Chapter 567
If I remember correctly, my wife never said something like delivering meat every day.

Shang Huaizhou, a man of nearly 31 years old, blushed at his daughter's question in a daze, and didn't know how to answer for a long time.

If he agrees to his daughter's request, it will appear that Prince Sheng's mansion is so poor that he can't even afford meat. Isn't this a slap in the face of the prince's mansion.

If you deny your daughter's statement, it seems like your daughter is lying.

Or the Shang family was reluctant to part with this bit of meat.

Shang Huaizhou, whose heart was already as calm as water, suddenly became nervous.

He glanced at Gu Nanyan, trying to see some emotions from the other person's face, so as to judge what he should say next.

Who would want to meet the other person's eyes full of hope as soon as he raised his head, and looked at himself without blinking.

Shang Huaizhou: "..."

So the palace really can't afford meat anymore?

Did he discover something extraordinary?

Shang Huaizhou squeezed the sleeves where only his fingertips were exposed, and said after consideration: "If the princess does not dislike my wife's vulgar craftsmanship, I am willing to help, but..."

"Don't dislike it!" Gu Nanyan swallowed the meat in his mouth, with no expression on his face, but his eyes were brighter than before, burning like the scorching sun.

And that small jar the size of a palm had already been eaten by her.

The words were interrupted, Shang Huaizhou choked, and the next sentence "Eating too much meat is not good, the cook of the palace is also for the sake of the princess's health, Yin Yin, don't want to talk nonsense" was swallowed back by him.

He pulled out a stiff smile, trying to calm himself down.

The concubine's greedy face is definitely his illusion!

How could the door god who was passed on by word of mouth be greedy for the meat made by his wife.

Door gods should eat ingot candles... no, those are for ghosts.


The door god should eat the wind and drink the dew, otherwise, like the table in front of him, eat something light, such as carrots mixed with vermicelli...

Looking at the plate of exquisitely carved carrots, Shang Huaizhou thought of the meals his wife cooked. really quite unappetizing.

He was silent for a moment, although Mrs. Xie didn't dare to treat them harshly, but it was all superficial, and it was absolutely impossible to send such precious things as shark's fin and bird's nest to his yard.

Therefore, he did not recognize that the so-called "fans" were actually the best shark's fin bestowed by the palace.

But this is not important.

Shang Huaizhou felt that Gu Nanyan must be testing him to see if he has the heart to repay his favor.

Not gluttonous!
Yes, that's it!
Finding a good reason for himself and Gu Nanyan, Shang Huaizhou felt much relieved.

"It's my wife's blessing to be loved by the princess...then from tomorrow on, Caomin will send someone to bring over two cans every day."

Gu Nanyan didn't say yes or no, she still stared at him.

Contempt was evident in his eyes.

Such a small jar, one bite of meat.

You think about it for a long time and give Lao Tzu two bites a day.

Send beggars!

For some reason, Shang Huaizhou seemed to understand what she meant.

He was silent again, and said with trembling lips, "But this jar is really small, why don't I give you two more jars..."

That's only four.

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips and remained silent.

Shang Huaizhou couldn't figure out her pulse, so he had to add: "Four cans are not too many...eight...ten...twenty?"

Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction: "I have received your thanks, and you are very sincere, so it's a deal."

Gu Nanyan stretched out two fingers, and said seriously: "Twenty cans per meal, two meals a day."

If you can mess around, it counts as a meal, Mrs. Shang's craftsmanship is quite good.

I just don't know if she will do anything else.

She glanced at Shang Yinyin who was looking back at her innocently, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

In order to eat, I should delay the progress of the little girl's treatment.

Seeing the pretty sister looking at her, Shang Yinyin grinned, and pushed the only piece of mille-feuille cake left on the plate in front of her.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Forget it, spare your life.

"By the way, don't forget to give your daughter two cans too."

Children need to eat more meat to grow strong.

Don't count on the cook of the palace, your family should be self-sufficient.

Shang Huaizhou: "..."

When Shang Huaizhou walked out of the gate, his whole body was chilled by the wind, and only then did he realize that his body was covered in cold sweat.

