Chapter 536
The grandfathers of the two dead men beside Gu Congyuan did not take them back, and kept hiding in the dark to protect his safety.

The strength of these two slayers is not low, and Gu Congyuan himself has some kung fu, how could he be injured by Gu Peiling who has no strength to restrain a chicken.

Unless the two dead men were ordered not to act, or they saw that Gu Congyuan was deliberately injured and did not show up.

The only one who can order the dead is the grandfather. Naturally, he will not harm his grandson, so it can only be Gu Congyuan's intention.

Just after the imperial examination, his enthusiasm for being second in the Jin Ke is still there.

The second place in the Jinke ranking was injured, and the higher-ups will definitely pay attention to it and thoroughly investigate the matter.

Once Gu Peiling is arrested, the Yu family will also be involved. As long as the people above are not stupid, they will not allow the Yu family to stay in the capital and make things worse.

His ultimate goal of this move is probably that he is tired of the entanglement of Gu Peiling, his own sister, and wants her to stay away as soon as possible.

Gu Nanyan didn't think that he was cruel, on the contrary, he admired his courage to stop and stop.

Gu Peiling dared to hold her own mother hostage, and she didn't know what would happen in the future. In order to protect the safety of her mother and sister, it was understandable to do so.


Gu Congyuan's injury was not serious, but his arm was scratched by Gu Peiling. Sanfang had the medicine given by Gu Nanyan, and it healed within two days.

At the same time, the decree to bestow officials on Gu Yunze and Gu Congyuan has also been issued. According to the usual practice, they entered the Imperial Academy without any accident.

During this period of time, Gu Nanyan only went to watch the lively meeting on the day his family was escorted out of the city, and never went out after that.

It's not that she doesn't want to come out, but that Mrs. Guo doesn't let her go out.

Gu Nanyan, who didn't like to go out and hang out at first, didn't feel bored, so he spent all day eating, drinking and having fun in Tingfengyuan and watching movies.

What play did you watch?

Naturally, it is the kind of play in the theater.

The wedding is approaching, in order to prevent her from sneaking out out of boredom, Mrs. Guo specially invited a local theater troupe into the mansion, and a new play will be produced every day to make her happy in different ways.

Gu Nanyan gradually became addicted, sitting on the porch every day and listening vigorously, and was not relentless when giving rewards. The coke broke the class leader, so the group sang even harder, and the sound of babbling in the courtyard spread all the way outside the mansion .

It's a pity that such extravagant days didn't last long, and the day when Gu Nanyan got married was coming.

Two days before the wedding, Li Yi, who hadn't seen him for many days, sneaked into the mansion.

He stood in the corner of Tingfengyuan, the dark night covered his figure.

Gu Nanyan noticed the movement, let Yunxi watch out, and found it by herself.

Li Yi thought that he would be able to marry Gu Nanyan home in the future, so he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning.

Missing my daughter-in-law also increases with "time", and I want to stay close to her for a while, even if I can only look at her shadow through the window lattice, I feel happiness overflowing my chest.

Who would have thought that not only was Gu Nanyan discovered, but he was also arrested.

Seeing Gu Nanyan in a loose nightgown and long hair slowly walking towards him, Li Yi subconsciously covered his heart, trying to calm down his beating heart.

"My lord was really excited to climb over the wall of the women's courtyard in the middle of the night." She said with a half-smile, her eyebrows and eyes were particularly soft against the night.

The person he was thinking about was right in front of him, Li Yi opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

However, the woman in front of him was looking straight at her, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes, which made him dazed.

Li Yi didn't say a word for a while, Gu Nanyan stretched out his white and tender hand in front of his eyes in a funny way.

"Come here so late just to stand in a daze in my yard?"

Li Yi's heart was pounding, he couldn't make a sound at all, his big hand subconsciously grabbed hers.

It is creamy and soft in the hand, like fine suet white jade.

Gu Nanyan didn't break free and let him hold it.

"I'm just here to ask, heck, is there anything you particularly want."

After the words came out, Li Yicai noticed his trembling, and quickly cleared his throat to find a legitimate reason for himself.

