The farmer has a mall

Chapter 537 The Joy of Adding Makeup

Chapter 537 The Joy of Adding Makeup
Gu Peilan sniffed and answered, hesitated for a while and then said in a whisper: "Second sister, will we not be able to see each other often in the future?"

I heard that there are many rules in the palace, and it is very inconvenient to have to hug each other when going out.

Moreover, the second elder sister was the hostess of the palace when she married, and she had to deal with various affairs in the palace, so she had no time to go out.

Thinking of this, Gu Peilan's face became even more depressed, and she suddenly didn't want her second sister to get married.

Gu Nanyan couldn't stop laughing: "I'm married, not going to jail, why can't I see each other, even if I don't have time to go out, can't you go find me?"

Gu Peilan raised her face in surprise when she heard this, her eyelashes were still stained with tears.

"Can I really go to the palace to find my second sister? Is it inappropriate?"

"What's inappropriate, it's just a bigger house, you can live there, can't it accommodate you?" Gu Nanyan said contemptuously, but still picked up the handkerchief and threw it to her.

"How can you be so sentimental at such a young age, quickly wiped away tears, crying, and those who didn't know thought I was going to die."

Gu Peilan burst into tears when she heard the words, she caught the red handkerchief and touched the corners of her eyes.

"On a happy day, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mrs. Guo held back for a long time but couldn't hold back, and slapped Gu Nanyan's arm with a black face.

She is in prison and is going to die, this girl has nothing good to say, this is marriage!
Mrs. Guo was very tired, and before she finished training Gu Nanyan, she saw the blush in Gu Peilan's hand out of the corner of her eye.

"Ah, damn girl, that's Xipa!" Guo Shi exclaimed, and also touched Gu Peilan's arm.

Gu Peilan: "..."

The Xipa was already stained with water stains, the size of a fingernail, and the color was darker.

She doesn't know, she has never been married, the handkerchief was given to her by her second sister, why did she shoot her~
Gu Peilan looked at Gu Nanyan resentfully.

Gu Nanyan blinked.

The thing was on the tray in her hand, and she threw it over.

But it's just stained with tears, and it's not unusable. Do you need to be so ruthless?

Gu Nanyan and Gu Peilan looked at each other, and they both covered their arms and grinned.

The eldest aunt must have reached menopause, and with such strength, I'm afraid she took them as enemies.

Complaints are complaints, neither of the two dared to speak out, they just watched Guo Shi go out in a hurry, and went to clean up Xipa.

Walking and nagging one or two is not worrying, children are debt collectors, raising them is not as good as raising a pig.

Gu Peilan: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Just now, I don't know who was holding her hand and kept crying, and I started to recall the past since she was just born.

How long has it been since he was even worse than a pig?
Pigs are so good, why don't you grab their hooves and cry.

O woman!

Gu Nanyan put on a domineering posture, and decided not to care about Guo Shi.

"What's wrong with your eldest aunt?" Gu Qing just bumped into his daughter-in-law, was scolded for no reason, and entered the room in a daze.

Cui Yao, a busy man, followed behind him.

Cui Yao blinked at her, because there were elders around, she was a lot more behaved than usual.

"Uncle." Gu Peilan whispered hello.

With a slight smile on Gu Qing's face, he said cheerfully: "You are busy with your work, I am just showing the Cui family boy a way, and by the way, I have something to say to your second sister."

As Gu Qing said, he handed Gu Nanyan a list: "This is the makeup that your aunt and I gave you... It can't be considered as makeup. This is when you were still a baby, and your aunt started to add makeup to you." The dowry saved for you."

"It's just that the big house was not rich and didn't save much at that time."

Gu Nanyan is the only female doll in the East Courtyard, and Guo Shi likes it very much, wishing she could raise her as her own daughter.

It's a pity that the second house has a mistress, and she can't do it for her, so she wants to work hard on the dowry, which can be regarded as their first house marrying their daughter.

Gu Nanyan's list of results was filled with a whole sheet of paper.

