The farmer has a mall

Chapter 713 The Dignity of Being a Father

Chapter 713 The Dignity of Being a Father

"Sister Nan, tell me, is this brat pretending to be sick!"

Fu Jing was gasping for breath, wanting to beat this unfilial son down on the ground.

Gu Nanyan looked at Fu Tuo's slightly haggard face, and then at the blushing scumbag father.

"Brother Huang's body has been attacked by poisons all year round. Although the toxins have been removed, his physique is weaker than that of ordinary people. He really needs to rest for a few days."

"Otherwise, overwork will easily leave the root cause of the disease." Gu Nanyan said seriously.

A healthy pulse does not mean that Fu Tuo is physically strong.

After being tortured by poison for so many years, his body functions have not fully recovered to their proper level.

If conditions permit, Gu Nanyan still hopes that he will pay more attention to rest.

"It's just to approve a few papers, it's not so serious."

Hearing that the root cause of the disease might be left behind, although Fu Jingqi suspected that the daughter was helping her son, her tone softened.

"Criticizing memorials will also consume energy." Seeing that his younger sister really helped him speak, Fu Tuo grinned happily to the back of his head.

"So in the past few days, the emperor has worked hard to help his son and minister share some of it." He stitched together.

After finishing speaking, he stood up and bowed to Fu Jingqi, looking very sincere.

It's just that the expression on his face couldn't help being proud.

Fu Jing couldn't get angry, and couldn't bear to brush her daughter's face, so she raised her beard and started to play tricks.

"I'm sick too, and I need rest too!"

He spread his limbs and slumped on the chair, looking weak and weak, and looked at Gu Nanyan pitifully while clutching his chest.

"Girl, come and show your father, why do I feel that my chest is getting cold, maybe I have a heart disease?"

Gui'er actually wants to cheat your father.

Don't even look at who you were born!
Can this little trick make it hard for me?

Fu Jingqi hehe.

Whispering and yelling, he winked at Eunuch Xu.

Hurry up and support me!
What if I slipped off the chair in this posture, it would be so embarrassing.

It's not that he said that this old Xu has become more and more blind since he stepped down from the position of chief eunuch.

He was not like this before!
Fu Jingqi stared at him with death, and stared at Eunuch Xu with hatred.

Eunuch Xu: "..."

please let go...

The princess is still here!

It's useless for you to deal with these things, if you are exposed, you will have to lie on the bed for half a month, why bother.

Why are you so uneasy!

Eunuch Xu was very tired. Fu Jingqi was never so tired when he was the emperor. He wished he could leave his master who was more and more free of himself on the spot and leave alone.

As the Supreme Emperor, his rogue behavior was really eye-opening. Gu Nanyan and Fu Tuo looked at each other and were speechless.

She sighed and walked over, and also felt Fu Jingqi's pulse.

As she expected, not only is the scumbag father free from illness and pain, but his vitality is also extremely strong from the pulse condition.

She gave the pretending Fu Jingqi a sideways look.

"Did you eat a lot lately, do you get sleepy very easily after meals, and you like to eat heavy oil, and you tend to get dry mouth and don't like to move?" Gu Nanyan asked seriously.

Fu Jingqi was taken aback: "How do you know?"

He has indeed been like what she said recently, he always likes to eat some greasy things, and he falls asleep after eating.

"I still often feel heavy in my body, and my movements are not as flexible as before. Sister Nan can see the reason?"

Seeing Gu Nanyan nodded with a serious expression, Fu Jingqi's heart skipped a beat.

No way, could it be that he really got some serious illness?
Thinking of this, he didn't need Eunuch Xu to help him, and immediately sat up straight.

"Why?" he asked nervously.

Gu Nanyan twitched the corners of his mouth, and said expressionlessly, "I'm full."

Fu Jingqi: "..."

tease me?
"If you eat too much, your body's blood will concentrate in your stomach, and your brain will of course feel sleepy due to lack of oxygen."

"Great food is usually salty, how can you not be thirsty if you eat too much?"

