The farmer has a mall

Chapter 568 Unscrupulous Gu Nanyan

Chapter 568 Unscrupulous Gu Nanyan

Xie has always been very strong, how can he be called weak.

But in this mansion, besides the mistress, there is another old lady.

Shang Huaizhou raised his head abruptly, and looked at her in disbelief.

"You know my mother?" Other than Mrs. Xie, the only one who can be called an old lady is his mother.

"Yes." The old woman said slowly.

"The old slave's maiden name is Chen, and her name is Jinyuan."

There was nostalgia in her eyes.

"Although I am not familiar with today's people, I wish to follow Peng Xian's legacy. This is the source of today's wish, which means whatever you want, and what you wish now."

"It was taken by the old lady herself for the old slave."


Shang Huaizhou left the yard in a daze.

He unexpectedly saw the old man next to his biological mother, who was still the personal servant girl who served by his side.

Shang Huaizhou was in a daze.

After his mother died that year, his father married Mrs. Xie not long after.

Mrs. Xie has not been in the house for more than a month, and for some reason, all the servants in the mansion who have served her mother have been sent out of the mansion, except Chen Momo.

Not only was Mother Chen not sent away, but she was also placed in a remote ancestral hall, becoming the lowest level of sweeping girl, guarding there for decades.

Even though she had already reached the age of retirement, Xie still didn't let her go, as if she forgot that there was such a person.

Ke Shang's servants are all recorded, so how could they forget.

What's more, every year when the ancestors sacrifice or the New Year's Day, the grandfather will bring his children and grandchildren to worship.

As a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Xie cannot enter the ancestral hall, so she has to wait in the yard every time, and it is inevitable that she will meet Madam Chen. Even if she cannot recognize her, she should be able to tell that she is not young enough to stay in the mansion anymore.

But Mrs. Xie didn't, she turned a blind eye to Nanny Chen, and every time she sent someone to tell Nanny Chen to clean the whole yard carefully.

It seems that he attaches great importance to the ancestral hall, but now that he thinks about it, he seems to be deliberately torturing people.

Recalling what Nanny Chen said, the mother is gentle but not that kind of weak woman, she has always been in good health.

And when he was born, it was very smooth, and he hardly suffered much.

After confinement, my energy is stronger than before.

Holding him who is still a baby every day without letting go, I don't feel tired at all.

Such a healthy person, but not long after he was born, he contracted a cold and went away within a few days.

The more Shang Huaizhou thought about it, the colder he felt, the chill spread all over his body, he was so cold that he could hardly stand up.

Mother Shang, who was still counting the pots, hurriedly supported him.

Seeing that his face was paler than before, he couldn't help worrying and said: "But the body is not good, you go back to the room and lie down for a while, I'll go find a doctor right away."

My husband has always been in poor health. I heard that he has been like this since he injured his leg. No matter how many medicines he took, he did not get better.

Instead, he became weaker because of taking too much medicine.

Even heirs are tough.

That's why they only had one child, Yinyin, for so many years.

Shang Huaizhou waved his hands, forced a smile and said, "It's okay, it's just that today is a bit of a hassle, just take it easy."

Mother Shang didn't doubt it, but she still helped him back to the house, letting him have a good rest.

After his wife left, Shang Huaizhou lay on the clean quilt and stared at the top of the bed, his eyes were dark and inexplicable.


The charity school led by Gu Nanyan is progressing very smoothly.

There is no need to worry about money. Many wealthy businessmen in the capital have donated money. After deducting the basic expenses, the remaining money is enough to support the operation of the school.

As for other trivial matters, Gu Nanyan said that she didn't want to worry about it at all.

So with a wave of his little hand, he left the rest to Li Yi.

Li Yi was so busy all day long that he didn't even have time to talk to his wife and cultivate their relationship, so he didn't care.

So he changed hands and pushed it to his own brother.

Li Mi who is also busy and battered: "..."

Who did he provoke.

He wasn't the one who took the lead in this matter, so why throw it to him?

Li Mi was not convinced, and wanted to attack the unscrupulous couple.

But just think about it.

At any rate, he was also cultivating talents for Jianan Kingdom, so he couldn't take it seriously.

So he solemnly handed over the matter to Gu Nanyan's uncle, Gu Qing.

