Chapter 711
"The servant didn't pay attention at the time. When I went back and opened the brocade box, I found it was a delicate white jade Bodhisattva."

He has been with the master for so long, and he still has some discernment. The Jade Bodhisattva is not ordinary at first glance.

How dare he accept it.

"The servant has sent the things to your bedroom, but the wife of the privy envoy has never asked the servant to do anything, and the servant does not know what her purpose is."

The Privy Council is responsible for grasping military intelligence, which is equivalent to Fu Tuo's eyes and ears. Although the Privy Council has no power in its hands, it is not something ordinary people can do.

In the eyes of others, the privy envoy is equivalent to the emperor's confidant.

"I see." Fu Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and the cold light was fleeting.

Since he came to the throne, many courtiers have obeyed on the surface, but they have made a lot of small moves secretly, which is normal.

But the privy envoy was supposed to be his person, to balance the forces in the court for him, if he had other thoughts, he might be in chaos for a while.

But Fu Tuo was not in a hurry, if the other party really asked San Jin for something, he would come to him sooner or later.

"I remember that Sun Qi, the privy envoy, has a daughter who will also participate in the draft this year?"

Fu Tuo pointed his finger on the imperial case, and made a clicking sound, which was very clear in the silent imperial study.

"Returning to the emperor, Privy Sun's family does have a daughter who is going to participate in the draft, but I heard that the other party is just a concubine." San Jin replied.

Sun Qi's family also has a daughter-in-law. It is said that he is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to his liking, and is the most favored among all brothers and sisters.

Sun Qi did not intend to send her to the harem of intrigue, but instead announced to the outside world that he would keep his prostitute daughter at home to recruit a son-in-law.

It can be seen that he really loves this daughter.

"I remember that Sun Qi has a deep relationship with his wife, the Wu family, and has only married one concubine for so many years... he is considered an infatuated person."

These days, anyone who is a bit powerful has three wives and four concubines and children, not to mention the fact that the privy envoys live in the second rank, and only one wife and one concubine are really rare.

"The emperor doesn't know something, and there is something inside."

San Jin said mysteriously: "Master Sun's wife, Wu Shi, is the daughter of Mrs. Sheng's own younger sister. Since her parents died young, she was raised under Mrs. Sheng's knees since she was a child. She treats her like her own daughter and is extremely pampered. Even when they get married, they pass through the Grand Master's Mansion, and the dowry is extremely rich, not inferior to any daughter of the Sheng family."

"When she married Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun was just a Jinshi who had just won the first place. He had no official position and no job. He found a good job by relying on the Sheng family."

"Later, Mr. Sun took care of the Grand Master's Mansion and took the post of privy envoy step by step. He was naturally obedient to Wushi, not to mention taking concubines, and he didn't even have a housemate. He was afraid of offending Wushi. The Taishifu said he was wrong."

Sanjin curled his lips in disdain.

His gossipy appearance successfully amused Fu Tuo.

"Since he is so afraid of Wuzhi, what about his concubine?"

Fu Tuo has been trapped in the East Palace all year round. Although there are sources of news, they are not exhaustive.

In addition, he has just ascended the throne not long ago, and the inextricable relationship between the various prefectures has not yet been clarified.

Therefore, he just found out that Wu Shi was actually Mrs. Sheng's niece.

Seeing that the master is rarely interested in things other than government affairs, Sanjin spoke more vigorously, talking about gossip about the courtiers with a vivid expression.

"Master Sun's concubine servant doesn't know much about her, only that her maiden name is Zhao, and she is one of the best wealthy businessmen in the south of the Five Ridges. Afterwards, she followed Master Sun for some reason, and because of this, the Wu family made a fuss and almost got into trouble with Master Sun. And leave."

"It was Mrs. Sheng who came forward to make peace in person, and because Mrs. Zhao found out she was pregnant, Wu's calmed down."