"There is also the problem of the heavy body you mentioned."

Gu Nanyan pointed at his increasingly obvious stomach, and let out a heck of a smile.

"Anyone with a bucket of rice in their belly will sink."

Fu Jingqi: "..."

Fu Jingqi didn't understand what she heard, but she also knew that the girl was mocking her, so she choked up, not knowing what expression to give.

Eunuch Xu suppressed his laughter at the side, seeing that the master really couldn't get off the stage, he hurriedly stepped forward to make a rescue and asked Gu Nanyan how to cure his disease.

Fu Jingqi: ...Are you sure you are helping me out, not adding embarrassment to embarrassment?
"It's nothing serious, it's just a disease of wealth."

Gu Nanyan sat back on the chair on the other side, brushed the hem of his clothes and said lightly: "It's just idle, just find something to do."

With his way of life, it will take a few years for him to have a close relationship with San Gao and his family.

Rather than bothering her to treat him when the time comes, it is better to kill these bad habits in the cradle now.

"Starting tomorrow, after getting up in the morning, run around the palace first, eat breakfast after the run, and help the emperor's brother approve the memorial for a while after breakfast, in case your few brain cells get lazy and die in battle .”

She ignored Fu Jingqi, who was already stunned, and continued: "After lunch, you can take a break. The time should not be too long, half an hour is enough. In the afternoon, you will continue to review the memorials for Brother Huang for an hour. You can allocate the rest of the time freely .”

"Also, you can go for a walk for half an hour after dinner at night before going to bed." Gu Nanyan's arrangement was so clear that Fu Jingqi's eyes widened when he listened.

"Are you talking to me?" Fu Jingqi couldn't believe it.

Gu Nanyan calmly gave a soft "hmm".

"Hehe." Fu Jingqi smiled.

"I refuse." He said cleanly without hesitation.

I knew this girl had no good intentions, so why should he be idle!
How many days has he been free?
You still have to catch your breath when you hang yourself, why are you so idle?
I also want him to run around the palace.

Do you know how big the palace is?

Do you want me to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair like Wei Hong?

The dead girl is really too dark.

"Why do you say I will do it, but I won't." Fu Jingqi snorted.

Gu Nanyan didn't care about his opinion at all, and didn't raise her eyelids.

Directly ordered Xu Gonggong: "By the way, you go to the imperial dining room and tell the daily meals to be mainly vegetables, and the food should be light. It is best not to put oil."

"Salt is also less," she added.

Eunuch Xu: "...Yes"

"What is it, do you dare to try it!" Fu Jingqi frowned.

When he was the emperor before, he was taboo, and he finally got rid of it. He is a fool to live back to the old days!

Eunuch Xu was so wronged by the yelling.

Why are you yelling at the servant, if you have the ability to quarrel with the princess.

The princess has personally ordered it, so what else can the miscellaneous family do.

The two of you, father and daughter, are quarreling, and the Zajia is in a dilemma, what can the Zajia do, the Zajia is also in a dilemma.

Probably knowing that the root cause of this matter is Gu Nanyan, Fu Jingqi aimed the gunfire at his daughter, trying to put on a fierce look.

"Who is Lao Tzu, do you still have any rules?" He slapped the table down in anger.

"It actually arranged for me to come, and it's against you!"

I'm your father, not your son! ! !

Eating and drinking is his only pleasure now, no one can stop him.

Fu Jingqi rolled up his sleeves.

No, he has to suppress this girl's aura today, otherwise he will not care about her in the future.

The dignity of being a father is gone!

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat.

Fu Jingqi was eager to try, ready to reason with her daughter.

Gu Nanyan only glanced at him coolly.

Immediately afterwards, he narrowed his eyes and rolled up his sleeves.

"What are you doing, want to make gestures?"

Come on, whoever loves who is the son!

Gu Nanyan rubbed her hands excitedly, snapped off the leg of the table.

The teapot on the table crackled and fell to the ground.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

 Boers, take a day off, update one chapter first, and another chapter at night, and update normally tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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