Chapter 586
This is a good time, their collusion with the Yang Kingdom has already been exposed to the court, how can they continue to survive here in the future.

Is it possible to go back to be a pirate?

But the Qi family has paid so much, but in the end they still have to go the old way, how can he be reconciled!

At this time, Mrs. Qi regretted it very much, and wished she could slap herself twice.

Ishida Hao's face was uglier than his.

"You still have the nerve to say, if it weren't for the wrong information you gave, how could our soldiers be caught off guard."

He squinted his small eyes and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that your Qi family has colluded with the imperial court to deliberately frame our army..."

"Fart!" The old man Qi who was being questioned immediately slapped the table.

"My Qi family has provided you with so much convenience at any cost over the past few decades, and even gave you the money that your ancestors saved when they were pirates. You still doubt me."

"Who knows if you did it on purpose to relax my vigilance."

Hiroshi Ishida was also on fire. Half of the more than 1 soldiers died, and the other half were more or less fortunate. If this incident was really reported back to China, even if he committed seppuku, it would not be enough to apologise.

But he feels that this is not his responsibility alone.

If it wasn't for the information provided by the Qi family, which made him feel that Jianan country was powerless against the soldiers of his Yang country, how could he have let General Dong send troops rashly.

And what he couldn't figure out was how the other party could accurately find the location of General Dong and the others in the vast sea.

Ishida Hao's eyes darkened, if it was really what he said, he couldn't bear this matter alone.

The two quarreled so loudly that the roof was almost blown off.

Sitting at the bottom, Mrs. Qi Liang, the second son of Mrs. Qi's ordinary wife, rubbed between her brows irritably.

"The facts have been settled. It's useless for you to argue any more. It's better to calmly think about the next thing."

The defeat in this battle was so strange, if he hadn't been involved in it all the time, he might have doubted the Qi family.

"Uncle, Mrs. Liang assures you that the Qi family will remain loyal to the Yang Kingdom. Father is also very surprised by this incident."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the mustache standing behind Qi Dangjia, "And the eldest brother's people also said that our people didn't find General Dong's body, and he might still be alive."

As long as General Dong is alive, they still have hope.

"Most of the soldiers are dead, so what's the use of him being alive!" Shi Tianhao snorted coldly, although he was a little frustrated, he didn't continue to quarrel with Mrs. Qi.

He is still very satisfied with Qi Liangtai's nephew, although he has the blood of a foreign race in his body, but no matter his appearance or personality, he is closer to a Yang country person.

Not to mention that he is still the child of his most beloved sister.

Ishida Hao took a deep breath, picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp, finally extinguishing a little anger in his heart.

"Uncle's words are wrong." Seeing that his teacup was empty, Qi Liangtai hurriedly filled it up for him, this behavior undoubtedly made him more satisfied.

He took a look at old Mrs. Qi, who was still blushing and had a thick neck, who seemed to be even angrier than before, and picked up the tea his nephew poured for him provocatively, and drank it again in one gulp.

Sure enough, when he put down the teacup, Qi Liangtai poured tea for him again with a wink.

And Mrs. Qi's complexion has turned dark into the bottom of the pot.

Seeing this, Qi Dangjia, who had been silent all this time, raised a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth, but he lowered his head to cover it up in time, and continued to remain silent.

"Uncle's words are wrong. If General Dong is still alive, we will have an extra escape route. Maybe he can protect us to go to sea."

The Qi family's secret passage leads to the outside of the city, and they escaped from the city a few days ago and then came back in disguise, not only because of the darkness under the lights.

Dongfu County is the only place within a hundred miles where the ship can dock. If they want to escape to the sea, they can only get on the ship from here.

But now the whole county is under the control of the imperial court, there are several waves of soldiers patrolling the streets every day, and the portraits of their Qi family are posted everywhere.

To put it bluntly, as long as they show up, even if they have wings, they will not be able to escape.

In this case, it is obviously impossible for them to go out and find the ships in the sea by themselves.

Qi Liangtai analyzed the current situation to him: "We can't come out on our own, and we don't have anyone trustworthy to entrust us with. We can only wait."

"But no matter whether it is the government or the army, sooner or later the search will be here, we can't sit still and wait for death."

"If General Dong is still alive, he will definitely come back to save you because of his relationship with uncle. Then, as long as we can escape to the sea smoothly, with the help of my old friend from the Qi family, why not worry about it?"

This old friend is talking about those pirates.

"Hmph, you Jianan Kingdom are all sinister and cunning villains, how do you know they will help." Ishida Hao glanced at the old lady Qi pointedly.

After receiving his intention, Mrs. Qi became furious immediately.

However, before he could say anything, he was stopped by Qi Liangtai.

Qi Liang shook his head imperceptibly at him.

"Father, don't be impatient, please listen to your son first."

Now they can only place their hope on General Dong, and it would not be wise to offend uncle at this time.

Although Mrs. Qi was annoyed that his son was turning his elbow outward, he knew that he had an idea and his brains were better than his and his elder son combined. There must be a reason to stop him from getting angry.

After thinking about it, he could only hold back his anger, and sat back with a cold snort.

Qi Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Take ten thousand steps back, even if those people refuse to help, we can still go to Yangguo by boat with General Dong."

"Uncle forgot, General Dong has the ability to never forget. Since he can come from Yangguo smoothly, he will be able to find his way back."

Ishida Hiroshi was silent when he heard the words.

He made many safe trips back and forth, relying on experienced captains, he himself really didn't know the specific route back.

In this way, if General Dong is dead, wouldn't he not even be able to go home?

Ishida Hao, who had been drowning in the anger of the defeat in the war, finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

He hurriedly looked at the mustache who brought the news: "Are you sure that General Dong is not dead?"

Mustache looked hesitantly at Head Qi, saw that he was thinking about something with his head down, and didn't pay attention to their conversation at all, so he paused for a moment and said, "It should be still alive."

Ishida Hao was not satisfied with his answer: "What does it mean to be alive?"

The little beard pondered and said: "The people I sent out pretended to be fishermen to go out to sea, and indeed saw many corpses of soldiers from the Yang Kingdom floating up at thirty miles, but none of them were the people in the portrait you gave me."

"You can conclude that the person is still alive based on this?" Ishida Hao said dissatisfied.

The sea was very windy and rough, maybe the corpse was washed far away, or was eaten by a big fish.

Of course, it is most likely to sink to the bottom.

This cannot be used as evidence that General Dong is alive.

"of course not."

Mustache explained: "As far as I know, General Dong's fleet was not completely wiped out that night, at least one ship escaped, and the ships of Prince Sheng and Princess Sheng have been patrolling the sea frequently recently, as if they were looking for something. People think that they should be looking for General Dong.”

If the only ones who escaped were some stragglers, how could they go to sea to look for them in person, driven by Prince Sheng and Princess Consort Sheng.

Ishida Hiroshi obviously thought of this too, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

But when he thought of Gu Nanyan, his heart sank again.

"I heard that the ships sent by the imperial court to support them are very strange. You have seen it with your own eyes. What does it look like? Maybe you can draw it?"

Everyone knows the tragedy of the beach that day.

The ignorant people said that the ship was filled with thunder and fire, and a few blows could blow a ship to pieces.

According to Ishida Hao's intuition, it is similar to a firecracker, but it is much more powerful.

Big enough to destroy their ships in one hit.

(End of this chapter)

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