Chapter 709
Knowing that Gu Nanyan was going to inspect the disaster area the next day, Fu Tuo was afraid that his sister would be wronged, so he issued an imperial edict.

Under normal circumstances, if a special envoy is on a tour, the emperor will give a token to facilitate the special envoy's actions.

For example, the emperor's personal accessories, or personal weapons, or things like gold medal arrows.

However, this was not mentioned in Fu Tuo's imperial decree to Gu Nanyan.

There is only one sentence: "Seeing that Princess Anguo, the princess, is here in person, anyone who offends her will be punished with the crime of deceiving the king."

The courtiers were really stunned.

This is not just a decree of a special envoy, because the word "special envoy" is not mentioned in the imperial decree.

Not a special envoy, the content of this edict is not limited to the inspection of the disaster.

This shows that from now on, Gu Nanyan does not need any tokens, she has already represented Fu Tuo herself.

Throughout the ages, no emperor has dared to issue such a decree.

Even the closest people around him, no one dared to represent the emperor himself.

In other words, no emperor dared to let anyone represent him.

But Fu Tuo not only promulgated the decree, but also announced it widely in the court, and even posted the decree on the imperial list, and then ordered people to drive a steam car to send it to various government offices in an urgent manner.

What he did was telling the whole world that his younger sister, Gu Nanyan, was the second emperor of Anyang Kingdom.

Before the imperial decree was promulgated, all the ministers were shocked when they learned of this.

Strong opposition was expressed above the court.

Even those old ministers who had been friends with the Wei family felt that this matter was very inappropriate.

However, although Fu Tuo is the new emperor and his foundation is still unstable, and he is not as hot-tempered and domineering as his father, he is even more consistent than Fu Jingqi.

Facing the opposition from the officials and the accusation from the censor, he only said a word lightly.

"This world belongs to my Fu family."

This is a bit unreasonable.

It's true that he is the emperor, but he can't be so autocratic.

Even when Fu Jingqi was in power, he had to discuss with these ministers first before making any decision.

Only after they agree can the decree be issued.

Hearing the words, the officials became more and more angry, feeling that Fu Tuo didn't take them seriously, and they all blushed with anger.

The censor also scolded more truthfully.

There was a mess in the court hall, and it was rare to be united, and the finger pointed at Fu Tuo who was sitting at the head.

Fu Tuo hooked the corners of his lips, still calm and relaxed.

"If you don't agree, you can turn against me, the emperor, to be the master of the house, and I welcome you at any time."

"But before you succeed in rebelling, this matter will be settled in this way."

The officials were shocked and could not believe that the young emperor had said such a thing.

Some old ministers were annoyed and questioned Fu Tuo angrily.

"The emperor has only been enthroned for a few days, and he has already ignored me. He acts arbitrarily and does not listen to advice."

The old minister flicked his sleeves angrily, with some irony in his tone.

"Since that's the case, it's better to let go of my official position. Wouldn't it be great for you to be the master of everything!"

All the ministers nodded to express their indignation and approval.

The relationship between the emperor and his courtiers is like a seesaw. If you are tall, I am low; if you are strong, I am weak.

If such an overstepping decision was promulgated as the emperor wanted, but they did not stop it, they would become the weaker party in the future.

It will be difficult to think about it.

"Ai Qing is serious, how can I dismiss you and other meritorious ministers without reason." Fu Tuo laughed.

The old minister's expression eased upon hearing this.

"Then withdraw this decree."

He said earnestly: "The old minister knows that you and the princess have a strong relationship, but the matter of imperial power is not a joke. Do you want the tragedy of the Wei family to happen to the princess?!"

The old minister looked sad.

At the beginning, the founding emperor of Anyang insisted on dividing the world equally with the Wei family, and entrusted him with great power.

As a result, the Wei family has been so powerful for a long time, and the royal family's fear of the Wei family has become more and more day by day, which made the old general Wei's family die tragically.

It is enough for such a tragedy to happen once.

Moreover, Gu Nanyan's identity is too sensitive. She is not only the princess of Anyang Kingdom, but also the princess of Daliang and Jianan Kingdom.

At the same time, she is also the princess of Jianan Kingdom.

If her status is raised to the same height as the emperor, what is the difference from decentralizing power to other two countries.

Fu Tuo knew that he had no selfish intentions, and it was not because he had an opinion on Gu Nanyan that he objected to his decision, but because he truly considered Anyang Country.

Fu Tuo understands his objection.

But he still didn't intend to change his mind.

"For the emperor, you should keep your promises. I have decided on this matter." He rubbed his temples and insisted.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, so the stalemate came down.

Standing behind Fu Tuo, Sanjin lowered his head like a wooden man, without saying a word.

Until this moment, seeing that the crowd in the hall became more and more angry, there was a faint tendency to lose control.

He just took two steps forward, bowed to Fu Tuo and said, "Your Majesty, since the ministers are so opposed to this matter, it is not an option for you to continue in a stalemate."

His voice was not low, just enough to be heard by the noisy courtiers below.

Fu Tuo didn't look at him, and took a sip of hot tea from a teacup.

Eunuchs are not allowed to discuss politics, San Jin's move is already breaking the rules, if it is seriously pursued, I am afraid that the rest of my life will only be spent in the sky prison.

But Fu Tuo didn't stop him, instead he asked with interest: "Oh? Are you going to persuade me to withdraw my will?"

There was no emotion in his voice, and the ministers all looked at San Jin.

They only thought of Sanjin as helping them, so they didn't stop him.

"The slave doesn't dare." Sanjin said with a smile.

"The slave is just afraid that if this continues, it will hurt the feelings of the monarch and his subjects, and it will be difficult to get results if there is a stalemate."

He glanced down, half bowed his body and said very humbly: "It's better to invite a highly respected third party to judge, so as not to hurt feelings, but also to draw a conclusion early, what do you think? ?”

"That's a good idea." The old minister who objected aloud nodded in agreement.

He believes that no matter who is invited to judge, as long as his brain is not bad, it is impossible to agree with the emperor to make such a disgraceful decision.

Other ministers also agreed.

It doesn't work if you don't invite them, smoke is coming from their throats arguing below, but the emperor has no intention of withdrawing his will at all, the old god is sitting on the dragon chair and listening.

They are also very tired, okay?
And if the emperor insists on his own opinion, it is only a matter of one sentence if he wants to issue an edict.

They can't stay in the palace forever.

How embarrassing is it for the beautiful wives and concubines in their family!

Seeing that Fu Tuo had no intention of objecting, another minister stepped forward and asked San Jin, "In my father's opinion, who is more appropriate for this highly respected judge?"

It's okay to invite a third party, but no one with a clear mind will agree with this decision.

Hurry up to kill the emperor's unrealistic thoughts, so they can go home early for dinner.

It seems that the gift he gave Sanjin father-in-law in the morning was not in vain.

The minister looked at San Jin meaningfully.

Take a look!

Didn't they all start talking to them around the corner.

Sanjin smiled back at him neither humble nor overbearing, and spoke slowly.

"If you want the servant to say, it is naturally best to invite the person involved."

The minister was stunned: "Participants?"

Who is it?

This matter is related to imperial power, is it possible to invite those from the royal family?
It's not impossible...

People in the royal family certainly would not want the imperial power to be divided into the hands of a woman, even if the woman is also a member of the royal family.

"My father-in-law is right." The minister looked at him appreciatively.

Can't tell, this kid is so clever at such a young age, he knows how to use the clan to overwhelm the emperor.

No wonder he has been trusted by the emperor for so many years, he really has a brain.

(End of this chapter)

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