Chapter 714

Fu Jingqi knew that she couldn't beat her, and she really didn't want to lose her father's dignity in front of her son, so she was ruthlessly suppressed by her daughter's arrogance.

Seeing that his daughter seemed to be serious, he shrank his neck and sat back on the chair honestly.

"I, I'm just a little hot." He smiled coyly.

"You child, why are you so serious...Put down your sleeves quickly, girls are not good-looking like this."

The prime minister can punt a boat in his belly, he doesn't have the same knowledge as this girl!
Fu Jingqi couldn't stop her, but she still forced a smile.

The corner of Gu Nan's cigarette mouth twitched, and he fell in admiration of the scumbag's flexible temperament.

"Since you have no objection, is this a deal?" She asked Fu Jingqi with a leer.

Why don't you have an opinion, I have a big opinion!

But I dare not say it! ! !

Fu Jing huddled in the chair, her hair full of grievances.


There is no way to pass this day, he still finds a way to slip.

The question is where to go?
Jianan country is absolutely not allowed to go, it is the land of this girl.

Daliang country?
Not at all.

With Wei Hong around, it's very easy for the stinky girl to find him.

Do you want to go to Xihu?
I heard that the people there drink blood like hair, and the living conditions are quite bad, so it is not a good place to go.

Fu Jingqi looked at the ceiling sadly and sighed.

孽 孽!
He is the majestic emperor, but he can't escape the palm of a little girl.

Alas, it makes no sense...

Several people in the house have their own concerns.

Fu Jingqi's inner activities are complicated, and he plans his escape route in the bottom of his heart.

Fu Tuo was disappointed that he could not see his father being beaten.

Eunuch Xu was worried about whether he should carry out Gu Nanyan's order to the end.

And Gu Nanyan, who consciously solved the conflict between the father and son perfectly, patted his ass and returned to Weiyang Palace with complete merit.

It was late at this time, and it was time to go to bed.

Weiyang Palace welcomes an unexpected guest.

Concubine Chen Sheng Zhixin was all dressed up, and she was sitting on the head seat at the top of the main hall, tasting tea.

Seeing Gu Nanyan come back, she let out a soft hum from her nostrils.

She couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Princess is going out so late, isn't it a bit out of order?"

Since Concubine Xian Gui stepped down in the oleander incident last year, the former Concubine Chen and the current Concubine Chen have been much quieter, staying obediently in the harem to prepare for childbirth.

She didn't show up until Gu Nanyan left.

Later, something happened to the Ning family, and her elder sister was the head of the Ning family. Sheng Zhixin was afraid of being implicated and losing her favor, so she became more honest and rarely even went out of the palace.

She originally thought that as long as she gave birth to a prince, her position in the harem would be more stable.

It can't be said that relying on the power of her natal family's Grand Master's Mansion can still compete for the position of queen.

Unexpectedly, when she turned her head back, not only the person on the throne had changed, but her husband also disappeared.

Can make her angry.

However, what troubled her the most was that she did not give birth to a prince as she wished, but only a little princess.

Although they are all her own children, she loves them as much, but if she doesn't give birth to a prince, there is no possibility of a higher level.

The proud Sheng Zhixin became depressed from then on, and she devoted herself to raising the children in the harem.

Gu Nanyan frowned and looked at the maid serving at the side.

"Who put her in?"

Gu Nanyan never saw any visitors, and Weiyang Palace has always been a forbidden area in the palace, and outsiders are never allowed to come in and out at will.

The little maid looked at Sheng Zhixin's direction anxiously.

"Princess Qi, the servants said that His Highness the Princess does not see any guests, but the empress dowager insisted on coming in, the servants really couldn't stop her..."

As a concubine, Sheng Zhixin would be respectful even if the emperor saw her. As lowly maids of honor, although they could stop her, they could not overstep the rules and drive her out.

Gu Nanyan didn't make things difficult for her when she heard the words, she waved her hand to make her retreat, squinted her eyes and walked towards Sheng Zhixin.

