The farmer has a mall

Chapter 712 father and son bickering

Chapter 712 father and son bickering
Since Fu Tuo dared to give Sanjin away, he naturally had a countermeasure.

After Sanjin came back with a feather for the Nth time, and fled back in embarrassment with a messy memorial, Fu Tuo put down the vermilion pen, picked up the teacup, and the old god was waiting.

A quarter of an hour later, Fu Jingqi rushed over aggressively as he had expected.

"The brat turned against you, and even ordered me to go up, who gave you the confidence!" Fu Jingqi slapped the imperial case, and stared at Fu Tuo.

Fu Tuo glanced at him leisurely: "Father is serious, I have already become the emperor, how can I turn against my father?"

On the contrary, are you the emperor?

I would like to.

I can work whenever you want.

He put down the teacup in his hand, and said with a smirk: "Besides, it's just a few memorials. If you don't help Erchen share some burden, what can I do if Erchen's illness becomes more serious?"

Hearing this, Fu Jingqi sneered, turned around and sat on the armchair on one side, took a sip of the tea cup handed over by the palace man.

"Are you sick?" He squinted and looked Fu Tuo up and down.

"Why didn't I see it?"

"Father is not an imperial physician. Of course you can't tell."

Fu Tuo curled his lips and said, "If you don't believe me, you can invite Doctor Sun to ask."

"The one surnamed Sun has been bought by you a long time ago, you pretend I don't know!" Fu Jingqi sneered.

Since the last time Sister Nan taught Sun Taiyi a few medical skills before she left, the old man didn't say anything about it, but he regarded her as his master in his heart.

Regarding her entrusting herself to take good care of Fu Tuo's body, Imperial Physician Sun can be said to be conscientious.

Regardless of the wind or rain, he dragged a handful of old bones into the palace at regular intervals to diagnose Fu Tuo's pulse.

From time to time, he cooks a few bowls of medicinal food to nourish his body. It is said that he cooks it himself.

Even he, the Supreme Emperor, did not receive such treatment!
Fu Jingqi gritted his teeth and looked at Fu Tuo as if looking at the son of his enemy.

He is still sister Nan's father!
Why don't you have his share!

Why! ! !

Just because this kid can pretend to be sick? !
Fu Jingqi had a great taste, and felt that Fu Tuo was too good at pretending, so he knew how to pretend to be weak to deceive his daughter's sympathy.

But that girl just believed it!
Fu Jingqi squinted her eyes.


He must expose the boy's true colors in front of sister Nan.

Let his daughter know who is the best man in this world to her!

"Since you are sick, it's better for you to ignore it." Fu Jingqi suddenly changed his attitude, and said to Fu Tuo with a pleasant face.

"It just so happens that Sister Nan is in the palace. You know her medical skills, so let her show you."

After all, he didn't wait for Fu Tuo's reaction, and turned his head to wink at Eunuch Xu who was standing behind him.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

You're really good at it, you don't have to worry about it yourself, but you have to drag your daughter along to get angry with your son.

The key is that your girl is not on the same front as you!
And you don't look at what time it is.

It's getting dark outside, you called the princess over for this matter, you really don't have a long memory, the scar is properly healed and you forget the pain.

Eunuch Xu sighed.

It's all about complaining, he really has to go this time.

Since his abdication, the old man has become more and more like a childish temper, the more he is not allowed to do anything, the more he will do it. When he gets stubborn, he will not change even a piece of feces or a twist!
If you don't invite the princess here today, I'm afraid there will be trouble until tomorrow morning.

Eunuch Xu bowed and retreated helplessly, and went straight to Weiyang Palace to invite someone.

Fu Tuo was not afraid at all that his younger sister would find out that he was pretending to be sick.

Anyway, he didn't have time to see Yanyan these few days, so he just asked her to come over and have a talk.

When Eunuch Xu arrived at Weiyang Palace, Gu Nanyan and Li Mi were eating.

Hearing that the scumbag father asked her to check Fu Tuo's pulse, she pretended that Fu Tuo was not feeling well, so she hurriedly put down her chopsticks and followed Eunuch Xu away.

