The farmer has a mall

Chapter 585 Gu Nanyan's Plan

Chapter 585 Gu Nanyan's Plan
Gu Yunge thoroughly saw how his younger sister persuaded others with reasoning.

"In the family of generals, fists are the last word." Facing his questioning eyes, Gu Nanyan pricked his neck and argued forcefully.

"And I have warned them in advance that they resisted in the end and then resisted arrest. What can I do?"

She shook the speaker in her hand, and spread her hands as if I was helpless.

Gu Yunge lowered his head, looking at the disintegrated Yangguo warship floating on the sea, and then at the slippery Yangguo soldiers with only their underpants hanging on the bow.

Two of them were the subordinates of General Dong who swam to their side at first, intending to negotiate.

Gu Yunge's mouth twitched twice.

These people probably don't understand until now why the enemy launched an attack just after they reported themselves and didn't even have a conversation.

He also finally wanted to understand why sister Nan refused to bring the interpreter given by the emperor when she left Beijing.

This is not giving anyone a chance to surrender!

However, he had to admit that doing so was really satisfying.

The situation this time was different from the past. The soldiers of the Yang Kingdom were really cruel and inhumane. Not to mention Sister Nan, even if her grandfather was present, she would not be relentless.

It's just a pity that the main general escaped in the end.

"Why didn't Sister Nan catch that General Dong?" Gu Yunge asked without understanding.

They watched each other escape by boat, and it was impossible for the Cangyun to fail to catch up with them.

"What are you arresting him for? He's just a general." Gu Nanyan said with a smile as he looked at the corpses of soldiers from the Yang Kingdom floating on the sea.

"Brother, do you know about the homing effect?"

Gu Yunge shook his head slowly, he was used to his sister often saying some incomprehensible words.

"What is the homing effect?"

"The homing effect means that no matter what animal is injured, it will subconsciously run back to its old nest. Humans are also animals, and they will naturally run back to their nest when they are frightened or injured."

She looked up into the distance in the dark night: "Even if his lair is thousands of miles away."

Gu Yunge frowned, somewhat understanding what she meant.

"You want to follow him to find the location of Yang Kingdom?"

"No! This is too dangerous." Gu Yunge never expected that she would have such an idea!

"Don't say that elder brother disagrees with this matter, even grandfather will not agree with you to do this."

How risky is the voyage, even if he has never lived by the sea, he knows it.

Except for the boundless sea water, there is not even a sign on the sea, let alone unknown dangers such as violent storms and tsunamis.

"And General Dong escaped two hours ago. Where are you going to find him in the vast sea?" Knowing that she has a determined temperament that even nine bulls can't be brought back, Gu Yunge planned to use the soft policy.

"What's more, this defeat has already hurt their vitality. They won't send people over in a short time. Why do you have to suffer? Life at sea is not easy."

"How can it be hard to live, it's great to eat seafood every day."

Gu Nanyan swallowed, she had to remind Yun Xi when she turned around, and when she got ashore, she would find a cook who could cook all kinds of seafood dishes, and take them with her when she went to sea.

The sea is her cafeteria.

Nice to think about.

"Besides, you have already mentioned the vast sea. If there is not enough food and clean water in reserve, where can he go?"

Probably which small island they went to hide on, waiting for someone to deliver supplies to them.

"That's not going to work. How can you let us rest assured that you have traveled so far away as a girl." Gu Yunge's square face was rarely serious.

Seeing what Gu Nanyan wanted to say, he waved his hand decisively to interrupt, and said without any room for negotiation: "Everything is negotiable, this matter is absolutely impossible, don't even think about it."

"If you think about it again, be careful. I'll tell my grandfather to let him restrain your feet!" Gu Yunge threatened.

Gu Nanyan choked up, and said unconvinced: "Why do you restrain me, I'm married!"

I've never heard of any girl who was grounded by her mother's family after getting married. Think her stupid!

"You are also the daughter of the Gu family when you get married, and I believe my brother-in-law will not object."

"Then I'll sneak away."

"If you want to piss grandma to death, run away and try." Gu Yunge sneered, continuing to threaten her confidently.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Try and die.

Who was I afraid of?
I didn't realize that you are such a Gu Yunge, but luckily I always thought you were honest and honest, but you were a sham!

Gu Nan was so suffocated that he couldn't speak, his face turned blue.

The Chaos Beast lying on the ship's side clicked his tongue twice in surprise, unexpectedly, this female devil would sometimes be choked and speechless.

It jumped onto Class A with its short legs, grabbed Gu Nanyan's clothes and climbed onto her shoulders, lest the world would not be chaotic and instigated: "Female devil...Master, I have a map of this world, and I have a map of this world. There is a navigation system accurate to 0.1 meters, so you won't get lost."

Resist to the end, devil, you must stick to your philosophy.

It also likes seafood dinner or something.

As an ancient ferocious beast, it usually doesn't need to eat, but that doesn't prevent it from tasting delicious food.

Gu Nanyan squinted at it, patted his shoulder like dust, and threw it out.

The dog has no good intentions at first glance, I use you to navigate, you can do it!

The boat had already docked, she hummed twice, ignored the Chaos Beast that was about to fall off the boat, rolled her eyes at Gu Yunge and walked towards the boat ladder.

Faced with her childish behavior, Gu Yunge couldn't laugh or cry, and got off the boat together with her.

Li Yi was leading people to resettle the wounded soldiers. The casualties were heavy this time. Hearing the howls of those soldiers with broken arms and legs, Li Yi felt very heavy.

It wasn't until he saw his daughter-in-law appeared that his face became better.

"Brother." He greeted Gu Yunge politely, then stepped forward to grab his wife's little hand, and looked around carefully.

Seeing that she was not injured, Li Yi let go of his heart.

"I've worked hard on you for the past few days, I asked Long Yi to find an inn, you and elder brother go to have a rest first."

His voice was hoarse and tired, but very soft.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him: "What about you?"

This guy's eyes were blue, and his fair complexion was particularly conspicuous, so he must have not slept well.

"I still have some things to deal with." Feeling his wife's concern, Li Yi smiled lightly.

"The Qi family ran away from the secret passage, I have to arrest them first."

No one thought that there was a secret passage in Mrs. Qi's house leading directly to the outside of the city. He had asked Long San, who was good at tracking, to chase after him first, and he would personally lead people there after he finished dealing with the matter here.

Gu Nanyan wanted to say that the Qi family was not in a hurry to arrest, otherwise how would they provide supplies to General Dong.

But Gu Yunge was standing beside her with a strong sword, staring at her, so she swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

"Then you go and get busy, my brother and I will go to the inn first."

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Gu Yunge's staring eyes are too scary.

It's better to write a letter and let Yun Xi secretly deliver it later.

She didn't want Gu Yunge to educate her son like that.

There is no dignity at all!
Gu Nan was stuffy with smoke.


In a house in Dongfu County, the old man of the Qi family sat in the living room with a very ugly face.

"How did you fail? Didn't you say that General Dong is the number one general in the Yang Kingdom, and he has never been defeated in a battle? It's only been a few days and he was beaten to pieces." He pointed at Ishida Hao on the opposite side, furious said in a low voice.

Said that the few days were all for Yang Guo's face.

According to the news his subordinates inquired, half of the soldiers of the Yang Kingdom were wiped out in just two hours, even the boats and the entire army were wiped out.

As for the other half of General Dong's team, they were probably buried in the sea as well.

The old man of the Qi family covered his chest with a pale face.

It wasn't just the Yang Kingdom that was defeated, the Qi family was also doomed.

He shouldn't have entrusted all his wealth and life on these people!

(End of this chapter)

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