Chapter 715
At this time, there were still a few maids and eunuchs serving in the room, and they all lowered their heads without saying a word.

Their princess is good in everything, but she has a bad temper.

Look at the toffees who bullied the other concubines and lost the golden beans.

But she deserved it, so she came to Weiyang Palace to show her prestige.

Now it's retribution.

I just hope that the princess will act more gently, otherwise those ministers will say something wrong about the princess tomorrow morning.

Sheng Zhixin only shed tears at first, but slowly the sobbing became louder, and without knowing it, she thought that Gu Nanyan had done something outrageous to her.

The cry was extremely sad.

Gu Nanyan's eyelids twitched.

It's not that the hand holding her is loose or not.

"Shut up!" Gu Nanyan's forehead bulged with veins.

Sheng Zhixin: "Oh~"

"Still crying! If you cry again, I'll throw you out!" Gu Nanyan had a hideous expression on his face.

Sheng Zhixin: "Oh~"

"I threw it away." Gu Nanyan made a gesture and walked out the door.

Sheng Zhixin: "Hmm~"

"I really threw it away!" Gu Nanyan couldn't bear it anymore.

Sheng Zhixin: "Wow... woo woo woo~"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Damn it's exciting, right?
"Cry again, I will ruin your face if you cry again!"

Sheng Zhixin: "..."

Sheng Zhixin's tears were instantly withdrawn.

"I, I won't cry anymore, you put me down..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Sure enough, any woman who can work in the palace can win the Golden Horse Award for her acting skills.

Look at this ability to cry and stop when you cry.

I want to applaud you!
All the palace people looked at each other and lowered their heads as they couldn't bear to look directly.

Two quarters of an hour later, Gu Nanyan sat on the main seat, and the sound of sniffling came from next to his ear.

"Hurry up if you have something to say, and go back to your palace to stay if you don't say anything." She slumped lazily in the chair and rolled her eyes weakly.

That's why she doesn't like to enter the palace. When she meets someone who can bend and stretch like this, she can't beat her or scold her. She's really bald.

Probably because she was really frightened by Gu Nanyan, Sheng Zhixin murmured for a long while without saying a word, and only looked at her with an aggrieved and sad expression.

With that delicate appearance, if Gu Nanyan's willpower is a little weak, his legs will be so weak that he will squirm.

"What's the matter, don't say that I'm gone."

What kind of electricity is being thrown at me, and she is that perverted scumbag father?
But speaking of it, Fu Jingqi is really shameless, he is quite old, and he just married a beautiful girl who is not much older than his daughter.

If someone's belly gets bigger, you should at least fulfill your responsibilities as a husband and a father.

Fortunately, he just patted his ass and left, and changed careers to become a homeless man.

But after returning, he still hid in the harem, as if he didn't want to get in touch with these women.

If I knew it was like this, why did you marry someone in the first place?
Well, others are collecting antique jade and the like.

He is fine.

The number one hobby in my life is collecting women.

Are you stepping on the horse to become Mr. Chang and his wife to become Mrs.! ! !
The more Gu Nanyan thought about it, the angrier she became, and she wished she could rush to Fu Jingqi immediately and teach him the principles of life.

If it weren't for the fact that he was her genetic father...

Gu Nanyan took a deep breath.

Don't be angry, beating up father is going to be struck by lightning, she can't be impulsive.

She herself was not afraid but she couldn't implicate Fu Tuo and be judged by others.

Gu Nanyan exhausted all her strength to build up her heart, and her face gradually became distorted.

Seeing this, Sheng Zhixin trembled, thinking that she was angry with herself, and hurriedly said: "Actually, it's nothing serious..."

She glanced at her carefully, and saw that she was forbearing with her eyes closed, so she couldn't help lowering her voice.

" eldest brother has a daughter in his family, and he wants to participate in this year's draft. I would like to ask the princess to do me a favor..."

She leaned forward and observed Gu Nanyan's expression.

"How can I help?" Gu Nanyan squinted at her.

She was crying and fussing, what was she doing, it turned out that she came through the back door.

"I'm not the chief examiner of the draft, so it doesn't matter if I can be selected."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sheng Zhixin glared at her reproachfully.

"You and I are old acquaintances, so don't hide it from me, princess."

Gu Nanyan was puzzled: "What did I hide from you?"

What's wrong with this woman, can you explain it clearly, why do you act like "I know, if you don't admit it, you will let down the friendship between us".

If she remembered correctly, this woman was still crying 5 minutes ago.

It is said that she, Gu Nanyan, made her cry!
It's just a flash of God's kung fu that the two sisters will be fine?

This is schizophrenia...

Or is it schizophrenic?

Gu Nanyan trembled, and gave the other party a crazy look.

The women in the palace were really scary. They changed their faces when they said they would, crying and laughing and making trouble for no reason.

This is a harem.

It is clearly a harem brand mental hospital!

Gu Nanyan swallowed, and stared vigilantly at the woman in front of her who seemed to be suffering from illness.


She will move out tomorrow, so she can't stay here anymore.

Nima is with a group of psychopaths who change their faces faster than turning the pages of a book every day, what if she is brought into the pit as well.

She was really at odds with the palace, and she had to avoid these women in the future.

"Just pretending, I already know." Sheng Zhixin blamed.

"At noon today, the Supreme Emperor just issued an edict, appointing you as the chief examiner of this draft, but all the show girls who want to enter the palace must be passed by you."

Sheng Zhixin never expected that she would be treated as a sick person for her deliberate submissiveness, and she continued to chatter, throwing a bomb when Gu Nanyan was unprepared.

Gu Nanyan was startled: "When did it happen, why don't I know?"

"Just when you go back to Wei's house during the day."

Gu Nanyan never hides her itinerary, so it is not a secret that she went to the Wei family's old house.

"Just after you left the palace, the Supreme Emperor sent the decree to all the prefectures and palaces... Didn't you receive it?" Seeing her dazed look, Sheng Zhixin asked suspiciously.

Gu Nanyan: "...Do you think I received it or not?"

I was hijacked by you the moment I entered the door, where would I know?
And she dared to bet on a chicken leg, that fellow Fu Jingqi was forced not to deliver the decree to Weiyang Palace.

The scumbag father is a real dog, she obviously refused, but secretly issued the order while she was out.

What a fool, who likes to play tricks with these women who have [-] minds!

The more Gu Nanyan thought about it, the more furious she felt, and she almost crushed the teacup in her hand.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Sheng Zhixin just assumed that she agreed, and left contentedly.

Leaving someone alone is sulking.

The more I think about it, the more I feel congested.

So on a dark and windy night, Gu Nanyan went straight to Fu Jingqi's bedroom.

The nagging Anyang Taishang Emperor, who was sleeping in his underwear, was hung upside down on a high beam.

Finally hit a knot.

Then walk away.

Eunuch Xu who witnessed everything with his own eyes: "..."

Let you make a few twists and turns.

If you don't put on the tiles in the house for two days, hang them on the side!

In the early morning of the second day, the news that the Supreme Emperor had contracted the wind and cold in the middle of the night for unknown reasons spread like wildfire.

The masters of the harem went to visit one after another.

But he was driven away by Fu Jingqi, who was dizzy and dizzy for most of the night.

This did not include Sheng Zhixin.

Because she didn't go at all!
When she first heard the news, she also wanted to go and see it, at least show her face to show her concern for Fu Jingqi.

But she suddenly remembered Gu Nanyan's expression last night when she knew that she had become the chief examiner of the draft.

Combined with the time when the decree was issued, and the sneaky behavior of the eunuch who issued the decree, he immediately understood the reason for the cold.

(End of this chapter)

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