Chapter 523
The results were released the day after the palace examination, and the two of them were taken to the restaurant by the servants waiting outside the palace gate.

At that time, Mrs. Guo was eating melon seeds and listening to stories with Gu Nanyan. Seeing that her son had passed the exam, she patted her butt and left.

Sister Nan's wedding is coming soon, and she still has a lot of things to do.

She wouldn't have come if her in-laws hadn't been too lazy to go out.

Glancing at her son in disgust, Mrs. Guo left in a hurry.

The corners of Gu Yunze's mouth twitched slightly, he calmly maintained a smile, and sent his mother to the carriage.

What can he do, he is also very helpless.

This is not at all the same as the accompanying exam he imagined, okay?
Look at other people's parents, booing and asking for warmth, waiting in the shade outside the palace gate on a hot day, seeing your own children as if seeing a treasure.

What about him!The first thing I saw was the servant in the mansion!

Although he didn't want his mother to bask in the sun and wait for him.

But aren't you here to accompany the exam? At least welcome him and put on a show, okay?

Gu Yunze was extremely tired.

Why on earth is he studying? Isn't it nice to be a dude!

Gu Congyuan was also tired.

Not only did her mother not come to accompany the exam, but she also negotiated with her sister to open the business on the day when the results were released.

Said that if he passed the Jinshi examination, it would be double happiness.

If you don't pass the exam, it's a blessing.


He just wanted to ask, what kind of joy did they want to celebrate!

If he fails the emotional test, it will be unlucky, right? !

The two brothers looked at each other, sat down in a tacit understanding, and reordered a table full of food and drinks, as if they were going to drink until dawn.

Anyway, the elders in the family don't care about their rankings, they think so much about what to do.

If you fail the exam, you will fail the exam, they have nothing to fear!

Gu Congyuan was even more desperate, and asked Gu Nanyan in a self-defeating manner: "Gu Xiaopang, is there a gatekeeper in your princess mansion? If you don't, count me in, and the third brother will return to the fief with you!"

Then he stared at her with fixed eyes, as if she dared to say no to her and would have nothing to do with her.

Gu Nanyan, who was affected by innocence: "..."

It's none of my business, I owe you!
Besides, with your little arms and legs, you still want to show me the door?
Putting a bark at the door is more useful than you!

Gu Nanyan conveyed her disdain to him without hesitation.

Gu Congyuan: "..."

This day is over.

He wasn't even fit to watch the gate.

He wants to run away from home!

……That is impossible.

Sanfang's current situation, if he ran out again, only the younger sister and mother would be left to support him.

The troubled brother looked at himself in pity and drank a pot of old wine.

The three brothers and sisters did not leave the gate of the restaurant until the afternoon.

Xu Shi relaxed after the scientific examination. The two brothers drank a lot, but they didn't drink too much.

The two looked slightly drunk, and they followed behind Gu Nanyan, preparing to go back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

Just as Gu Nanyan was about to get into the carriage, he saw a figure flashing in the alley beside him.

He looked like a man in stature, unkempt and ragged.

Somewhat familiar.

Gu Nanyan frowned, and looked back at the two brothers.

The two hooked up shoulder to shoulder... Mainly, Gu Congyuan held Gu Yunze's shoulders, not knowing what to say.

His eyes were not on her side.

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment, didn't want to be nosy, and climbed into the carriage without saying anything.

Gu Yunze followed closely behind, and Gu Congyuan also climbed up.

Gu Nanyan's carriage was specially made, with a lot of space inside, and it was also roomy for three people.

"Hey, is that the steam car sold by Gu Xiaopang?"

A pure black steam car slowly passed by their carriage.

The capital is so rich and prosperous, and the sales of steam cars are good, and occasionally one or two can be seen.

It's just that there are too many people in the city, so I dare not drive too fast.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly.

Gu Congyuan's eyes showed admiration, Rao has a wide range of knowledge, and he has never seen such a novel thing, his family Gu Xiaopang is smart.

"I heard that this thing can run faster than a horse, but is it true?" Gu Congyuan asked.

"Well, it's five or six times faster than the Maxima."

The fastest speed of Maxima is only [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, and the fastest speed of her steam car is no different from that of modern cars.

