Chapter 561
Mr. Shang really doesn't understand, both of them are his granddaughters, why his son can be partial to this.

Rubbing his shoulders with some grievances, Shang Guoping said aggrievedly: "How does my son know where that girl has gone?"

His father was really getting more and more confused, and actually did something to him because of Shang Yinyin.

"Maybe she slipped out of the house to play, she is so old, I can still tie her by my side." He muttered.

"Yinyin is only seven years old!" What does it mean to be so big, "You exchanged her with the second child's family, so what about her!"

Master Shang said and looked at Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie bowed her head, resentment flashed across her smooth and well-maintained face.

This old guy has always been helping the eldest family, he doesn't care about Bao'er and Yuanyuan being trapped in Prince Cheng's mansion, it's the turn of that bastard who is in a hurry.

The more this is the case, the less she will tell him where Shang Yinyin is!
"What the master said is that although Yinyin is still a child, she is not young, and she is very naughty, she must have gone out to play." She said in a cold tone, showing no concern at all.

"The old man might as well find a way to rescue Bao'er and the two of them first, maybe they will go back to the house, and Yin Yin will come back."

She could tell that this old man didn't care about the situation of her two grandchildren at all, and he didn't mention it since he entered the door.

Xie sneered in his heart.

That being the case, don't blame her as a grandmother for not even giving her face!

"My daughter-in-law advises my father-in-law that we should first find a way to take Bao'er and Yuanyuan out of Prince Cheng's mansion, otherwise they will be tortured, and that child Yinyin will be hurt even more seriously."

"You, presumptuous!"

Listening to these half-threatening words, Master Shang laughed out of breath, pointed at Mrs. Xie and let out a cold snort.

"Mr. Xie, don't think that this old man doesn't know what you're thinking. You know where this old man was taken just now."

Mrs. Xie was startled: "My daughter-in-law doesn't know."

"The old man was brought before the emperor!" Mr. Shang stood up and shouted angrily, staggered and fell back down dizzily.

Xie frowned in puzzlement: "It's not that you were... how did you go to the palace?"

Could it be that the servant got it wrong?

Xie didn't say the word "abducted", but Master Shang knew what she was going to say.

"That's right, the old man was kidnapped into the palace, and the person who kidnapped me was the big servant girl next to the princess!"

Although this servant girl has a cold face all day long, she is the most capable person around the concubine, and she must be taken with her whenever she goes out.

As long as someone has seen the princess, how can they not recognize her.

This shows that they have no intention of concealing their identity at all.

It seems to be telling everyone that I am the captive, what can you do?

So arrogant, so defiant and unscrupulous, why...

No one dared to do anything to her.

Mr. Shang panicked just thinking about it.

He is also considered her elder, so can't you save him some face? !

Even if you tell me in advance, it will be fine to find a place where no one is around to take him away!

"It really is her!" Xie gritted her teeth, "How dare you kidnap the imperial court official in public? For such a presumptuous behavior, the emperor didn't punish her?"

She knew that Gu Nanyan was favored, but the emperor couldn't ignore such things.

After that, wouldn't she cover the sky with one hand in the capital, and do whatever she wants, is there any law for the king?
"Punish her?" Lord Shang glanced at Mrs. Xie, and there seemed to be sarcasm in his eyes.

"Believe it or not, the emperor will not do anything to her even if she destroys my whole family."

Let's not mention that besides being the princess of Jianan Kingdom, she is also an upright Anyang royal family, the daughter of the Anyang Supreme Emperor, and now the only sister of the Anyang Emperor.

Let's just talk about her methods...

What was the situation in Jianan before?
There are treacherous ministers inside, and powerful countries outside, besieging on all sides is in danger.

At the beginning, they, the veterans, were prepared to destroy the country and their families.

But now?

The alliance with Anyang, the big beam shrank to a corner, isn't it all thanks to her?

In this case, not to mention that the emperor had a friendship with her, even if the two were incompatible, they could only bear it and dare not touch her.

If you touch her, you will touch the foundation of the country. The situation in Jianan Kingdom is probably even worse than before.