"What? Haven't you already given a betrothal gift?" Gu Nanyan was puzzled.

"Well, it's not a bride price, but I just want to know what else you want."

Li Yi grabbed her hand and squeezed it carefully.

The unsmiling King Sheng in front of outsiders was as nervous as a young boy in love at the moment.

Even under the cover of night, one could see the blush on his cheeks.

Gu Nanyan was very novel, staring at him without blinking, until he turned his head away in embarrassment, then smiled and said: "I really want it, let me think about it."

She raised her head halfway, the sky full of stars fell into her eyes, and suddenly remembered a play she heard recently.

In the play, the woman is dissatisfied with the marriage given by her family, and deliberately makes things difficult for the man with whom she is engaged, saying that as long as he picks off the stars and gives them to her, she will agree to marry him.

So the man spent a lot of money to build a star picking tower for the woman, which touched the hearts of the beauties and successfully married the beauties.

The plot was very clichéd, and Gu Nanyan laughed several times when she heard it.

But at this moment, facing Li Yi who didn't know where to put his hands and feet, he couldn't help but want to use this old-fashioned method to embarrass him.

Li Yi didn't think it was embarrassing, he readily agreed and promised to present it on the wedding day.

"Yan'er, I will definitely treat you well." He solemnly promised with an extremely serious expression.

"Only for me?"

"Only for you!"

"What if one day you get bored?"

"There won't be that day."

"What if?"

Li Yi lowered his eyes, and put the hand holding her on his heart.

"Then you use the dagger I gave you to stab down here."

"So cruel?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, the hand covered by Li Yi's chest was warm, and she could feel the beating there through the material of the clothes.

Li Yi shook his head slowly, still pressing his hand on his heart.

Look affectionate and serious.

"If there is no you here, it is useless to stay here."

If there is no you here, it is useless to stay here.

Gu Nanyan was stunned.

Gaze at him like a scrutiny.

A moment later, a bright smile bloomed on his lips.

"This is what you said, you have to remember."

"I will always remember!"

If you don't love her, why continue to live in vain.

Gu Nanyan did not expect that Li Yi's feelings for her were so deep.

It's not just talking, she really felt it from his eyes.

"It's not early, the night is cool, you go in and rest."

Li Yi said this, but he was very reluctant in his heart. He opened his arms as if he wanted to embrace her, but he was afraid that his sweetheart would be offended, so he let it go slowly.

Gu Nanyan took the initiative to step forward and gave him a hug.

Li Yi froze on the spot, not daring to move. After a while, he gently closed his arms, his posture still stiff.

Gu Nanyan laughed out loud, pushed his sleeves away and walked back, stopped after walking a few steps, turned half-turned and said with a half-smile: "I forgot to tell you that the house cannot be consummated before my 20th birthday. Take care of yourself."

After finishing speaking, Shi Shiran left with a long skirt.

Li Yi: "..."


Make-up was added on the second day, and all the governments brought their female relatives to the door to congratulate, but there were not many people who could enter Tingfengyuan.

Gu Peilan held a mahogany box with an emerald green jade bracelet in it, and handed it to Gu Nanyan.

"Second Sister, my mother asked me to bring this, I hope you don't dislike it." Gu Peilan said with red eyes.

The second elder sister is about to get married, and after she gets married, she may not be able to see her as often as before.

Gu Peilan was very reluctant, if there were no other people waiting to add makeup, she might have hugged her and cried bitterly.

The jade bracelet was of high quality, although Gu Peilan didn't say it, Gu Nanyan also knew that it might be an ancestral item of the Min family, and cherished it very much.

She didn't refuse the other party's kindness, she only kept this favor in her heart, and then she smiled.

"This bracelet is very beautiful, I like it very much, thank your mother for me."

Min was a little confused before, but it's good to know the mistakes and correct them.

And now she treats Gu Peilan and Gu Congyuan equally, she is a good mother.

Gu Nanyan thinks that he is not the kind of person who will bear grudges for the rest of his life once someone offends you, and his attitude towards Min's has softened a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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