Chapter 716

Sheng Zhixin thought for a moment, and didn't get up immediately to visit Fu Jingqi, but stayed in the palace and waited for the news.

Two quarters of an hour passed...

Half an hour passed.

Sheng Zhixin waited the whole morning, but never heard the news of Gu Nanyan's punishment.

So I patted my butt and went back to the bedroom to sleep in the cage.

The nanny next to her was in a hurry, no matter how much she tried to persuade her not to go to Fu Jingqin's, she had no choice but to send a letter to the Grand Master's Mansion, asking Mrs. Sheng to persuade her.

Whether this matter is big or small, and Mrs. Sheng hasn't seen her granddaughter for a long time, so she brought Mrs. Sheng into the palace together.

"What on earth are you thinking?"

As soon as she saw Sheng Zhixin, before Mrs. Sheng could speak, Mrs. Sheng couldn't help complaining: "It's such a good opportunity, others are rushing forward, but you are fine, just like a normal person."

Mrs. Sheng held her infant granddaughter in her arms, and glared at her with hatred.

"What are you rushing for?" Sheng Zhixin said lazily.

"I already have a princess, and I can count on something to rely on in the future. If I go to fight with those little bitches, I won't lose my status."

The Supreme Emperor has abdicated, so there is nothing to argue about.

If he was still the emperor, she would definitely fight for it, but right now it is unnecessary.

If it wasn't for her natal family sending a letter asking her to pave the way for her niece in the draft, she wouldn't go to Gu Nanyan to attract suspicion.

For her now, as long as her little princess can grow up healthy and healthy, it is her blessing.

Sheng Zhixin looked at the little baby in her mother's arms, her heart softened, and she reached out to hug the baby.

"What are you arguing about? Naturally, you are trying to get pregnant with a prince!"

The daughter was born in October, how could Mrs. Sheng not know what she was thinking.

"Don't think that everything will be safe after you give birth to a princess."

She patiently persuaded: "If you want to survive in this palace, you still need to have a prince by your side, otherwise you will not even be able to decide the marriage of the little princess in the future."

Madam Sheng glanced at her infant granddaughter and sighed.

"Isn't it rare for those unfavored princesses to be sent to Fanbang to get married? If there is no prince to back them up, the little princess really becomes a married princess, and you can't stop her!"

Although their old grandpa is a dignified grand master, there are not many daughters under the emperor's knees. If it really happens, the age of the little princess is the most suitable, and the Sheng family can't guarantee whether they can stop it.

But it would be different if there was a prince.

Today's holy majesty was poisoned in his early years, and the imperial physician in the palace said that he would not have survived years ago.

Although it was rumored that Princess Anyang had already removed the poison from the Holy Majesty's body, who knew whether the poison would have any effect on the body.

After all, he is already in his double tenth year, but he doesn't even have half an heir, which is really suspicious.

Mrs. Sheng's eyes flashed, and she looked at her daughter meaningfully.

If the emperor really has no way to give birth to an heir, her daughter will give birth to one or two princes at this time, and her age is just good enough to take over the emperor's class.

Coupled with the power of the Grand Master's Mansion, no one has the strength to compete with them.

When Sheng Zhixin heard the word "marriage", she patted her baby hand.

Then I didn't know what to think of, and my expression returned to normal.

Old Mrs. Sheng kept silent, just staring at her granddaughter. Seeing her like this, she knew that her granddaughter might have plans in mind.

She slammed the crutch in her hand on the ground twice, and said to Mrs. Sheng who was still talking non-stop: "Okay, Zhi Xin probably has her own ideas, let's listen to what she has to say first."

"What can she think..." Mrs. Sheng just wanted her mother-in-law not to interrupt her, and she wanted to talk to her daughter.

Looking up, she saw Mrs. Sheng looking at herself seriously.

Since Mrs. Sheng married into the Sheng family, she has been terrified of this mother-in-law who is usually silent but can always give you a fatal blow at critical moments.

Seeing her face darken, she shrank her neck reflexively.

