The farmer has a mall

Chapter 520 Kindness

Chapter 520 Kindness
Seeing their thoughts, Gu Nanyan shook her head in disapproval.

"But remember what I said, whether it's crystal rice dumplings or rice dumplings of other flavors, you have to go to Dongxi Street to sell them, here..." Gu Nanyan glanced outside the door.

There were people coming and going outside the door, most of them were dressed frugally, and some of the clothes were even mottled in color. It seemed that they had been worn for a long time and the color had faded after washing.

"If you want to die, just try here."

Gu Peilan: "..."

Who wants to pay for death.

Doesn't she have no money to rent a shop in Dongxi Street?

Although this shop is sold, it is enough to rent for a year.

But the second sister's rice dumpling recipes contain both bird's nest and meat, so she shouldn't save some money to buy ingredients.

Gu Peilan pouted, a little discouraged.

According to the second sister, this place can no longer be sold, should we continue to sell rice dumplings?
But I only earn two or three taels a month, and it takes at least ten years to make up enough money after eating and drinking, and this is without unexpected expenses.

Or wait until Gu Congyuan is in high school, Xu Neng can take up a part-time job and help her a little bit.

But what if you fail?
Gu Peilan didn't know what level her brother was, and she didn't have much confidence in him, so she was extremely depressed.

The Min family also knew that this matter was a bit difficult, so she patted her daughter's hand and said hesitantly, "Don't be discouraged, if you can't, mother will write a letter for your grandfather, and you can still take out a few hundred taels of silver."

What the Min family said was very uncertain, and Gu Peilan fell silent immediately after hearing this.

When Sanfang had just had an accident, it wasn't that my mother hadn't contacted my grandfather's family. At that time, my mother was still ill.

But I haven't received a reply until now, so it's self-evident.

Gu Peilan felt that instead of relying on them, it would be better for her to continue selling rice dumplings.

And Gu Peilan didn't want the Min family to beg for help because of this matter.

The mother and daughter were suddenly gloomy.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids, and said in a calm tone, "I have a shop on the East Street, it's not too big, but it's quite suitable for selling zongzi."

She looked at the surprised Gu Peilan with a calm tone.

Gu Peilan came to her senses and quickly refused: "That won't work, my second sister has already helped me a lot, how can I want your shop, no no no, absolutely no!"

Gu Peilan shook her head like a rattle, her tone was very firm.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes at her, and said angrily: "You have a good idea, who said that I will give you the shop as my money?"

Gu Peilan: "..."

Gu Peilan blushed in embarrassment, and said embarrassingly, "It won't work for nothing."

Gu Nanyan squinted at her: "It's not dark yet, what are you daydreaming about?"

Thinking about whoring for nothing at a young age, but can you still get it when you grow up?
Gu Peilan: "..."

But your tone just now is very similar to the nouveau riche who is throwing money everywhere.

Gu Peilan blinked aggrievedly: "What does that mean?"

It's not just for nothing, she already owes her second sister a lot.

Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea, and said in a calm tone: "The average rent in the vicinity is 200 taels to 500 taels a year, and I won't take advantage of you. I will count your 200 taels and use it in the first year. At this time next year, I will use this year's tael How about paying the rent for the second year together?"

"But let's say it first, if you don't pay the rent for two years next year, I won't rent it to you."

Gu Nanyan looked like he was doing business.

This method is not bad, it can be used for paving, and it can also leave money to buy ingredients.

Gu Peilan was a little moved.

But no one gave money after using it first, and the second sister was obviously still helping her.

"Since your second sister is so kind, you should accept it." Min suddenly said.

She knew what her daughter was worried about, she was just afraid of taking advantage of sister Nan.

But after all, the two of them are close relatives by blood. Sister Nan has already talked about this, and if she refuses outright, it will appear that they are divided.

"Look how good this is. This year we will use your shop first, and after one year we will pay the interest of two years' rent plus one year's rent at the market price. If we can't afford it, we won't rent it. We owe you I will find a way to pay back the rent.”