Gu Congyuan was amazed when he heard the words, and watched the car go away enviously.

Gu Nanyan turned her head to look at him, and then looked at Gu Yunze who was also very interested.

After she returned to Beijing, Gu Yunze had been preparing for the exam, and hadn't had time to visit the car dealership.

"Do you like it?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"How about giving you one if you like?" She rolled her eyes and smiled at the two stunned fools.

"Really?" Gu Congyuan almost jumped up in joy, then thought of the price of the car, and sat down in frustration.

"No, this thing is too expensive and I can't take it." The brother settled the score clearly, even if it was his sister, he couldn't take such a big advantage for nothing.

Gu Yunze also meant the same thing.

Both of them are men, and their love for cars is deeply rooted in their bones, how can they not want it.

But they don't have that much money.

Needless to say, Gu Congyuan, now that he is a poor man, Gu Yunze is better off, but he can't afford a few 10 taels of silver.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes: "Are you stupid? That price is a sales price, and the cost itself is not high."

She paused and said, "It's just pieces of iron."

Gu Yunze: "..."

Gu Congyuan: "..."

It seems so.

But even if it's a pile of iron sheets, she still needs to have the ability to sell several 10 taels.

The two brothers looked at each other, although they were moved, they refused without hesitation.

That heart-wrenching expression seemed to have cut his intestines.

"I'm not giving it to you for free, there are conditions."

Gu Nanyan smiled and said: "The premise is that both of you can get in the top ten in the palace examination, and I will give you a car each, and drive around the capital when you are parading around on horseback."

Didn't Lu Qing say that Gu Congyuan's grades were not a big mistake, and it's no problem to get in the top ten in the exam.

Gu Yunze is better than him, so don't worry.

When the time comes, they will each be provided with a convertible car made of special oilcloth, and with their handsome faces, how many little girls will be fascinated.

Is there a better publicity effect than this? !
Gu Nanyan was very proud.

I'm so smart!

According to the crowds of people in previous years, almost the whole city is out of the grand scene, and the car dealers will definitely sell orders when the horse parade is over!

Really blessed people don't have to worry.

Gu Nanyan looked like a kind old lady, kindly looking at the two advertising models who offered to deliver to her door.

Brother Gu: "..."

What's the matter with the cold back?

Gu Congyuan trembled and suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Yu Ci was absent from the imperial examination today. I heard that he was injured and couldn't leave the house."

Gu Congyuan was quite contemptuous of this nominal brother-in-law, and his face was full of disgust when he mentioned his name.

"Injured? Who is so awesome?" Gu Nanyan was shocked.

Yu Ci is a tribute. If someone attacked him during the scientific examination, he would be sent to prison. Which warrior did it?
Tell Lao Tzu.

Laozi went to the prison to send him flowers.

"We don't know, we just heard someone talk about it." Gu Congyuan snorted coldly: "I'll go to the yamen to inquire later, and buy a jug of high-quality wine to visit the hero."

Gu Peiling is not a good person, so is Yu Ci.

If it weren't for these two people, his mother and younger sister wouldn't have had such a hard time.

I thought that after the imperial examination, I would have time to beat him up to vent my anger, but now it's all right, and it saves him from doing it.

I don't know which passing hero did it, it's really gratifying!
Gu Congyuan didn't know that this passing hero was none other than his dear elder sister——Gu Peiling.

Speaking of it, Gu Peiling didn't do it on purpose, it was a complete accident.

At the end of the examination that day, Yu Ci was taken away by the officials.

Knowing that Gu Peiling sued him, although he was angry, he was speechless to refute.

The reason was the same as Gu Peiling imagined, Yu Ci was afraid that she would jump over the wall in a hurry and reveal that she had bribed officials.

When the time comes, let alone the palace examination, he will not be able to keep his identity as a candidate.

In desperation, he had no choice but to hold back for the time being, tore up the divorce papers and took Gu Peiling back to Yu's house.


  The monthly ticket explosion is tentatively scheduled around NO.11, and no later than NO.12, see the deposit for details.

  The cuties who have monthly tickets continue to vote for monthly tickets, take advantage of the double rush~
  Love you~(づ ̄ ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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