The farmer has a mall

Chapter 710 Please Princess

Chapter 710 Please Princess

"In that case, the slave will personally invite Her Royal Highness."

Seeing that there was no objection, a cunning flashed in San Jin's eyes, and he turned around and said respectfully to Fu Tuo.

Ministers:? ? ?

What a princess.

Which princess please?
Are there any respected princesses in the clan?

All the ministers looked at Sanjin in confusion.


Fu Tuo hooked the corners of his lips, and gave Sanjin a helpless look.

On the surface, there was a curious look, matching Sanjin's performance.

"Why did you invite the princess here?" he asked.

Sanjin smiled and said: "Princess is a princess of the Three Kingdoms, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is highly respected, and this matter is also caused by the princess. It is more appropriate to ask the princess to come and judge in person."

"I don't know what you think?" He turned to ask the ministers.

Of course not!
Only then did the ministers realize who he was talking about, and they all stared at San Jin with righteous indignation.

There was a moment of silence in the hall.

All the ministers accused Sanjin of being unscrupulous with betrayed eyes.

No one expected that he would mention Gu Nanyan.

Who is Gu Nanyan?
That's an ancestor!

He is one of the people they are most afraid of, the kind that today's emperor has to sit in the back row! ! !
To put it bluntly, that thing is not a thing like her father.

He has a bad temper and is unreasonable. If he says something wrong, he wants to make gestures with others.

The point is that no one has beaten her to death.

She even dared to do something to her own father, the former Emperor of Liang and the current Supreme Emperor, would she show mercy to them?
Moreover, the current military strength of Anyang country is entirely supported by others, and everything from city defense artillery to warships is also provided by others.

If she accidentally annoyed her, what should I do if they sold out of stock.

At that time, not to mention Jiananguo, the little brother Daliang can beat them to the ground!
What's more, there are overseas countries that are eyeing them.

The officials looked at each other and fell silent.

The old minister trembled twice, and said in a speechless voice: "Princess, don't have to."

He had met that girl a few times before, and she didn't look like someone who was greedy for power.

Maybe people have no interest in imperial power at all.

But it's one thing she's not interested.

It's another thing for them to object in person.

Standing against her, who knows if she will be retaliated by that girl.

When he was old, he still wanted to live in peace and health until he retired and returned to his hometown, but he couldn't bear her torment.

He didn't expect the other party to have the traditional virtues of respecting the old and caring for the young, so he showed mercy and let him go.

Although the targets of her revenge so far are all those who have bad conduct.

The old minister laughed dryly, restraining the arrogance all over his body.

"The princess has a noble status. She is born as a queen, so it's not too much to be on the same level as you..."

So don't invite that ancestor here, or the court will be empty tomorrow morning.

His last few words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, and the other ministers all cast contemptuous glances.

As expected of an old fritter who has been an official for decades, he can say such unconscionable words.

It seems that he himself felt that the change in attitude was too blunt, as if he was afraid of Gu Nanyan.

The old minister hurriedly added: "It's just that the princess's status can be equal to yours, but you can't make her have the same rights as you, otherwise the court will soon be chaotic."

Fu Tuo nodded when he heard the words: "Don't worry, Aiqing, Yanyan doesn't bother with this little right in my hands."

He supports whatever my sister wants to do, and if she really needs him, she will make an order. How can such a small matter be difficult for him.

Fu Tuo thought secretly.

The most important thing at this time is to deal with the ministers in front of me and issue the decree as soon as possible, so that my sister will not be embarrassed by some blind people when she inspects the disaster area tomorrow.

Such a petite girl from his family, Yanyan, is easily bullied!

This idea is really ignorant.

Fu Meikong Tuo was really worried that Gu Nanyan would be bullied, so he hurriedly stamped the imperial decree that had been drawn up and handed it to Sanjin.

Finally, he asked the ministers symbolically: "Do you have any objections?"

Bring it up if you have one.

Anyway, he won't change.

Fu Tuo's hypocritical inquiry really angered all the ministers.

All of them looked coldly at Fu Tuo with ashen faces.

Then the dantian sank and roared in unison: "The emperor is holy!"

Fu Tuo: "..."

The unity of all the ministers, the resounding voice, the shaking of the emperor's court case trembled three times.

To actually scare them with Gu Nanyan is really deceiving!
They decided that after the next court, they would have a cold war with the emperor for a day, and then reconcile with the emperor tomorrow morning.

You must teach the emperor a lesson!

Fu Tuo: "..."

Just be happy.


Gu Nanyan met Sanjin who had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the palace, and went straight back to Weiyang Palace after receiving the order.

She felt that she didn't need the blessing of the imperial power, but she couldn't shake off Fu Tuo's kindness.

After San Jin finished Fu Tuo's explanation, he returned to the Imperial Study Room and returned to his command.

"Your Majesty, when I came back, I just met the nanny next to Concubine Chen." Sanjin said, took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it respectfully.

Fu Tuo took it and saw that it was a 200 tael bank note.

He put down the vermilion pen in his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose tiredly.

"What do Concubine Chen's people give you money for?"

"It is said that I want the servant to mention her niece from her natal family before the emperor." San Jin replied.

"The slave listened to what the nanny said, the daughter of Grand Master Sheng's direct grandson will enter the palace to participate in this year's draft."

Fu Tuo paused while rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

"Which one is Grand Master Sheng's granddaughter, have I met her before?"

Fu Tuo really didn't pay much attention to women, even if he saw them, he didn't remember them.

Sanjin already knew what kind of virtue his master had, so he reminded with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, "It's the purple-clothed girl you met when you were walking in the imperial garden two days ago."

Fu Tuo thought about it, but he didn't remember what the girl looked like. He only remembered that he had seen such a person before.

"Understood." He returned the bank note to Sanjin, "You can take it if you give it to you. If the concubine asks you, tell me that you have already mentioned it to me."

Fu Tuo was not surprised. Ever since the news that he was going to choose a concubine came out, this kind of thing happened frequently.

Sanjin immediately beamed with joy when he heard the words, but he had the vivacity suitable for his age, and happily put the bank note in his arms.

"Thank you, master, for your reward, slave, now I have enough pension money for slave." After saying that, he bowed in a pretentious way.

Fu Tuo couldn't stop laughing.

"It's as if I have treated you badly. It's only 200 taels of silver. Is this enough for retirement?"

He joked: "You are really easy to satisfy."

Sanjin grinned, squatted down next to Fu Tuo in a thief-like manner, and while helping him pinch his legs, he said, "This servant is such a worthless person. Didn't he lose your price? Thanks to you, recently this servant But it has gained a lot of benefits.”

Since he became the Chief Eunuch, people have stuffed money into his hand every day.

For this kind of situation, he usually accepts it, and then turns around and tells Fu Tuo the other party's purpose. If it is a trivial matter, Fu Tuo will let him accept the money.

But if the other party's request is too excessive, or if it touches the affairs of the DPRK and China, he will ask people to trouble the other party in private as a warning.

After a few times, the big guys knew where Fu Tuo's bottom line was.

Now those who stuff money into San Jin's hands only ask for small things.

Thinking of this, Sanjin suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, when the servant was waiting for the princess outside the palace, I met the wife of the privy envoy's family. She gave the servant a brocade box, saying it was a special product of her hometown, and specially gave it to the servant to try."

(End of this chapter)

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