Sheng Zhixin, who was still high-spirited at first, saw her walking towards him with a straight face and an appearance of not getting close to strangers, and suddenly remembered the scene of the last meeting in his mind.

For some reason, I suddenly felt a chill in my back.

The butt couldn't help but move back.

She has heard a lot about Gu Nanyan's great achievements, all of which were told to her by her grandfather who was a grand master.

To tell the truth, she was a bit of a brat at first, but she is no longer the former concubine Chen, but a very respected concubine in this palace.

Sheng Zhixin stabilized his mood.

That's right, she is now Gu Nanyan's elder, so she doesn't believe that she dares to attack herself!

However, Gu Nanyan is not someone who can analyze according to common sense.

"Sit on the side for me."

She lifted it expressionlessly, and signaled the woman in front of her to sit on the guest chair beside her.

The main seat is the place where the master or someone with a more noble status sits, but Gu Nanyan feels that Sheng Zhixin has nothing to do with both.

Her disgusted look successfully activated Sheng Zhixin's rebellion.

"Why!" She poked her neck in disbelief.

She is a concubine, so it stands to reason that Gu Nanyan should call her concubine mother, is it wrong to sit in the main seat?
Why let her sit in the guest chair? Isn't it just for nothing to lower the other party.

Sheng Zhixin refused to get up, and stared angrily at her with a pair of almond eyes.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

"I am the owner of Weiyang Palace, why do you say?"

"So what, I'm still your mother and concubine!"

"Mother, sister, get out of here quickly."

If you can, you dare to be so arrogant in Lao Tzu's territory.

Eat too many chemicals, so bold.

Sheng Zhixin: "..."

What do you mean, what did this stinky woman suddenly ask her sister for?
The people in the palace talked nine twists and eighteen turns, Sheng Zhixin was still thinking about the meaning of her words.

Gu Nanyan was already impatient.

"Can't get up?" She frowned and began to roll up her sleeves.

"Just... I won't afford it!" Sheng Zhixin tremblingly showed her last stubbornness.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, this is in the palace, she is visiting as an elder, this woman will never dare to touch her...

She pinched her fingertips in the palm of her hand, trying to pretend to be calm.

Still not convinced.

Gu Nanyan let out a heck when he heard the words, and had no intention of getting used to her problems at all.

She gave him a cold look, stepped forward and grabbed Sheng Zhixin's skirt, and lifted her up easily.

"You, what are you doing!" Sheng Zhixin's strong momentum disappeared instantly, and she screamed in horror.

Her face turned pale, but she still quarreled with Gu Nanyan relentlessly.

"This palace is the concubine Chen personally appointed by the emperor, you can't treat me like this, otherwise, otherwise..."

She wanted to say that if Gu Nanyan hurt a hair of hers, she would go to the emperor or the emperor to sue her, so that the emperor would punish her.

After thinking about it, he remembered that Fu Tuo was the brother of this dead girl.

As for the Supreme Emperor Fu Jingqi...

Sheng Zhixin only thought of his name once in his mind and gave up decisively.

That man disappeared all day long, and he ran away from home every day for a year and a half, and never went to the palaces of these concubines after he came back.

Count on him to uphold justice for himself...

Sheng Zhixin: Please let me fend for myself, thank you.

Sheng Zhixin was almost suffocated to death.

After much deliberation, she found that there was no reliable man by her side.

Including her grandfather Mrs. Sheng, they also put the interests of the family first.

If she really got into a fight with Gu Nanyan, her grandfather would definitely ask her to apologize to Gu Nanyan first.

Thinking of the troubles these days, and the discomfort of being dragged by Gu Nanyan's neckline, Sheng Zhixin's eyes turned red.

Gu Nanyan, who was about to throw her out, felt some liquid dripping on her hands, and when she looked back, she saw that the woman in her hand was crying with red eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Damn it! !

I haven't done anything yet, why are you crying?
(End of this chapter)

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