Li Yi who was left behind again: "..."

The road to chasing his wife is long.

This king is too difficult!

The father and son stared at each other in the imperial study, neither of them seemed to accept the other, and they didn't turn their eyes to her until Gu Nanyan arrived.

Seeing his younger sister coming, Fu Tuo finally showed a sincere smile on his half-smiling face.

"Is Yanyan ready to eat?" Fu Tuo asked softly, his tone was very different from before, as if a cold stone finally had aura.

"Just finished eating." Gu Nanyan frowned and sat next to Fu Tuo, and motioned him to reach out without talking nonsense.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Seeing her worried face, Fu Tuo's smile deepened.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired." He obediently handed over his hand.

Gu Nanyan didn't speak any more, pinched his wrist with his fingertips and carefully felt his pulse.

The pulse is steady and strong, not sick.

Gu Nanyan was puzzled, and asked Fu Tuo to open his mouth to look at his tongue coating, and stretched out his hand to look at his eyelids.

Nothing abnormal, at most a little stomach gas but not serious.

It seems that Doctor Sun helped him recuperate well.

Gu Nanyan took his pulse again carefully to make sure that there was nothing wrong with his body, and raised her head in doubt.

She was just about to say that there was nothing wrong with him, at least she didn't see it, when she saw Fu Tuo blinking at her, and then squinting at Fu Jingqi.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What do you mean?
What are these two guys playing?

She can't understand this code!

"Your eyes are uncomfortable?" she asked tentatively.

Fu Tuo: "..."

Fu Tuo just wanted to say that his eyes were fine, but he didn't escape his father's eyes.

Seeing this, Fu Jingqi immediately frowned and stood up from the chair.

He rushed over in two or three steps.

"Brat, who are you winking at?"

Dare to make small moves in front of him.

When he is blind!

Fu Tuo: "... Erchen's eyes are uncomfortable."

Is it because I haven't seen you for a long time?
The tacit understanding between him and his sister!

"I believe you are a ghost!"

Fu Jingqi sneered again and again, and said to her daughter: "Miss Nan, please ignore him, the brat is pretending to be sick with me!"

"Tell father, how is your brother's health? Is he in good health?" Fu Jingqi asked her daughter persuasively.

"...Why are you pretending to be sick?" Gu Nanyan couldn't figure out the situation and couldn't talk nonsense, so he had to follow Fu Jingqi's words.

"Why else?" Fu Jingqi pouted.

"I want me to approve the memorial for him!"

He gave Fu Tuo a sneering look: "As the king of a country, he doesn't know how to govern the country diligently. He thinks about how to be lazy. Why did I pass the throne to you, an unreliable person?"

"Father said so." Fu Tuo also mocked.

"I was surprised when I saw the imperial decree on the bedside but couldn't find your whereabouts. Why did you just pass the throne to my son?"

If laziness is unreliable, there is no one better than you in the whole world.

He ran away without even going through the abdication ceremony.

If it weren't for the fear that the country would have no king and the world would be chaotic, would you consider me willing to take your throne?

Feel free to teach me.

Where's the face!

Facing the irritable scumbag father, Fu Tuo refused to give in, and resolutely confronted him to the end.

Being ridiculed by his son in front of his daughter, Fu Jingqi became a little annoyed.

"Don't be a good boy because you are cheap. Do you know how many people want to sit in this position? If I didn't look at Sister Nan's face, I might decide who to pass the throne to!"

Good guy, you still despise him, and you can run away if you have the ability!

I bet all my wealth that you don't have my courage!

"Father, why don't you tell me who you want to pass on the throne to, and I'm willing to abdicate to the virtuous." Fu Tuo smiled.

"If you tell me to say it, I will say it. Why, I won't say whether you are Lao Tzu or I am Lao Tzu!" Fu Jingqi howled, poking his neck.

Seeing that the two of them would come and go without giving in to each other, and there was a possibility of a fight at any moment, Gu Nanyan wiped her face and felt her temples throbbing.

I said, what on earth did you call me here for?

this night...

Let me watch you play a family ethics drama!

(End of this chapter)

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