Chapter 560
No matter how bad-tempered Shang Yuanyuan is, she is still a little girl, so there is no way she is not flustered at this moment.

She threatened Gu Nanyan with unscrupulous words, intending to scare people with her great-grandfather identity.

"See if I can."

Gu Nanyan smiled, watching her being taken away by the palace guards yelling, her hair falling down as she struggled, and she was very embarrassed.

How can there be the arrogance just now.

Gu Nanyan continued to smile, and looked at Long Er in front of him: "Remember, as long as you don't starve to death, don't give them dry food."

"The palace does not support idlers."

These days, rice and noodles are so expensive, she doesn't want to raise children for others.

Long Er: "..."

Although I don't know how the Shang family offended this ancestor, but the prince said that he just listens to the concubine's orders, even if he kills someone, he has to help bury the corpse.

Thinking of the scene where his master solemnly ordered him to help bury the corpse, the corners of Long Er's mouth twitched.

"Long Er takes command!"

The male master is out of tune, and the female master is even more out of tune.

Even the young masters and young ladies of the political envoy's family dared to tie him up.

Wangfu pills.

Long Er retreated in despair, and helped Gu Nanyan bury his body... No, he went to kidnap someone.

Long Er didn't know why Gu Nanyan did this, but Bai Zhi and Bai Shao, who were with her all day, knew it.

Seeing her unsteadily returning to the room with her hands folded, Bai Shao's eyes sparkled: "Miss is helping Miss Shang vent her anger."

Miss Shang went to the mansion for treatment, the prince asked Long Yi to check her out early in the morning.

As the second young lady, Shang Yinyin was not well received in the mansion. The two brothers and sisters often bullied her, either beating or scolding her, and sometimes they locked her up without food.

The child who is only seven years old has bruises and scars on his small arms.

The young lady gave her needles all day long, so how could she not see it.

"But why did Miss send Mr. Shang into the palace?" Bai Shao was puzzled.

"I want to call you Wangfei." Bai Zhi frowned and gave her a reproachful look.

She looked at the direction Gu Nanyan was leaving with distressed eyes.

The concubine probably thought of how she was bullied by Ge Shi when she was a child.

As for Lord Shang...

Ge's actions were meticulous, and the Gu family did not know about the abuse of the princess at the time.

Although there was a mistake, it was only due to oversight. No matter the old general or the rest of the Gu family, they still love the princess very much.

The Keshang family is different.

Xie's two grandsons behaved domineeringly, and they didn't cover up when they bullied Ms. Shang, even the servants in the mansion knew about it.

As their real grandmother, Mrs. Xie didn't have the heart to punish them, but Mr. Shang refused to punish them for various reasons.

Although he also protects Miss Shang, they don't live in the same courtyard after all, so how can they keep her under their noses all the time.

Moreover, his protection was even worse for Miss Shang. The siblings were reprimanded because of her, and they would definitely torment her even harder afterwards.

Bai Zhi sighed, the mansion is really messy, and luckily Miss Shang met their princess.


Yun Xi flew all the way to Mr. Shang's residence, and carried him into the palace in front of everyone without saying a word.

Really "carrying", when Mr. Shang was thrown into the imperial study, his face was purple by his collar.

Leaving aside what Li Yi, who was discussing political affairs with Li Mi, would do, the Shang family was in a mess.

Mrs. Xie paced back and forth in the house restlessly, when she saw the young man who was inquiring about the news come in, she hurried to meet him.

He looked anxiously: "How is it? Is there any news about the young lady and the young master?"

The little servant was panicked and murmured for a while, not knowing what to say.

Mrs. Xie was already anxious, but when she saw that he hesitated for a long time without saying a word, she was immediately annoyed.

She raised her hand and slapped the servant hard, leaving a few bloodstains on her long nails.

"What happened, if you don't know clearly, I'll take your skin off!"

It has been two hours since her sweetheart entered Prince Sheng's mansion, and there is no news.

And her precious grandson, who went to nowhere and hasn't come back yet.

The more Xie thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

She summoned the people from Shangbao Courtyard for interrogation, but learned that he was planning to sneak into Prince Sheng's mansion and leave after Shang Yuanyuan.