Madam Sheng looked away in satisfaction.

Asking Sheng Zhixin, "Zhixin don't want to listen to your mother's fallacies. Grandma sees that you seem to have an idea, why don't you say it, so that the old woman can give you advice."

She still cherishes this little granddaughter, Mrs. Sheng, and her tone of speech is not as blunt as when talking to her daughter-in-law, with some pampering that is rare in the past.

Sheng Zhixin also respected this grandmother who had been with her grandfather through ups and downs all her life, so she pondered for a moment.

"What does grandma think of Princess Anyang?"

She suddenly mentioned Gu Nanyan, and asked without thinking, Madam Sheng frowned suspiciously.

"Which aspect is Zhixin referring to?"

In terms of strength, Gu Nanyan is not inferior to men, and is much stronger than all the men she has ever seen.

But when it comes to personality...

Mrs. Sheng disagreed.

That girl was irritable and impatient, she used her hands more than her brains, and offended countless people.

It is really not like royal family background to see who is not pleasing to the eye.

If her strength is not so strong that no one can match, I am afraid that there will be no bones left that have been gnawed by others.

"My granddaughter means that if you were asked to choose a backer, would you choose Gu Nanyan or..."

Sheng Zhixin didn't finish her sentence, but her eyes drifted out of the window, looking in the direction of Fu Jingqi's bedroom.

Mrs. Sheng followed her gaze and immediately understood what she meant.

"Then it depends on what you want." Mrs. Sheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"The granddaughter wants to live a peaceful life in the palace without being restricted by others."

Grandfather is getting old and can't take care of her for the rest of his life, nor can he maintain the prosperity of Taishi Mansion.

Therefore, when she heard that the emperor was going to be drafted, her niece was included in the roster.

In the future, there will be someone who will take care of each other with her and at the same time pave the way for the descendants of the family.

It is hoped that after a hundred years from him, the Sheng family can still stand tall.

When Mrs. Sheng heard her daughter's "good-for-nothing" words, she was anxious to reprimand her when she was stared back by her mother-in-law.

Mrs. Sheng didn't care about her granddaughter's "not progressing", but instead asked her: "But what happened in the palace?"

Ever since her granddaughter gave birth to her daughter and felt that the position of empress was hopeless, she lost her fighting spirit and stayed in the harem all day long to take care of the little princess.

Even so, she has never expressed her thoughts so firmly, probably because she understands the Sheng family's purpose of sending her to the palace, and cannot bear to live up to the Sheng family's expectations.

Today, she clearly expressed her thoughts in front of her grandmother. It must be something that happened in the palace that she didn't know, which made her firm in her thoughts.

"I think grandma also knows that the Supreme Emperor suddenly caught a cold today. Although my granddaughter doesn't know why, she knows that this matter has something to do with Gu Nanyan."

Sheng Zhixin talked about what happened to Gu Nanyan yesterday, and what he suspected that Gu Nanyan had done to Fu Jingqi.

"It's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before." Sheng Zhixin said in a deep voice.

"When she first came last year, the Supreme Emperor would get sick from time to time, and he would not show up in front of people for more than half a month after being sick, which is really weird."

"And the granddaughter heard rumors in the palace that Gu Nanyan once attacked the Supreme Emperor."

Apparently Mrs. Sheng had also heard about it, she nodded thoughtfully.

"That's true. Your grandfather once heard a friend in the palace mention that the Supreme Emperor didn't even come out of the bedroom door at that time, as if his face was injured."

"You mean, Gu Nanyan attacked the Supreme Emperor again yesterday?" Mrs. Sheng said in amazement.

This Gu Nanyan was too courageous, he dared to attack the Supreme Emperor one after another.

That's her own father, isn't she afraid of being scolded for being unfilial?

Mrs. Sheng clicked her tongue when she heard that.

Secretly thought that luckily their Sheng family didn't raise such an unfilial daughter.

Otherwise, the ancestor's coffin board will not be able to hold it down.

(End of this chapter)

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