He turned around to face the gate, stared at the plaque of Prince Sheng's Mansion for a while, and then walked home in panic.

Not to mention how flustered Mother Shang was just preparing dozens of clay pots after hearing the news.

Shang Huaizhou couldn't help, so he simply went in the direction of the ancestral hall.

The location of the ancestral hall is remote, and few people come here on weekdays.

Therefore, after finding Shang Yinyin who had run away from home, the place returned to its former calm.

When Shang Huaizhou arrived, the guarding mother was cleaning the fallen leaves in the courtyard.

Seeing him coming, she seemed to know what he wanted to ask, and immediately became nervous.

Shang Huaizhou scrutinized her for a while.

The old nanny is not young anymore, she looks much older than Xie Shi, and she can't move her hands and feet, which should be because she has not been in contact with people all year round.

It stands to reason that she should be released from the mansion at her age, or go to the Shang family's Zhuangzi to live up to her old age.

But Mrs. Xie did not let her out of the house.

"Why did you help Yinyin and let her hide in Prince Cheng's mansion." Shang Huaizhou asked straight to the point.

He was sure he didn't know her.

I don't believe that someone will help his daughter for no reason.

What's more, Prince Cheng's mansion was also involved, so it was really hard not to suspect that she had another purpose.

Grasping the broomstick in her hand, the old mammy subconsciously stepped back half a step.

"What the young master is talking about, the old slave doesn't understand..."

"Yinyin told me that you let her go and tricked her to go to Prince Cheng's mansion." Shang Huaizhou stared at her.

"Miss Yin is young, how can you believe what she says..." The old nanny still wanted to defend herself.

"Yinyin never lies, I believe her, even if you deny it, it's useless."

Shang Huaizhou interrupted her without hesitation, his eyes darkened: "Who are you, or what purpose do you have, you'd better explain it to me, otherwise don't blame me and report to grandfather."

It's not a trivial matter to get involved in Prince Cheng's mansion, this nanny might be arranged in the mansion by grandfather's political enemies.

No matter what, it will be known to the grandfather.

But before telling his grandfather, he had to know what was going on, after all, it was about her daughter.

"Old slave... this old slave just sees Miss Yin as pitiful..."

The old nanny refused to say anything, and Shang Huaizhou didn't force her, so he turned around and walked in the direction of Master Shang's yard.

"I wanted to let you off because of Yinyin's face. Since you refuse to tell, then let grandfather ask himself."

"Wait a minute, Eldest Young Master... I really feel sorry for Miss Yin, and I heard that Miss Yin often goes to Prince Cheng's residence to meet the princess recently, thinking that the princess may be able to protect her..."

Shang Huaizhou wanted to say that Yinyin had him as a father and didn't need others to protect her.

But thinking of the bruise on her daughter's arm, she suddenly fell silent.

"How do you know that the princess will take care of such things?"

Although the result was good, the daughter stayed in the palace for a while and then returned to the palace, presumably the Xie family would not allow Shang Yuanyuan to bully her again.

At least not on the surface.

But what if she doesn't care?
Or let someone send Yinyin back to the mansion directly, and when Mrs. Xie finds out, how will she torment her daughter.

And this is not enough to explain why the old mother helped her daughter.

"You took the risk of angering Shang Yuanyuan and being punished by Xie just because you are kind-hearted and pitiful for Yinyin?"

Shang Huaizhou shook his head slowly: "I don't believe it."

Don't say he doesn't believe it, no one will believe it.

How can there be so much kindness from a wealthy family, but they are all wise and safe.

The old mammy glanced at him with complex and hopeful eyes, clutching the broom uneasily, but didn't say a word.

Shang Huaizhou was not in a hurry, he just looked at her fixedly, as if she would not give up until he answered.

The old mammy was finally defeated, she sighed and raised her head, her eyes were slightly red.

"The young master and the old man are really alike, they look tepid and weak, but they are more stubborn than anyone else."

This old lady, of course, is not talking about Mrs. Xie.

(End of this chapter)

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