The farmer has a mall

Chapter 717 Sheng Zhixin's Plan

Chapter 717 Sheng Zhixin's Plan
The so-called "friends in the palace" are just the eyeliner placed in the palace by Mrs. Sheng, but it's hard to explain clearly.

Sheng Zhixin obviously knew it too, nodded slightly and said: "The point is, whether it was the last time or this time, the Taishang Huang let people suppress the news and didn't make it public. It seemed that he was wholeheartedly protecting Gu Nanyan."

"Maybe it's just out of face. After all, the king of a country was beaten by his own daughter, and he would have no face if it spread." Mrs. Sheng didn't care.

"Then mother, has she ever heard the news that Gu Nanyan was punished?" Sheng Zhixin asked.

"Even if it's out of face, if he really wants to care about punishing Gu Nanyan, what's the problem?"

Sheng Zhixin did not agree with her mother's thoughts. Based on her understanding of Fu Jingqi, he was not considered a magnanimous person.

Anyone who disrespects him, he will retaliate with thunder without mercy, except for Gu Nanyan.

Sheng Zhixin is envious of being the king of the emperor but pampering his daughter so much, it can be said that he is indulging his daughter.

She is also loved by thousands of people in the Sheng family, but on the premise that she can seek benefits for the family.

Sheng Zhixin thought very clearly, if one day she fell from a high position, she would become an outcast of the Sheng family, and today's favor would also disappear like the wind.

She lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes perfectly concealing the emotions in her eyes.

"This matter needs to be discussed with your grandfather first." According to Mrs. Sheng, the granddaughter meant to make the Sheng family form an alliance with Gu Nanyan.

Mrs. Sheng did not object, she even heard Mrs. Sheng mention this matter, but Gu Nanyan seldom had contact with people, and Weiyang Palace was strictly guarded against them. They couldn't even hand in posts, so how could they talk about forming an alliance.

If this can be done, it would be a good thing.

Old Madam Sheng looked at Sheng Zhixin with more loving eyes.

Her granddaughter is impulsive and lacks scheming, but fortunately she is obedient and obeys her and her grandfather's words.

Unexpectedly, he is also a rich man, so he was able to get in touch with Gu Nanyan.

"Your grandfather has always loved you. Since you have your own ideas, he probably won't object." Mrs. Sheng said cheerfully.

When Sheng Zhixin heard this, a look of coquettishness appeared on his face, and he said to Mrs. Sheng coquettishly, "It's still grandparents who love Xin'er."

"Mother doesn't love you anymore?" Mrs. Sheng asked in displeasure from the side.

"Of course a mother loves her daughter."

Sheng Zhixin carefully handed over the little princess in her arms to the nurse behind her, took Mrs. Sheng's well-maintained hand, and snuggled up to her.

"You put your daughter first in everything, and your daughter knows it." She said softly.

"It's a pity that my daughter can't serve you at your knees. It will only make you worry about her. It's really unfilial."

She knew that her mother's character was not pleasing to the Sheng family, and she could even see how her grandparents and father hated her.

However, for her, Mrs. Sheng, who puts her daughter first in everything, is the best mother in the world.

Seeing her daughter snuggling in her arms and acting like a baby like she was when she was a child, Mrs. Sheng suddenly closed her eyes with a smile, and patted her daughter's hand for a good meal of care.

Mrs. Sheng only stayed for half an hour before taking Mrs. Sheng out of the palace.

Sheng Zhixin sent the two of them to the gate of his palace, watching them fascinated as they gradually walked away.

After a long while, he sighed faintly, turned around and went back to the bedroom.

"Empress Dowager, do you really want to seek refuge with Gu Nanyan?" Her personal maid, Mingyue, looked at her hesitantly.

"That's a thorn in the side. Be careful that you will suffer from her."

No one in the entire palace knew about Gu Nanyan's temperament.

She even dared to beat the Supreme Emperor, Mingyue was afraid that if her master accidentally offended her, she would also be beaten.

