The farmer has a mall

Chapter 524 The Choice of the Champion

Chapter 524 The Choice of the Champion

Gu Peiling is such a smart person, how can she not see that he is just dormant temporarily, and wants to settle accounts after the palace examination is over in the fall.

Gu Peiling, who figured out the middle joint, was not afraid, she took out a piece of paper and patted it in front of him with a sneer.

This is the letter of guarantee that Yu Shi wrote to her at the beginning.

She dared to use the dowry that she relied on to subsidize her in-law's family, how could she not keep a hand.

From the very beginning, she asked Yu Zhi to write a letter of guarantee to ensure that he would not abandon her after high school.

In order to be convincing, she also asked Yu Ci to write down the whereabouts of her dowry.

The dowry is not paid all at once, every time Yu Shi asks her for money, she asks him to write it on the guarantee letter.

For what, to whom, write clearly and plainly.

With these things in place, Yu Ci cannot do without the crime of bribery, and in the end his reputation will be lost.

At that time, Yu Ci was in urgent need of money and delayed his exile before the higher authorities took action, so he didn't think so much and wrote it happily.

Unexpectedly, it became Gu Peiling's handle, threatening him not to divorce his wife.

Originally, Yu Ci would be afraid to take out this piece of paper directly.

But Gu Peiling felt that he had to be taught an unforgettable lesson, so during the exam, when Yu Ci went out, she sued him.

Facing the criminal evidence, Yu Ci felt like being struck by lightning, and only then remembered that there was still this problem, and deeply hated this woman for being insidious.

Then reach out and grab it.

Gu Peiling had been on guard for a long time and dodged it.

Yu Ci asked her to hand it over with a sullen face, but if she didn't hand it over, Yu Ci would do it.

The two fought in the dark, and finally picked up the guy somehow.

Yu Ci's head was broken, and the blood flowed continuously and he fainted to the ground.

Fortunately, his younger sister Yu Jia, who seldom went out of the house, passed by. She was shocked and hurried to ask for a doctor nearby.

The bleeding stopped, and Gu Peiling was also taken away by the officers.

When he left, he was still holding the guarantee letter, with a fearless expression on his face.

The next day Yu Shi woke up, probably because of the guarantee letter hanging above his head, he struggled to get out of bed and picked her up personally.

He also told the people in the government office that the wound on his head was accidentally knocked on his head.

People don't raise officials and don't investigate, he has said so, what can the officials do?

let people go!
The man was let go, but the wound on Yu Ci's head would not heal for a while.

In ancient times, it was a very sacred thing to meet a saint. If he dared to enter the palace with injuries, he would be disrespected by a king every minute, and he would not be able to participate in the palace examination, and he would have to be punished.

If you can't take part in the imperial examination, half a year of hard work will be ruined.

Yu Ci hated Gu Peiling so much that his teeth itch.

Gu Peiling also felt a little regretful, secretly thinking that she couldn't hold her breath, and if she made trouble after the palace examination was over, Yu Zhi would not dare to divorce her either.

But it's too late to regret.

Her dowry is gone, and the official wife has not been made.

The relationship with Yu Ci is still so tense, it can be said that people and money are empty.

The couple disliked each other and quarreled every day.

Gu Nanyan asked people to inquire about this, and was very sad after hearing it.

She is really accurate at seeing people, Gu Peiling is indeed a master.

Where is the chaos.

Whoever is with you is unlucky.

She didn't feel that Yu Ci's situation was pitiful at all.

The so-called wicked will be tortured by the wicked, she also thought that Yu Ci had really gained fame in the examination, and tried to suppress him.

She didn't need to do anything about it, they solved it by themselves.

No matter how hard Yu Ci had to do next, he could only wait to be exiled.


The royal study in the palace.

There were three answer sheets in front of Li Mi, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Gu Yunze has learned a lot from others. I saw him today, and he is indeed worthy of the number one talent in Beijing. The champion must be the king, but this second place and Tanhua..."

He picked out two answer sheets, one in each hand, looked to the left and then to the right, very embarrassed.

Both of these two are talented people, and the answers they gave were comparable, so it was difficult to choose for a while.

"What do you think, Old Madam?" Li Mi put down the paper and rubbed his brows, before throwing the question to Bai Taifu below.

"The old minister dare not speak nonsense, it depends on His Majesty's decision." Bai Taifu said respectfully.