What she said was the market price, not 200 taels.

The place on East Street is either rich or expensive, even a shop in a corner costs about 200 taels.

As for her majestic princess, how could the location of the store in her hand be so bad.

The 200 taels must be to take care of them.

Min was grateful and rejoiced.

I am grateful to Gu Nanyan for letting go of previous suspicions.

I'm glad I didn't make a big accident in the first place.

It's even more fortunate that she woke up in time and didn't continue to make mistakes.

Mrs. Min sniffed, her voice paused, and she added after thinking of something: "Of course, Lan'er has to write you an IOU, and you will return the IOU to us after the rent is paid."

The Min family said "you" one by one, obviously not talking to her according to the seniority of the Gu family.

Gu Peilan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she nodded her head like crazy: "Yes, yes, yes, it is time to write an IOU. This is a good way!"

Although the second sister was helping her by doing this, it could at least make her feel at ease.

When she earns money, she must repay the second sister well!

Hmm... If you can't earn it, you can repay it.

In fact, she wants to partner with the second sister, and she will take the small head, and the second sister will take the big head. After all, she gave the recipe.

But when she mentioned it before, she was rejected before she finished speaking.

With a look of disgust, she said that this little money would not get into her eyes, and the money she earned in a year was not as much as her monthly change in Mingshan City.

Gu Peilan: "..."

Gu Peilan, who was hit by [-] critical points, smiled awkwardly but politely, and never wanted to mention it again.


Seeing their insistence, Gu Nanyan quickly agreed.

After returning home, she found the key to the shop, drew up a contract herself, asked Yunxi to send it there, and showed them the place.

Although the Min family had been prepared for a long time, when they saw Gu Nanyan's shop, they still couldn't help being surprised.

The daughter has never been in charge of the house, and she doesn't understand these things, but she knows it.

The size of the shop is indeed not large, but the location is excellent, it can be regarded as the most prosperous outer circle of East Street.

There is a lot of traffic here, and most of the people who come and go are wealthy families, and they can make money by doing whatever they want.

Because the business is so good, almost no one sublets it out.

This kind of place, let alone 200 taels a year, even if the rent is doubled, it may not be possible to rent it.

Their shop is here, and the rent can be earned back in a short time.

Min's heart was very complicated, she looked at Yun Xi who was silent, and wanted to say something.

It can be seen that the daughter's eyes were shining and she fumbled here and there. She obviously liked this place very much, and finally swallowed the words that came to her lips.

When she got home, she went straight back to the house, dragged out a box of old clothes from under the bed, and found a palm-sized mahogany box inside.

The box is very delicate, and there is an emerald green bracelet inside, which looks extraordinary at first glance.

The bracelet was brought by Mrs. Min when she got married, and it was a family heirloom left to her by her mother. Although it is not priceless, it is still a rare jade.

Min felt that she was sorry for her youngest daughter, and wanted to keep it as a dowry for her, but she was not willing to exchange it for money even when she was seriously ill.

But Sister Nan's kindness to their family is too great, and she no longer knows how to repay her, so she can only use these things outside of her body.

She put the jade bracelet back into the box and locked it.

Sister Nan is getting married soon, and her daughter, as a sister in the family, must be going to add makeup, so she will use this bracelet at that time.

Gu Peilan walked into the room cheerfully, and pulled Min's to discuss the opening of the store.

The shop should have been decorated right after we got it. It was very clean, so there was no need to tidy it up.

As long as you buy some kitchen utensils, you can open the door for business.

Listening to her daughter's chatter, Min patted her head lovingly, her eyes were slightly moist.

Ever since that doggy man Gu Zhengkang left, her daughter has not had a day of peace of mind.

Every day, I worry about my own medicine money, or worry about how to live in the future.

After opening the zongzi shop, I began to worry about the things in the shop again.

This was the first time she had smiled so happily during these days.

It's not the first time, it seems that every time Sister Nan is around, her daughter will smile happily.

Such days are really hopeful.

(End of this chapter)

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