The ink on the second half of the paper is new, it should have been added recently, and it is much more expensive than the previous ones.

But the ones in front of them are not ordinary goods that can be seen all over the street, even if they are placed in high-end households, they are rare and rich.

It can be seen that Guo Shi really put his heart into it.

Roughly counting this full list, it is worth at least 20 taels of silver.

Just now, Gu Qing said that these were given by the big house, that is to say, they were not included in the dowry prepared for her by the General's Mansion.

20 taels, where did Gu Qing get so much money?
The shares she gave to the General's Mansion are all to be collected by the public, and Guo's character will definitely not fill his own pockets.

Seemingly seeing her doubts, Gu Qing was a little embarrassed.

"Speaking of which, half of these things are the dowry brought by your aunt. She divided the dowry into two parts, one for you, and the other for Yun Ge and Yun Ze... You don't have to refuse, this is If we don't accept our kindness, your aunt will be angry."

Gu Nanyan heard the words, and quickly swallowed the words that came to her lips.

As her wedding day got closer, Guo's temper became more and more irritable. Except for Gu Yao and Mrs. Gu, I'm afraid I can't find anyone who hasn't been scolded by her.

Gu Nanyan said that she can't be offended.

"Since it was given by my uncle and aunt, I will accept it."

At worst, when the two Dafang brothers get married, she will make up for it and return it.

Gu Qing happily left.

Cui Yao squeezed over and looked her up and down curiously.

Gu Nanyan was trying on makeup at this time, and the person who dressed her was a well-known Quanfu man in the city. She was a woman in her 40s with all six relatives and children.

The woman is blessed, and her makeup skills are not bad, but it is a little thicker.

It was the first time Cui Yao saw her like this, and he was very surprised.

Seeing him staring at her second sister, Gu Peilan dissatisfied stepped forward to block his sight.

"What are you looking at? Are you staring at the bride like this? Hurry up and go out if you have nothing to do. The second sister still wants to try on the wedding dress!"

This person is not a serious person at first glance, his peach blossom eyes seem to be glowing green, he must have bad intentions for the second sister!

The second sister is getting married tomorrow, so we can't let this person be abrupt.

Thinking of this, Gu Peilan put on a fierce look, and gave him a vicious look.

Cui Yao: "..."

How can the little girl be so fierce, he treats Gu Nanyan as a brother, look at what's wrong!
However, Cui Yao also knew that his behavior was inappropriate in the eyes of outsiders, so he touched his nose justifiably.

"I'm close to your second sister, get out of the way, I'll drive away the guests before I deliver this gift." Cui Yao took out a box from his sleeve and handed it to Gu Nanyan through Gu Peilan.

Gu Nanyan patted Gu Peilan reassuringly: "It's okay, he just looks a little rough, but he's actually not bad."

Cui Yao stared.

What does it mean to look undecent!
He is a beautiful young man with a noble tree facing the wind. He is not only valuable but also earns money. This face alone has fascinated many little girls, and he is not serious!
Also, the young master has been working for you for so long, and you have to say "you are okay"?
Is that how you describe my young master?

Do you have a conscience!

Cui Yao was so angry that he wanted to talk to her, but thinking about what day it was today, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction and plan to settle accounts after autumn.

Although Gu Peilan was a little worried, but the second sister said so, she couldn't continue to stop her, so she just stood aside vigilantly.

Cui Yao couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth with that anti-thief-like appearance.

He hummed twice, and stuffed the box in Gu Nanyan's hand.

"Hey, I gave this to you. There are still a few boxes outside that were given by my father. He can't come back from the frontier, so let me hand them over to you."

Gu Nanyan took it with raised eyebrows, opened the box and saw that there was a palm-sized eucalyptus tree inside.

The yushu is emerald green, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and pomegranates carved from the same red jade are hung on the branches.

 What, I will add an update tomorrow, the author who is in the late stage of procrastination and lazy cancer is going to stay up late today~
(End of this chapter)

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