that she doesn't care about it, knowing that her father has taken away all the money from the third house, and doesn't even leave any money for medicine to her mother.

Is this the man in charge?
Gu Nanyan refused to comment, and looked at the Min family lightly.

Min's didn't react much when she heard Gu Peiling's name, she was still shaking the dustpan in her hand.

He lowered his eyelids and said, "This matter is worth your anger. Come on, let's just do our own thing."

The movements of her hands paused for a moment, and then said: "I'm sorry for being stupid before, but I won't anymore. Don't worry, this shop belongs to you, and your brother has no share. It doesn't matter whether you sell it or not, it's up to you, anyway. I will take it away as your dowry in the future."

When Min said this, she didn't look up, she couldn't see the expression, but her voice was choked up.

When Gu Peilan heard this, she couldn't hold back anymore, she hurried forward and hugged Min's arm, resting her head on her shoulder and rubbing her affectionately.

"Mother, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to make your life more comfortable, Gu Peiling's side..." Gu Peilan pursed her lips: "It's not that I don't want to care, but she..."

"It's right to leave it alone." Mrs. Min patted her head on her shoulder, and said softly: "We haven't had a good life yet, and we don't care about others."

The word "others" obviously doesn't regard Gu Peiling as her own family.

Gu Peilan looked up at her, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

Her mother loved her the most, and now she said such words, which shows how much she was stimulated.

Gu Nanyan held the teacup, eyes drooping, wondering what she was thinking.

"It's fine if you sell it." She suddenly said, breaking the love between the two of them.

"Whether the Yu family will leave the capital for a while or not, Gu Peiling always comes to pester her, which also affects the business."

Might as well sell it and start over elsewhere.

"That's what I said, but..." Gu Peilan and the Min family looked at each other.

They didn't have much money in their hands, and they originally thought that they could earn more money by learning the rice dumpling recipe taught by Gu Nanyan.

If this is sold, how can we find a suitable shop in a short time.

Not to mention that the shop has been open for such a long time, and there are already many repeat customers.

If the shop is closed, all of them will run away.

If someone told them to sell the shop, the mother and daughter would definitely scoff, thinking that the other party was jealous of their good business.

But Gu Nanyan said this, the two had to be cautious, and hesitated for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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