Chapter 569
The corner of Shangmu's mouth twitched, feeling a little breathless.

If I remember correctly, she blew up half of the piglets last time, and they were all sent to Prince Cheng's residence.

Is this not enough?

Mother Shang looked at Gu Nanyan's flat belly, wondering where she had eaten all those things.

In this way of eating, it is fortunate that the princess is a blessed one, and was adopted by the general's mansion since she was a child.

Otherwise, if they fall into ordinary households, they will not be able to support them even if they sell everything!
"Yes, I remember it, I will definitely do more tomorrow." Mother Shang said hastily.

It is said that being able to eat is a blessing.

The princess is indeed blessed and blessed!
Gu Nanyan looked at Shangmu with satisfaction, and the more she looked at her, the more pleasing she was: "It's getting late, if you have nothing to do, go back and get ready."

Fried crispy meat is too troublesome, and the meat has to be marinated overnight, and she won't be able to eat it until noon tomorrow.

Of course, she will not let people work for nothing.

Thinking about how Mother Shang has devoted herself to cooking food for herself recently, and she doesn't seem to have even paid for the food.

The conscience that Gu Nanyan ran away from home suddenly came back.

"Bai Zhi, go and get the 200 taels of silver bills, and take some pieces of fabric from the storeroom to Mrs. Shang to take back."

"Yes, servant girl will go now." Bai Zhi replied.

Mother Shang quickly waved her hands when she heard the words, "No, it's just a little meat. It's my honor if you like to eat it. How can I ask for your money."

They didn't even ask for medical expenses for their daughter's medical treatment, but how could she dare to charge money for ordering food.

And they didn't pay for the money to buy the ingredients.

After the old master knew that she delivered food to the princess every day, he asked the steward of the kitchen to be responsible for the purchase, and also transferred two cooks from the kitchen to help her. She was only in charge of the final production.

"It's really unnecessary." This sentence was said to Bai Zhi.

Bai Zhi didn't say a word, she smiled at her for a blessing, and then backed away.

He came back after a quarter of an hour, followed by several servants, each holding a few bolts of cloth in their hands.

Bai Zhi folded her hands in front of her, leaned to Gu Nanyan's side and asked, "Princess, there are more than a dozen kinds of fabrics here, and the servants each took one deep and one shallow. Look..."

Her original intention was to ask her which one to give Mrs. Shang.

But Gu Nanyan misunderstood what she meant: "There are so many varieties? Then let the driver in the mansion help to send them back."

Bai Zhi paused: "Send them all?"

Gu Nanyan looked at her inexplicably, otherwise?
After taking everything out, and sending it back, I have to register it again, which is very troublesome.

"Could it be a little too much?" Bai Zhi glanced at Shangmu with a troubled expression.

I have never heard of anyone giving dozens of pieces of fabric as gifts.

Those who know are gift giving, those who don't know are still planning to open the cloth village in Prince Cheng's mansion.

The same goes for Housekeeper Tao. Hearing that the princess wanted fabrics, he asked people to move out a bunch of them.

If it weren't for her running fast, there might be more than that.

Moreover, Butler Tao was so happy at that time, as if he had picked up money.

Bai Zhi was very puzzled.

But she didn't know that Butler Tao was also very worried.

Some of these fabrics were given to Gu Nanyan by Li Mi, and some were originally in the palace.

There used to be no female relatives in the mansion, not even a maid.

However, every gift received during Chinese New Year and holidays has to be mixed with a few bolts of women's cloth.

As a result, the storeroom accumulated more and more, even though a lot of moth-eaten ones were thrown out every year, there was none of them missing.

Now that Gu Nanyan came and brought a few maidservants, Tao Butler thought that the warehouse would finally be cleared.

Unexpectedly, ever since she entered the mansion, gifts from the emperor, queen, concubine Cui, and people who flattered and flattered her were given almost every day.

The warehouses are fuller than ever.

But the husband and wife are not the ones who give gifts to others.

The objects that can enter Prince Sheng's mansion are either imperial gifts or good things, and they cannot be thrown away.

As a result, the mansion can only be entered and cannot be entered, and it seems that the newly built warehouse will not be able to fit it.

Butler Tao is worried.

There are a few more gray hairs because of this.