San Jin clicked his tongue twice, deliberately lowered his voice, and said: "The slave also heard that Mrs. Zhao only gave birth to a daughter and then stopped doing anything, because Mr. Sun never went to her house again."

Fu Tuo asked in surprise, "Where did you hear about these things?"

Why do you even inquire about things in other people's rooms?

Could it be that he, the chief eunuch, is a little too unscrupulous?
Sanjin didn't know that he was already "impure" in his master's heart, so he raised his chin proudly.

"The little eunuch who watched the night in the palace once received favors from the slaves. He told me all this."

Fu Tuo was even more curious when he heard this: "How did he know these things as a watchdog?"

"He heard the guards guarding the gate mention..." Sanjin scratched his head.

The watchmen in the palace are the same as the folks, they walk around the palace every day to report the watch, and over time they get to know everyone in the palace.

In addition, the little eunuch is a good man, he would always carry a jug of wine and drink two cups with the guards on duty to warm up his body.

It's normal to chatter your teeth and gossip in your spare time.

Fu Tuo was speechless: "Rumors and gossips cannot be fully believed. You can just talk about these things here, don't go out and say them."

He also thought that this kid was promising and had his own source of news.

I spent a long time listening to other people's nonsense.

Seeing that his master didn't believe his words, Sanjin was very unconvinced.

"Where is this a rumor, do you know who the guard who revealed these things is?"

"Who is it? It can't be a relative in the privy envoy's house." Fu Tuo said with a smile.

"That's not..."

"However, he has a good friend who works in the courtyard of Mrs. Sheng in the Grand Master's Mansion, and his good friend also has an aunt, who was Wu Shi's dowry maid back then. His good aunt also has a nephew who was sent away a few years ago. When we got to Master Sun, he said all these things."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Well, your network is wider than mine, and it's no different from having an eyeliner at the privy envoy's house.

Fu Tuo was dizzy from all these miscellaneous relationships, pinched his brows and picked up the ink brush again, took a copy from the stack of memorials above the imperial case, and continued to critique.

Whether the capital is big or small, each family is inextricably linked. If it is true, it may take three days and three nights to talk about it.

With all this time, he might as well batch a few more memorials.

Fu Tuo looked at the memorial in front of him and sighed.

Since he ascended the throne, there have been a mountain of memorials presented every day, leaving him with no time to have a meal with his sister, which is really annoying.

It would be great if someone could help share it.

Fu Tuo remembered the scene when his father tricked him into approving memorials when he was still the crown prince, and for the first time regretted not marrying a wife and having children earlier.

According to the current progress, even if he can have an heir this year, it will take more than ten years before he can grow into his successor.

Look at the hill-like memorial in front of him, and think about his own father who wanders around outside the palace all day without doing anything serious...

What a contrast!

Fu Tuo regretted that he inherited the throne so early.

"Go and see if the Supreme Emperor is in the palace." Fu Tuo instructed San Jin.

"If it's there, I'll move this stack of memorials to him, and say that I'm not feeling well and need to recuperate for a day, and I'll trouble him to review these memorials." Fu Tuo pointed to the stack with the most.

Since the young one can't be counted on, then he can only grow old.

Anyway, father is in his prime and in good health, so he will definitely be fine if he works for another 20 years!
Sanjin hesitated when he heard the words.

"This... the Supreme Emperor probably won't agree." He murmured.

It's not that the emperor didn't let him send it off before.

But as soon as he explained his purpose, the Supreme Emperor asked the guards around him to throw him out, and he left the memorial on the ground.

This is not the end.

At that time, the Supreme Emperor had his hips akimbo, pointed in the direction of the emperor's bedroom, and yelled at the unfilial son, causing the palace to be full of gossip.

They are all guessing what the emperor did to the emperor to make him so angry.

Sanjin felt that according to the irritable temperament of the Supreme Emperor, if he dared to give it away again...

I'm afraid I'm going to rush to the imperial study room and point at the emperor's nose and scold.

(End of this chapter)

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