Chapter 718

And since his imperial decree of "seeing him like seeing a king" was sent to various places, Gu Nanyan's status has risen.

Even if some people with ulterior motives want to attack Gu Nanyan on the road, they must carefully consider the consequences of "deceiving the emperor".

Supplies from Sanziming Mountain City are being sent to Anyang Kingdom in a steady stream, and it's not just supplies that come with the car.

Gu Nanyan was stirring up the wind and rain outside, not knowing how worried her brother was.

Fu Tuo was not only worried about her, but also about state affairs.

"Your Majesty, Wu Zhi, the wife of the privy envoy, sent someone to deliver a letter to the servant." San Jin held a white envelope and handed it to Fu Tuo.

Fu Tuo rubbed his eyebrows and waved his hands.

"Just tell me what she wants you to do."

Sanjin is the person he trusts the most besides his sister, and he believes that he will not hide the truth.


Sanjin put the envelope back in his sleeve and said, "Although the letter didn't say it clearly, but looking at what it means, the slave seems to want the slave to play tricks in the draft and make her concubine lose the election."

It used to be that during drafts, a few women with both talents and looks were selected from all over the country and reported to the Beijing Yamen, who were screened by the Beijing Yamen and entered into the draft roster.

The same is true in the homes of the ministers in the capital.

And it must be the daughter-in-law of the family.

The privy envoy Sun Qi loves the concubine's daughter, and if she doesn't want her to enter the palace, it is already against the rules to let the concubine's daughter take over.

Wushi was also afraid that if the concubine was chosen, she would fly up to a branch and become a phoenix, and be crushed by Zhao Shi from then on.

It is not surprising that the husband and wife want to let the concubine lose the election.

Hearing that Fu Tuo tapped his fingers on the table, he lowered his eyes and wondered what he was thinking.

Sanjin quietly stood on one side with his head down, waiting for his master's order.

"What's the character of that concubine from Mrs. Zhao?" Fu Tuo asked suddenly.

Sanjin pondered for a moment and replied: "I have asked someone to inquire about it. Although Zhao's daughter is a concubine, her rules are not inferior to that of her sister-in-law. It is just that she is quieter on weekdays, doesn't talk much, and doesn't like to go out to socialize."

"It's smart." Fu Tuo praised.

Sun Qi obviously didn't like to see this concubine, let alone Wu Zhi.

If Zhao Shi hadn't been pregnant with this daughter, she wouldn't have gotten into Sun Qi's backyard so smoothly and made her lose face.

If she didn't know how to restrain herself in this situation, and frequently appeared in front of people, wouldn't it be an embarrassment to Wu Zhi.

Wu Shi, the mistress of the house, is not happy, how can she and her mother Zhao Shi get along well?
On the contrary, if she was more low-key and obedient, maybe Sun Qi would look for her to find a good family for her in the future because she is his own flesh and blood.

Coupled with the fact that she entered the palace draft on behalf of her sister-in-law this time, Wu Shi also owed her a favor, and she will not be too harsh on her in terms of dowry when she gets married in the future.

As for Mrs. Zhao...

After this incident, as long as she doesn't act as a demon in the backyard, she can live in peace for the rest of her life.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Fu Tuo admired Sun Qi, a concubine's daughter, very much.

Most people don't have this kind of endurance, so it can be seen that they are calm.

"Your Majesty, do you need a slave to reject Wu Zhi?" San Jin asked.

"There's no need to refuse, it's just that since a person has been included in the draft roster, he has to last a few more times." Fu Tuo sneered.

"When I can't tell, I will be in a good mood, maybe I will give her a title."

If his guess is correct, Sun Qi's refusal to let his daughter-in-law enter the palace is probably not just because of his love for his daughter.

It is also making way for the Grand Master's Mansion, and does not want to compete with it.

That being the case, he decided to do the opposite and keep Sun Qi's concubine daughter in the palace.

With her heart, since she can survive to this day safely under the hatred of her aunt, she will not lose too quickly in the harem.

"I heard that the emperor ordered the princess to be the chief examiner of this draft, is there such a thing?" Fu Tuo asked, rubbing his temples.

It's not that he complained, since the founding of the country, I'm afraid no emperor... or the former emperor ordered such sneaky things.

Not only did Yanyan not be notified, even he, the person who married his wife, was not notified.

