Chapter 562

There is a small ancestral hall in the Shang Mansion, which is the place where the ancestors of the Shang family are enshrined.

The ancestral hall is remote, dark and damp inside, only a small window is opened at the top, if the descendants of the family make mistakes, Mr. Shang will send them to the ancestral hall to kneel down and reflect on their ancestors.

Shang Yuanyuan followed suit, and every time she bullied Shang Yinyin, she would bring her here, and she would be locked up after beating and scolding.

One level is a whole day.

The location of the ancestral hall happened to be on the only way to Wudiexuan. Shang Guoping passed by several times and heard Shang Yuanyuan's beating and scolding, as well as Shang Yinyin's low crying.

Yet he never cared.

This time, if it wasn't for the fact that things got too serious, he wouldn't have spoken out.

But this morning, when he returned to Wudiexuan from the Xie family, he happened to see Shang Yuanyuan throwing Shang Yinyin into the ancestral hall.

Lord Shang stood in the empty ancestral hall, his face ashen.

"You bastard!" He kicked at Shang Guoping, but he dodged it.

"You still dare to hide, look at the good things your granddaughter has done, this is the ancestral hall!" Mr. Shang couldn't breathe well, he clutched his chest and gasped.

"How dare she murder her younger sister in front of her ancestors, she really is lawless!"

Shang Guoping said: "Father is serious, Yuanyuan is young, she is just a child playing around."

Master Shang was furious when he heard the words, and wanted to kick him.

The young man standing at the door took a few steps forward, it was Shang Yinyin's father Shang Xi who had heard the news.

He stared fixedly at Shang Guoping, his slightly pale lips slowly opened and closed, as if he knew it would be useless to talk, and asked instead: "Father said Yinyin is in the ancestral hall, where is he?"

Shangxi was in his thirties, with a short beard and abnormally white complexion, but a pair of red phoenix eyes were particularly energetic, and his temperament was elegant and gloomy.

I don't know whether it's a congenital deficiency or other reasons, but his health has been poor since he was a child. Although he doesn't take medicine all the year round, he still suffers from shortness of breath after walking two steps.

The figure is also extraordinarily thin, and the Tsing Yi lined it up extraordinarily wide.

Shang Guoping glanced at him, and shrank back.

For some reason, every time he saw this son, he felt as if someone was strangling his throat.

Especially those eyes, they are very similar to his ex-wife, but they don't quite look the same when you look closely.

The father of his ex-wife's natal family was the head of the former Hanlin Academy, only one level lower than his father, and a bachelor from the second-rank head of the academy.

Therefore, the ex-wife, who was influenced by her father since she was a child, has a gentle and virtuous personality, and her eyes are very soft when looking at people.

But his son is different, his eyes are like an eagle ready to go in the dark, it may rush up and peck his eyes at any time.

This is also the reason why Shang Guoping dislikes seeing him so much.

As if aware of his retreat, Shang Guo stabilized his mind, cleared his throat and said, "How do I know, I just saw Yuanyuan bring her over at that time, and didn't stop much."

Shang Guoping is also quite strange, he watched Shang Yuanyuan lock her in, why is there no one here?
Shang Xi coughed twice, then stared at him for a while, maybe he felt that he was not lying, so he turned his eyes away.

"Grandfather, according to what my father said, the gate of the ancestral hall is locked, and Yin Yin, a child, will definitely not be able to escape." He looked at the servants guarding the ancestral hall outside the door, his tone was calm, as if he was not in a hurry.

"You mean...someone opened the door for her?" Lord Shang stroked his gray beard, and also looked out the door.

Shang Xi nodded slightly: "I also ask my grandfather to let the guards in so that my grandson can ask about it."

There are not many people guarding the ancestral hall, only two old people, a man and a woman.

Shang Xi's eyes fell on the old nanny, who seemed very disturbed, and kept looking up into the ancestral hall.

At this time, Shang Yinyin, who was supposed to be in the ancestral hall, was walking on the street exhausted.

As the night grew darker, she tried her best to remember how many times she had walked, her little face was covered with tears.


After Gu Nanyan finished washing, with her hair loose and her forehead resting on her hands, she lay on her side on the bed and read a picture book.