Li Mi rubbed the hand between his brows and paused, glanced at him, and moved his gaze to the dozen or so answer sheets on the side of the imperial case.

On the top one, the font is as wild as a dragon, but also a little free and easy. The rolled surface is not neat, and it is definitely not messy.

On the top of the answer sheet was the name of the person - Gu Congyuan.

In fact, compared to the two cards in his hand, Gu Congyuan's answer is more appealing to him. Although his thoughts are young, they are very insightful.

Knowledge is also broader than these two.

But the problem is...he is the third wife of the Gu family.

Gu Zhengkang, a despicable and shameless villain who framed his father for fame and fortune, can teach a son what good things can be.

Not to mention the second place in the list, he doesn't even want to give it the title of Jinshi!

What's more, Sanfang didn't get along with that girl very much. If he really chose Gu Congyuan's paper, after the red list came out, that girl would not be allowed to enter the palace and beat him to death!
Li Mi trembled all over, quickly picked up the paper, and put it directly on the last one.

Mrs. Bai: "..."

Bai Taifu just pretended not to see it, and still stood there with downcast eyes.

The top [-] were selected by the reviewers, and the next ranking depends on the emperor's will.

He can't say much.

The emperor put the paper at the bottom, that is to say, Gu Congyuan ranked twenty.

Bai Taifu secretly sighed.

The emperor hates people who are not filial to their parents the most, and he blames Gu Zhengkang for dragging Cong Yuan down with his ineffectiveness.

Otherwise, even if you don't win the second place, a Tanhua will never be able to escape.

Taifu Bai did not expect that his temporary student would be so good at writing.

Even compared with his brother, it's not much worse.

He only taught him for a few days, which means that he got such a good student for nothing, but he couldn't help him with anything.

Taifu Bai was filled with guilt, thought for a while and tried to say: "Your Majesty, in fact, Cong Yuan's articles are not bad. Although some ideas are a bit novel, they are very insightful..."

Before Bai Taifu could finish speaking, Li Mi waved him off.

Li Mi picked up the teacup with Double Dragon Playing Pearl printed on it, skimmed off the froth and took a sip.

"I heard that you took Gu Congyuan under the door, and now he can be regarded as my junior." Li Mi lowered his eyes, his tone was unclear.

Bai Taifu was shocked.

Not everyone can be the emperor's junior!
If a person with a bad reputation is likely to implicate the emperor.

He hurriedly bowed his hands to Li Mi, bending even lower.

"The emperor is the son of heaven. Although I have taught you for a few days, I dare not call you a teacher. The child from Congyuan is not so lucky."

He thought that because of Gu Nanyan's face, the emperor would give Gu Congyuan some face, but now it seems that it is impossible.

Grand Tutor Bai sighed again, but he didn't know that Li Mi didn't know that Gu Nanyan brought Gu Congyuan to apprentice.

A few days ago, the students sat quietly at the gate of Taifu's mansion, and Gu Nanyan personally came forward to solve the problem. He only thought it was for Gu Yunze, and he was afraid that he would be affected so that he would not be able to study with peace of mind.

Li Mi raised his head and stared at Mrs. Bai for a while.

Taifu Bai is not young, and to be honest, he doesn't know how many years he can live. He really doesn't understand how such a smart person can become confused when he is old, and get involved with that kind of person.

Isn't this slapping the face of the second room of the general's mansion!
If you offend that girl, how can you let me protect myself!

Li Mi's bitter face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

After all, what he was most afraid of was that Gu Nanyan would be unhappy.

It's not simply fear, just like how he loves Xu'er and Zhao'er, whoever makes them unhappy, even if it's the two sons who are wrong, he will take the blame on that person.

Li Mi saw Mrs. Bai bent over, trembling and unsteady, finally sighed, and asked someone to bring him a stool to sit down.

It is really embarrassing for Bai Taifu to stay in the palace to approve papers at such an old age.

"Teacher, I don't mean to blame you, but you should be clear about Gu Congyuan's identity. I will never allow such a person to stand above my court, do you understand?"

"If the son of a person like Gu Zhengkang is allowed to be an official in the court, how will the civil and military officials and the common people see it? Wouldn't it be a mess!"

Taifu Bai naturally understood, he sighed: "It's the old man who is confused."

(End of this chapter)

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