He also heard that the little eunuch who delivered the decree was like a thief, not allowing the servants of the palaces to report, just sneaking around, not saying a word of nonsense, leaving the imperial decree and running away.

Imagining that scene, the corners of Fu Tuo's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"When the princess comes back, you go to Weiyang Palace yourself, and tell her what I mean." Fu Tuo said.

Although he didn't have a nomination number, Sanjin knew that the princess he was talking about must be Princess An.

Although the master has other sisters, in his heart, only his own sister is worthy of being called a princess.

"The servant knows."

The princess has only been away for two or three days, and I'm afraid she won't be able to come back in a day or two, so it's not urgent.

"Your Majesty, this servant has learned that the Supreme Emperor has contracted a cold, so would you like to go and have a look?"

The Supreme Emperor was ill, and the emperor was busy with state affairs and never visited. It was easy to be accused of unfilial piety by the censor.

Fu Tuo thought about it, and felt that he really should go and see his wicked father.

Then he put down the vermilion pen and got up and went to Fu Jingqi's bedroom.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the hall, I heard several sneezing sounds from inside the house.

Seeing him coming, Eunuch Xu hurried out to greet him in person.

"Why is the emperor here?" Eunuch Xu did not invite Fu Tuo in, but asked the little eunuch behind him to close the palace door to prevent the wind from entering the room and making Fu Jingqi's condition worse.

"I'll come and see my father."

Fu Tuo pretended not to see their action of closing the door, and said softly, "I wonder if Father's health is better?"

Eunuch Xu replied with a smile: "I made the emperor worry. The emperor has always been in good health. It's just a little cold, and he has recovered a lot."

Fu Tuo nodded happily: "That's good."

He looked in the direction of the palace gate: "I want to go in and have a look at Father Emperor, is it convenient?"

"What did the emperor say, you are the king of a country, and this entire palace belongs to you, why is it inconvenient to say it, it's just..."

Eunuch Xu glanced behind him in embarrassment, moved closer and lowered his voice and said, "The Supreme Emperor has been in a bad mood for the past few days, and his temper will be very short. My servant advises you to wait two days before coming back."

Eunuch Xu sighed.

That night, the master was hanged from the beam by the princess. He felt ashamed and dared not call for help, so he asked him to move a ladder to let him down.

Who knows how the knot was tied, it was so tight that he couldn't untie it even though he was sweating profusely from exhaustion.

However, the master was desperate for face, so he insisted on not allowing anyone to come in to help, and hanged himself from the beam all night.

In the end it was the princess who came again just before dawn to put him down.

The master was full of anger, and he dared not speak out to the princess, for fear of being hanged back by her if he said a word wrong.

So the anger is directed at others.

As a result, these servants were tortured and scolded dozens of times a day.

That's fine, but the master still wants to transfer his anger to the emperor.

The euphemistic name is "Sister Debt Brother Repayment..."

Eunuch Xu stopped him only after losing his old nose strength.

Fortunately, the government affairs are busy recently, and the emperor really doesn't have time to visit.

Eunuch Xu earnestly persuaded Fu Tuo to leave quickly, so as not to be affected by his master's anger.

Fu Tuo was tired all day, and there were still a lot of government affairs waiting for him to deal with. Hearing that the scumbag father was fine, he didn't want to go in and suffer, so he left after a few instructions.

However, just as he turned around, he heard a roar from inside the hall.

"Where is the brat running, get the hell out of here!" Fu Jingqi's voice was full of anger and nasal, but full of anger.

Fu Tuo's eyebrows jumped, he pretended not to hear, and continued to walk forward with the wind under his feet.

Faint footsteps came from behind.

The temple door opened suddenly.

Fu Jingqi, who hadn't shown up in front of people for many days, was wearing a cotton fur, and her teeth were gritting.

Fu Tuo shouted angrily at Fu Tuo who was running away: "Run, try to run!"

Fu Tuo turned a deaf ear and continued to walk out with his head held high.

Fu Jingqi sneered, and didn't stop him anymore, but ordered Xu Gonggong, who was sweating coldly, in a volume that Fu Tuo could definitely hear: "Xiao Xuzi, you go out of the palace now, and go to the front of the palace to command the envoys." Please enter the palace."

"Just say that the emperor has admired her daughter for a long time, and wants to bring her into the palace as a concubine!"

Fu Tuo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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