Naturally, Mrs. Xie did not believe what he said.

"It's just a little girl... She is not the only woman who can go to the battlefield throughout the ages, and she can turn her back." Xie said disdainfully.

Mr. Shang took a deep look at her: "Yes, there are many women who can go to the battlefield, and there are countless women who don't give up to men. Those who can make city defense cannons, refine steel, and grow grain with an output of one thousand five per mu will be able to do so." Even counting other countries, she has been the only one throughout the ages!"

"Not to mention that the city defense artillery is still in the hands of the Zhenbei Army. If you say she wants to fight against the sky, will she be able to do so or not?"

Mrs. Xie was taken aback, she had heard of these things before, and only thought that the world was exaggerating, or that Gu Nanyan took the credit of others on her own.

But since father-in-law said so, it should be right.

"In that case, no one can deal with her?" Xie Shi, who felt that he had the power to fight against Gu Nanyan, and wanted to go aggressively to Prince Sheng's mansion, suddenly became uneasy.

"Why doesn't the emperor hold that bubble in his own hands?"

She doesn't understand such things as weapons, but listening to her father's tone should be extremely important.

In Xie's view, the important things must be held in his own hands to be at ease.

Just like their Shangfu's financial power.

Since she entered the door, she has firmly controlled it, and this is how she has her position today.

"How can common people compete with heaven." Master Shang looked into the distance and said something that Mrs. Xie couldn't understand.

In her common sense, "heaven" refers to the emperor.

So does father-in-law mean that Gu Nanyan can't compete with the emperor?
Then why did the father-in-law say that the emperor dared not touch her? Isn't it inconsistent?
Xie couldn't figure it out, and wanted to ask again.

However, Mr. Shang didn't want to say any more.

He waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "You are a woman, even if the old man told you, you would not understand. You just need to know that if something happens to Yinyin today, Shang Yuanyuan will not be well."

"And there's nothing I can do about it."

He paused, then sighed: "Just now in the palace, the emperor and Prince Sheng have already warned the old man not to meddle in this matter, and the old man was also ordered to stay at home and not go to court for a month, think about it for yourself."

Mrs. Xie froze, and looked at Mr. Shang in disbelief.

That's all for Prince Cheng, after all, it's rare to be married just now, so there's nothing wrong with helping Gu Nanyan.

But the emperor actually favored her so much!
Obviously she was the one who disrespected her father-in-law first!

Mrs. Xie was not angry at first, but regretted thinking of her two grandchildren.

She was careless, she didn't expect Gu Nanyan to be such a tough person.

She should not have put her granddaughter at risk.

"Where is Yinyin's child, my daughter-in-law really doesn't know." In desperation, Xie had no choice but to say.

She just wanted her granddaughter to go to Prince Sheng's mansion instead of her, she really didn't want to do anything.

"The daughter-in-law was just taken to a side courtyard... to think about her mistakes, but she disappeared when she turned around."

Thinking about mistakes is just a nice way of saying it, but it actually means locking up Shang Yinyin.

But who would have thought that the guarding servant could only turn around before he disappeared.

Xie only thought that she ran away by herself, and she didn't care when the matter was done.

"Maybe he really went out to play."

She was even more dissatisfied with Shang Yinyin.

It doesn't matter if something happened to the dead girl, her two grandchildren are still waiting for her to save!
Xie gritted her teeth, if she knew that that damned girl had sneaked out to play, she would not have skinned her!
"Why don't you discuss it with Prince Cheng, let Bao'er and the others back first, and wait until you find Yinyin..."

"Impossible, Prince Cheng will never let go, and it doesn't count if he said it."

Lord Shang stared at her carefully, and seeing that she really didn't know, he frowned tightly.

Yinyin is shy by nature, she rarely goes out even if she is accompanied by someone, so where can she go.

Shang Guoping, who has been shrinking aside without speaking, looked at his father, then at Mrs. Xie, and said hesitantly, "I might know where Yinyin is."

(End of this chapter)

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