Gu Qing: "..."

Lu Qing's expression at that time was probably the same as that of the subway grandfather looking at his mobile phone, full of confusion and bewilderment.

A minister of the Ministry of Industry, you let Chen build a school?

... It is indeed the responsibility of the Ministry of Works to build houses.

But the Ministry of Industry is only in charge of construction, and the recruitment of teachers to coordinate these matters is left to him!
Gu Qing wanted to ask his colleagues to share the burden, but everyone felt that Gu Nanyan had handled this matter before, so they didn't dare to talk about it, and if they didn't do well, they would have to be beaten.

So they all avoided Gu Qing, even if he came to the door in person, he would find various reasons to avoid seeing him.

Thanks to his niece, Gu Qing hated ghosts for a moment.

In the end, I had to do it all with one hand. I was so busy that I couldn't see the sun, and I was so haggard that I could see it with the naked eye.

Gu Qing: "..."

孽 孽!
Gu Qing fell into dire straits, but Gu Nanyan, the culprit, was at ease.

She stays behind closed doors all day, concentrating on treating Shang Yinyin's illness, eats and reads picture books in her spare time, and occasionally invites opera troupe into the house to sing a few songs.

Even Li Yi was jealous when he saw it.

Ever since Shang Yinyin moved into Prince Sheng's Mansion, Shang's mother has been very busy, besides the forty small jars of stewed meat every day, she also cooks other meals from time to time.

These things were delivered by the servants of the Shang family at the beginning, but they were snatched by Shang's mother within a few days.

Mother Shang has never been separated from her daughter, and she misses her very much.

So I borrowed the excuse of delivering the braised meat to meet my daughter.

The number of deliveries was too high, and Gu Nanyan would occasionally leave her to eat with her.

It was only at that time that Shang's mother knew that the princess's appetite was so large that she ate dozens of pots of stewed meat by herself!
Although Shangmu was shocked, she didn't find it strange when she thought about what the concubine had done.

After all, capable people are different from ordinary people.

It's not unusual to eat a lot... right?

"What is mother thinking?"

The daughter's voice pierced through the opera, and brought Shang's mother back to her state of mind.

Mother Shang looked back at her daughter.

After this period of treatment, most of Shang Yinyin's albinism has healed, as long as she doesn't look closely, the spots on her face can't be seen at all.

She no longer wears a veil, and walks in front of people openly, unlike before when she dared not even look at people.

And I don't know if it is influenced by the princess, but she is more lively and bold than ordinary girls.

Even the brothers and sisters, Shang Yuanyuan, who was the most afraid, dared to order them around.

From the corner of her eye, Mother Shang looked at the brothers and sisters who were standing obediently with their hands down, with gentle and doting smiles on their faces.

"Mother is thinking about what to eat tomorrow." She patted her daughter's head and smiled, "What does Yinyin like to eat?"

Shang Yinyin tilted her head and thought for a while, then looked at Gu Nanyan, who was listening to the play, fascinated.

"Whatever pretty sister likes, Yinyin likes."

Mother Shang paused for a moment when she touched her head, looking at her daughter's obviously rounder face, she felt helpless and funny at the same time.

Ever since she came to Prince Sheng's mansion, her daughter has been clinging to Prince Sheng and Princess Sheng except when going to bed at night.

The princess does what she does.

Even the appetite is getting closer to her, getting bigger every day.

Sometimes even if she can't eat anymore, as long as the princess is still eating, she will stuff it even if she forces it.

At first, Mother Shang was worried that she would be broken, so she boldly tried to persuade her, but it was of no avail.

On the contrary, Gu Nanyan, although suspected of grabbing food with Shang Yinyin, did not stop her.

It's just that every time after a meal, I will throw her a small pill, saying something to help digestion.

Sure enough, after taking the pill, Shang Yinyin never had indigestion, instead she soon became hungry again.

The daughter was fine, so Mother Shang felt relieved and never tried to persuade her.

"Then mother, how about making crispy meat for you and the princess tomorrow?" She remembered that the first time she made it, the princess seemed to like it very much.

"Okay!" A cold voice sounded, and it was Gu Nanyan who was still obsessed with listening to the opera just now who answered her.

"Remember to make more, the last time was not enough." She said seriously.

Mother Shang: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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