Hearing that Gu Nanyan is going to give it away, why don't you hurry up and give it away?
Even the shark yarn that the emperor had just given him brought out a piece.

Apparently Gu Nanyan also knew about it, she waved her hand indifferently, "Send them over, there is no shortage of these in the house."

These fabrics are so colorful that she can't wear them. Instead of taking up space in the warehouse, it's better to give them to those who need them.

She took a look at Shang Yinyin, this girl only had a few clothes, most of them didn't fit well, the sleeves were a little short, it should be last year's old clothes.

At any rate, living in the palace will make people see how much she loses face.

Bai Zhi had no choice but to agree and asked someone to move the cloth to the carriage.

"The princess can't do it." Seeing this, Shangmu was very disturbed and wanted to stop it.

She didn't want to accept one or two horses, let alone so many.

If the old man found out, he might be angry.

"I'll keep it if I give it to you, there's so much nonsense." Gu Nanyan became impatient.

Seeing her cold voice, Shang Mu didn't dare to speak, and was taken out of the yard by Bai Zhi at a loss.

Shang Yuanyuan, who was standing by the side, clenched her sleeves tightly, her eyes followed the movement of the shark, and her jealous lips were bitten to the point of blood.

Others may not know such a thing as scallops, but she does.

Shark yarn is thin and difficult to weave, and the silk used is all produced by rare golden silkworms, not even one can be produced in a year, and all of them are sent to the palace, where they cannot be found outside.

Even her grandmother only got a handkerchief from her natal family.

The veil was also made of shark yarn, thin and soft like nothing, it was obviously a pure white cloth, but there was a little bit of golden light faintly in the sun.

It is not difficult to imagine how beautiful it would be if it were made into clothes.

Just such a handkerchief cost great-grandfather several thousand taels of silver, and it was only through favors that he bought it.

Moreover, there was an obvious piece of thread on the veil, which was left over from the maid in the palace after finishing the clothes.

Rao is so precious enough.

But such a precious thing was so recklessly rewarded by the concubine to that lowly girl!

Could it be that the people below didn't know the goods, so they took the wrong one?
Shang Yuanyuan felt that it was very possible, and after holding it in for a long time, she finally couldn't hold it back, and couldn't help but said to Gu Nanyan: "Princess, there is a shark inside."

Gu Nanyan was puzzled: "What kind of yarn?"

She has no research on fabrics, and she only pays attention to comfort when she wears clothes on weekdays. She really doesn't know what yarn is.

Seeing her puzzled look, Shang Yuanyuan was overjoyed.

Sure enough, it was wrong, how could the princess give away such a precious thing.

Even if you give it, you shouldn't give it to that cheap girl's family.

Shang Yuanyuan hurriedly explained the preciousness of Shark Shark, and after explaining, she gave Shang Yinyin a provocative look.

For such an important thing, the princess will definitely give it away reluctantly.

But it would be a very shameful thing to take back the things that were sent out, and it was still in front of so many servants.

So there are only two outcomes.

One is that the princess took back the shark yarn and replaced it with other things regardless of face.

Second, the concubine was embarrassed to come back out of face, and the things were still sent to the Shang family.

The first result is naturally what Shang Yuanyuan would like to see, when the time comes, not only the princess will lose face, but Shang Yinyin's family will also lose face if the news spreads, maybe the princess will become ashamed and turn on them.

Shang Yuanyuan sneered in her heart.

She had seen how powerful Gu Nanyan was a few days ago, and she really suffered a lot.

Shang Yuanyuan considers herself to be knowledgeable about current affairs, and knowing that this is someone she can't afford to mess with, she obediently serves her.

But just because she understands current affairs, it doesn't mean she doesn't bear grudges.

It would be the best if Gu Nanyan and Shang Yuanyuan can lose face together, and if he is fanning the flames by the side, there is a possibility of resentment.

If she asked someone to secretly send a letter to her grandmother and let her operate it, it might become a conflict between the two governments.

Although Prince Sheng is a prince, he probably doesn't want to have any grudges with their Shang family.

By then, Gu Nanyan will still be able to live a good life?
Even if Gu Nanyan reluctantly parted with her and sent Jiaosha to the Shang Mansion, she still felt unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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