Chapter 584
As night fell, the air was full of burnt smell.

Li Yi looked towards the direction of the sea, and rubbed his eyebrows wearily.

"How many crossbow arrows are there?" He asked Long Yidao behind him.

"Back to the master, there are not many crossbow arrows left, and we can attack for one round at most."

"Where's the fuel tank?" Li Yi asked again.

"Already used up."

Li Yi didn't speak for a while, Long Yi glanced at him worriedly.

"Master, why don't we evacuate Dongfu County, close the surrounding city gates and wait for rescue."

It can be calculated that the Zhenbei army will arrive in two days. Although the opponent's weapons are powerful, as long as they can survive until the army arrives, there is still hope of victory.

Li Yi shook his head slowly upon hearing the words.

"No, if we retreat, what will happen to the people of Dongfu County."

It is hard to leave the homeland, he organized the government to evacuate the people early in the morning, but a small number of people stayed.

Those people from other races acted so cruelly, if they were allowed to land successfully, one can imagine what would happen to the common people.

"But master, even if we don't retreat, we won't be able to resist for long."

Ballistas and fuel tanks played an excellent defensive role, but they were not continuous. After this round of rest, if the opponent continued to attack, it was not certain whether they could last until tomorrow morning.

"Then stick to it." Li Yi's face was tired, but his expression was still resolute, and he looked forward firmly.

"This king believes in Yan'er."

Before leaving, the daughter-in-law said that as long as he can last for three days, this battle will be won.

Tonight is the last night of the three-day period, and he can't back down no matter what.

"I remember you said just now that the Qi family seems to have stored several buckets of black water?"

Li Yi suddenly remembered that his wife had told him that something like black water could burn even in water, and he had an idea in his mind.

"You take people there personally, bring all the black water to me, and pour it all along the shore into the sea."

Then ignite.

In this way, the burning flames on the sea will form a line of defense, which can be resisted for a while.

"The subordinates have passed." Long Yi frowned, "The old lady of the Qi family and several masters are not in the mansion, and the servants will not let us move because the master is not here and cannot be the master."

The master has always been strict in leading the troops, ordering that the people should not be touched by a needle or thread, and no matter how urgent the situation is, they must be exchanged with money with the other party's consent.

Therefore, the servants of the Qi family refused to let them move, and they did not dare to snatch it.

Li Yi sneered when he heard this, he said this, but the Qi family are not ordinary people.

If it wasn't for catching a big fish, they would have been put in the pot long ago.

When this war is over, the Qi family will end badly.

"You just take people to move, anyone who dares to stop them will be arrested and put in prison. Also, let people search Qi's mansion to see if there are any secret passages. It is impossible for a few good people to suddenly disappear."

Before the war started, he ordered people to go to Qi's house to arrest people, but except for a few servants, all the masters of Qi's house disappeared.

The spies who were in the dark said that they hadn't seen anyone coming or going from the Qi family in the past few days.

That being the case, it is very likely that he ran through a secret passage.

Long Yi took the order, and with Li Yi's words, he would be free to do things.

The black water was quickly pulled over by Long Yi and poured into the sea.

The raging fire ignited, blocking the sight of those people on the sea, forcing them to suspend their attack.

However, the black water was limited, and after an hour, the fire became much weaker, and the attack started again. Long Yi had to use the remaining crossbow bolts to resist, and at the same time, he was ready to forcefully take Li Yi away.

When the last crossbow arrow was shot out, and seeing that the leading ship was only a dozen meters away from the coast, Long Yi gritted his teeth, and just wanted to knock Li Yi unconscious from behind while he was unaware.

Then he heard a loud bang, and a huge wave hit him, throwing him a chill.

Before he could react, there was another loud noise.

Li Yi raised his head fiercely, just in time to see the ship closest to the shore disintegrate, followed by continuous artillery fire, instantly lighting up the entire sea surface.

The soldiers of the Yang Kingdom, who didn't know why, disappeared before they saw what happened.

"It's the princess!" Long Yi said excitedly, pointing at the white spot in the distance.

"I saw it." Li Yi glanced at him sideways, shook his drenched sleeves, and smiled.

"The king's daughter-in-law is here, why are you excited?" Li Yi raised his chin arrogantly, then suddenly turned around and hid behind Long Yi.

The next moment another huge wave hit, Long Yi's whole body was completely soaked, and water beads dripped down his stiff chin.

Long Yi: "..."

He wiped his face and looked back at Li Yi, who was still dry, with a sad look in his eyes.

Li Yi straightened his clothes as if he had nothing to do, and said calmly: "I intend to attack this king. After returning, I will go to the dark guard camp to get ten whips."

Don't think that he didn't see his little moves, this kid is really getting more and more daring, and he still wants to attack him.

Long Yi: "..."

The people living nearby were originally hiding in their homes. After hearing the loud noise, they thought that Yangguo soldiers had attacked ashore, and almost cried.

Even some with hard teeth, in order not to be tortured to death by those people, have already picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to wipe their necks.

However, they waited for a long time but did not hear the news that their side was defeated and fled, so they couldn't help looking into the distance through the crack of the door.

The fire was so bright that it was impossible to see the situation on the sea.

However, it could be vaguely seen that Jianan soldiers were still defending the first line of defense, or they were waiting and watching.

Some people even sat on the ground and chatted loudly amidst bursts of loud noises.

Although he looked embarrassed and drenched, his expression was relieved.

The people who poked their heads looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally mustered up the courage to step out of the house.

Some bold ones went directly to the soldier who was talking to him and asked about the current situation.

"Do you see it?" The soldier pointed to the three white dots in the distance.

"That's our princess' warship. You'll be fine, so you can go back to wash and sleep with peace of mind." The soldier said proudly.

The people who asked the question shook their faces, wanting to ask him how he could sleep in such a situation, but they suddenly reacted.

"Princess? Are you talking about our eldest princess?" the people asked expectantly.

"That's right, otherwise, who else is there?" The soldier gave him a supercilious look, and at the same time waved his hands impatiently.

"Go, go, go back if you have nothing to do, don't join in the fun here, we will not be responsible for the wind and chill caused by a wave." He said and hid under the sandbag half as high as a person.

People: "..."

The enemy is at present, as a frontline soldier, you are still in the mood to hide from the waves!

Can you be more reliable!
The people were dissatisfied with the attitude of the soldiers, turned around and walked back angrily.

He bumped into several neighbors who were also brave enough to inquire about the news.

"Brother Xu, where are you going? Can you tell me about the situation over there?"

A young man trot over timidly, tugging at the sleeve of the commoner named Brother Xu and asked.

Brother Xu recognized him as the nonchalant boy from the house next door, and pulled out his sleeve angrily.

"Where else can I go? Of course I go back to sleep in the middle of the night. If you want to know the situation there, ask yourself!"

"Don't be like this, brother Xu, just tell me, why am I watching those soldiers sitting there chatting, stop fighting?"

"Whatever the fight, the Eldest Princess is out there herself, and they are still needed... Get up, don't get in my way, I'm sleepy..."

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't react until Brother Xu pushed him away.

"It turns out that the eldest princess is here." He murmured and glanced at the surface of the sea, then let out a breath, and the tension on his face disappeared instantly.

"Hey, you said it earlier, you scared me..." The young man patted his chest, relaxed all over, and smiled on his face.

Seeing a few people approaching here cautiously in the distance, he hurriedly waved at them.

"It's okay, it's okay, our eldest princess is here, let's all go back to wash and sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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