When Li Yi came out of the bathroom, what he saw was her with her legs propped up and her toes pointing.

Seeing the round and crystal-clear toes exposed like suet white jade, Li Yi blushed immediately, and quickly looked away.

"Hey, then I'll go back to the next door first, you go to bed early."

He coughed lightly, feeling that the light in the room was a little dark, he turned around as he was about to walk towards the door, and brought the candlestick on the table to the head of the bed.

"Look less at night, it's not good for your eyes."

The daughter-in-law only took one look at him after he entered the door, and then her eyes were glued to the drawing book.

I don't know what's so good about this picture book.

Li Yi stretched his neck to look at the page, and happened to see a painting.

In the painting, a man and a woman hug each other, the man's clothes are disheveled, and the woman's fragrant shoulders are half exposed.

Li Yi:! ! !

"Yan'er!" What kind of books are you a girl reading!

"Why?" Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids and glanced at him, the tip of her nose moved slightly.

What does the dog man use to take a bath? It smells good.

Li Yi's face turned red, and he was not at all calm as usual. He asked tremblingly, "You, what are you looking at?"

"Hmm..." Gu Nanyan turned her head slightly, thinking about which category this picture book belongs to.

"About the action guidance for the in-depth interaction between men and women?" Gu Nanyan replied with a smile.

Li Yi: "..."

Interactive ghost!

When he couldn't see it, it was clearly a picture of Chuna!

Li Yi's face turned blue and red, and he reached out to snatch it after a while.

Gu Nanyan pressed it down.

"What are you doing, do you want to see if you can buy it yourself?" His eyes were full of defense, and he stuffed the book into his arms after speaking.

Li Yi: "..."

Who wants to see it!

I don't know how to watch this kind of thing, and you are not allowed to watch it either!

He glanced at the place where the book was placed, and it was really hard to grab it.

"Yan'er, good boy, you are too young to read this kind of book."

Li Yi's face was dark, but his tone was soft, and he coaxed: "Give it to me, how about I send someone to the bookstore to buy you a box of picture books tomorrow?"

My daughter-in-law hasn't been out recently.

There is no such thing in his palace,
Which bastard gave her this kind of book!

Li Yi was very angry, and decided to go back and order Long Yi to investigate the matter thoroughly. Once he found out who was desperately trying to bring his wife down, he would resolutely punish severely and never tolerate it!

Gu Nanyan is not that obedient person, "No, this book is hard to buy, how can a picture book compare to it."

She met Li Yi's gaze and was determined not to give in.

Li Yi rubbed his forehead with a headache: "This kind of book is really not suitable for you... If you really want to read it, how about I return it to you on your 20th birthday?"

Li Yi's face turned redder, he cleared his throat and turned his head.

"No way." Gu Nanyan shook his head like a rattle, and with his hands on his chest, he refused firmly and without hesitation.

This book is really hard to buy, not only hard to buy but also hard to find, she managed to get it with great difficulty.

And I heard that the person who wrote the book only published dozens of copies. What if she lost it?
The veins on Li Yi's forehead were bulging, and his handsome face was longer than that of a donkey.

"Yan'er is obedient."

"If you don't listen, don't listen to bastard chanting sutras."

Li Yi: "..."

Knowing that Gu Nanyan was soft but not hard, Li Yi felt that it would be impossible to continue to force her to hand it over. He might make her angry, and he would have to coax her later.

It's nothing to coax a daughter-in-law, the key is that this girl is hard to coax!
He pondered for a moment, then slowed down his voice and said, "Then how do you say you are willing to hand it over?"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still looking at him defensively, he twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile: "It's just stored with me temporarily, and I will return it to you later."

We'll watch it together then.

Li Yi secretly glanced at her, his handsome face turned red again.Like a boiled shrimp.

Gu Nanyan was a little entangled, she read the book and then looked at him.

"It's not impossible."

Although I haven't finished this book yet, I have read most of it.

"Then tell me." Li Yi heaved a sigh of relief.

Don't be afraid of her asking for conditions, as long as she is willing to hand it over.

(End of this chapter)

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