Her family's mother is not too rough and thick, so what if it is broken.

Mingyue was infinitely worried, and couldn't help persuading: "With the power of the Taishifu, it is easy to protect you, why do you bother to provoke that thorn?"

"How can I not know that she has a strange personality and is difficult to get along with?" Sheng Zhixin touched her sleeping daughter's little face, her face was full of maternal brilliance.

"It's just that no matter how difficult she is to get along with, it's better than my mother and daughter becoming victims of the Sheng family and dying in vain inside this palace wall."

Mingyue was puzzled when she heard the words: "How could it be that the grand master Sheng valued you so much that he made you a victim of the Sheng family."

Mingyue felt that her mother was thinking too much, she had been working beside her for so long, and she could clearly see how much the old master valued this granddaughter.

On weekdays, whenever there is any good thing in the mansion, it will be delivered to the palace as soon as possible, so that her mother can enjoy it first.

If the empress is wronged, she will seek justice for the empress as soon as possible.

Just like Concubine Xian poisoned Concubine Wan—the current Concubine Wan.

The old grand master personally went to Shangxian Guifei's father, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and publicly reprimanded him for not being good at teaching his daughter and not being strict in family management, which really made him lose face.

"Important to me?" Sheng Zhixin smiled wryly when he heard the words, "Then you know that after that incident, most of the supporters behind Minister of the Ministry of Officials became grandfather's supporters, how much benefit did the Sheng family get from this?"

Grandfather would personally seek justice from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, just to take the opportunity to suppress the opponent's arrogance.

How could the court grand master, who is so gentle and elegant, do such reckless things just for her.

"What you see is just the surface." Sheng Zhixin said disappointedly.

"If grandfather really values ​​me as much as you said, how could he include my good niece in the draft list?"

It's just that she has no use value and wants her niece to replace her.

Sheng Zhixin tucked up the quilt for her daughter, and seeing her sleeping sweetly with her small mouth open, her depressed mood immediately improved a lot.

She instructed Mingyue: "I remember that your sister-in-law traveled with her father when she was young, and she is very talented in cooking, so she is good at making snacks from all over the world. Is there such a thing?"

"Yes, the maidservant's sister-in-law does know how to make snacks from all over the world. Although the taste is good, it's just something that can't be put on the table. It's hard for the empress to remember." Mingyue said modestly.

Sheng Zhixin said with a smile: "How can the delicious food not be on the table? The imperial meals in the palace are exquisite, but they are not necessarily better than the folks."

She got up carefully so as not to wake her daughter.

"Let your sister-in-law enter the palace tomorrow. I have been very busy recently, and I want to learn from her."

Hearing that Gu Nanyan has excellent food, if she can make food that suits her taste, half of the matter will be accomplished.

Mingyue only thought of her master as bored, and wanted to find something to do to pass the time, so she agreed, and immediately left the palace and went home.

Gu Nanyan didn't know that someone wanted to win her heart with delicious food, so she took a steam car to inspect the disaster situation early the next morning.

Due to the limited parking space, she only brought a few skilled guards besides her royal driver Li Yi.

Fu Tuo didn't feel relieved, and immediately ordered a thousand cavalry stationed in the capital to follow.

However, their speed couldn't match Gu Nanyan's.

Often before they reach a place, Gu Nanyan has already gone to the next destination.

Really can't catch up even if he broke his legs.

A group of cavalry rushed on the road day and night, exhausted and dying, but they couldn't even see the exhaust of the steam car.

Really stuffed.

Fu Tuo was even more helpless, so he had to let the cavalry return, and at the same time sent letters to various government offices, ordering local officers and soldiers to protect the safety of his sister.

In fact, Fu Tuo's move was completely redundant.

Not to mention that Gu Nanyan dared to go alone, but he was already prepared for an accident.

She and Li Yi both carried guns and grenades, as long as they didn't meet the army, they would definitely not suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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