Xie Shi covered his chest.

If it's just like this, she is not worried, the problem is that the old man was taken away!
According to the description of the servants present, the person who arrested him seemed to be the maidservant next to Princess Cheng.

Xie's heart was pounding, and the feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

The little servant stood up covering his face, wanting to cry but said without tears: "The slave didn't hear about the two young masters and young ladies, but..."

He raised his head and looked at Mrs. Xie cautiously, then gritted his teeth and said, "I heard that Prince Cheng's mansion has captured an assassin. His age and appearance are very similar to the young master... and the young lady, I heard that the young lady and Miss Yue'er entered After entering the palace, there was news that someone pretended to be the royal relative..."

Xie's body swayed when he heard the words, his palms were cold, and the coldness quickly spread all over his body.

"But... but I found out, the assassin captured by the palace is really Bao'er?"

"It should be right." The servant lowered his head, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

He is not sure if it is the young lady who pretends to be the royal family member, but the "assassin" should be the young master.

When he came back, he happened to meet the guard next to the young master, and today was the guard who accompanied the young master to go out.

The guard's face was very bad, and he went up to him and asked him where the young master was. He only said that he was in the palace, and then ran away with his burden.

The boy felt that he might not come back again.

"What a Princess Sheng, what a princess!" Xie was anxious and angry.

"How dare you frame my grandson like this, as if there is no one in our Shang family!"

Her pair of grandchildren are exquisite in food and use, and she grew up holding them in the palm of her hand. At this time, she still doesn't know what they are suffering in the palace.

After she finished speaking, she hurried to the door: "Go and prepare a carriage for me. I will go to Prince Cheng's mansion to ask if Gu Nanyan is about to rebel. He not only framed Zhongliang's family, but also dared to kidnap a second-rank official of the court. Does she still have the king's law!"

Regardless of whether it was Gu Nanyan or not who took the old man away, she had to blame it on her. Not only would she be able to save her grandson in the chaos, but if something happened to the old man...

Xie gritted his teeth, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Thinking of her father-in-law, Xie calmed down a little.

It would be fine if Gu Nanyan let him go obediently, but if she refused to let him go, she would go to the palace to sue in person!
Put the matter of the old man firmly on her head to thank her for the hatred in her heart!

Mrs. Xie thought very well, but before she could leave the mansion, she was stopped by Lord Shang who had just come out of the palace with a gloomy face.

Master Shang has lived for more than 60 years, and has never been so ashamed.

Not only was she thrown into the imperial study by a little girl without dignity, but she was also coldly warned by Prince Cheng.

One must know that before today, the lord did not even speak seriously to him because of his merit in supporting the emperor.

That's all.

Even the emperor, who had never been serious with him, slapped the table and gave him a month's leave, letting him manage the family first and then stabilize the country.

If the heirs in the family are not well managed, they will not go to court in the future.

Mr. Shang is the most face-saving, otherwise he wouldn't stay out all day because of the white spots on his face.

Being reprimanded for repeating it today, I'm afraid it will spread before tomorrow morning, how can he bear it.

Facing the old Xie family who was still crying and making noise, and asked him to help her go to Prince Sheng's mansion to be an important person, Master Shang picked up the inkstone on the table and smashed it at it.

The direction of the smash was his son who had been doing nothing all day and was addicted to women.

Shang Guoping was dumbfounded, clutching his painful shoulder and screaming: "Father, this matter has nothing to do with my son, you know my son never cares about the affairs of the house."

He just helped to stop his father from leaving the house with Yuanyuan.

His father's colleague knew him and happened to owe him a favor, so he just said a few words.

How could Mr. Shang not know, he already felt that the colleague came abruptly, and the two of them didn't have much interaction on weekdays, but today they not only came to visit, but also dragged him to talk non-stop.

But now is not the time to worry about this.

Master Shang pointed at his useless son with a shaking finger.

"The old man asks you, where did that girl Yinyin go!"

He just went to his eldest grandson to ask, Shang Yinyin went out early in the morning as usual, they thought their daughter was with them.

(End of this chapter)

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