The farmer has a mall

Chapter 719 Bear Child

Chapter 719 Bear Child

Fei Jin, the commander of the capital in front of the palace, is a man of five big and three rough.

It is said that his grandfather was of Hu blood and was once the number one warrior of Donghu.

To say that he is tall and rough is to insult his general character.

This person is eight feet tall, his eyes are like copper bells, and his body is as strong as a mountain.

The tendons and flesh all over his body are comparable to steel and iron bones, and mosquitoes are unwilling to work hard on him.

His personality is also very bold...

Or impulsive.

This is not the point, the point is that he has a daughter who is printed like him!
This girl's name is Fei Qiang...

That's right!

Fei Jin loved this daughter very much, and his only hope for her was to be healthy and free from disease, so he named him after such a man.

Fei Qiang lived up to his father's expectations. Her father was as strong as a mountain and she was as strong as a hill, and there was no trace of fat on her body...

As for appearance... he was only short of his father's beard.

It's okay if it's just like this. With her father's status in Anyang country, no matter what, he can find a good husband's family for her, at least to ensure that she has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life.

But Fei Qiang has a very high vision and is extremely beautiful.

Not only is she beautiful, but also requires the future husband-in-law to be both civil and military.

It was hard for Fei Jin to die.

So since his daughter was 15 years old, Fei Jin spent all over the capital looking for a husband for her, visiting two families on average every month, but none of his daughters could fall in love with him.

Forced to do so, Fei Jin had no choice but to look around the world, and continued to find Fei Qiang's husband's family according to the frequency of blind dates twice a month.

Until last year, Fei Qiang was still living in his boudoir in his [-]th year.

It's rare to see a 20-year-old unmarried girl this year.

Fei Jinchou's hair fell out in one fell swoop, and he was almost bald...

Fortunately, after all these years of tossing, it is not without progress.

It's just this progress that made Fei Jin feel a little numb.

Fei Qiang, she fell in love with the former prince, the current emperor of Anyang, Fu Tuo...

At that time, Fu Tuo was still a poor little boy imprisoned in the East Palace.

Fei Jin didn't want his daughter to be involved in the struggle for imperial power.

I don't even want her to marry a sick child and become a widow at a young age.

So he persuaded me with good words and good words.

However, Fei Qiang refuses to stick to his will, and goes on a hunger strike every day to express his determination to marry Fu Tuo.

You must know that she is the master who would faint from hunger if she didn't eat a meal!
He went on a hunger strike every day and persisted for a month without giving up.

This was the first time Fei Jin saw his daughter so determined.

For the sake of his daughter's health, he had no choice but to agree, and immediately went to the palace to propose marriage for his daughter.

Fu Jingqi, who was still the emperor at that time, didn't care much about Fu Tuo's son. When he heard that Fei Jin's daughter wanted to marry Fu Tuo, he agreed without much consideration.

After all, Fei Jin was also the commander of the second rank of the palace commander, so he didn't treat Fu Tuo badly in terms of his status.

Moreover, although Fei Jin was exceptionally brave, he did not have great wisdom, nor did he have much ambition in the pursuit of power, and he never formed cliques.

This is also the most important reason why Fu Jingqi would promote him as a reckless man all the way to the second rank.

If Fu Tuo really married his daughter, he would have both face and face, and he was not afraid that he would pose a threat to his throne.

Fu Jingqi thought very well, and when he came to court, he would draw up a decree for a marriage.

However, before he could stamp the imperial decree, news came that the prince had vomited blood and passed out in the East Palace.

Fu Jingqi hurriedly ordered Physician Hu to go for diagnosis and treatment.

The result of the diagnosis given by Dr. Hu is that the heart and lungs are damaged, and his life is dying.

Under such circumstances, how could Fu Jingqi have the heart to give him a marriage, if Fu Tuo really couldn't make it through this time, with his decree, Fei Qiang would become a widow.

Even if she can remarry in the future, the name of Kefu is indispensable.

This is not a marriage, it is clearly a feud!
Even if he agrees, Fei Jin, who is eager to love his daughter, probably won't be able to do it.

Sure enough, when the news that Fu Tuo was about to die spread outside the palace, Fei Jin went into the palace non-stop to plead guilty to Fu Jingqi, asking him to let the marriage offer be a fart.

Fu Jingqi didn't feel embarrassed either, and never mentioned this matter again.


Due to the threat of his scumbag father, Fu Tuo reluctantly followed him into the door of the bedroom, and was pointed at his nose and scolded for half an hour.

Fu Jingqi let out his anger, only felt that the sky was blue and the earth was wide, and he was in a good mood. He waved his sleeves and drove the angry son out.

That night, the Taishang Emperor of Anyang had a great appetite, and ate a whole pork knuckle, a bowl of chicken soup and three bowls of rice.

They even set up a stage.

There was a night of singing and dancing in the hall.

Fu Tuo, who was still dealing with government affairs and hadn't eaten dinner, was so angry when he heard the news that the veins on his forehead twitched, and he broke the vermillion brush in his hand with a "click".

... Then he asked San Jin to move all the remaining memorials to the scumbag.

Fu Tuo: Come on, hurt each other!

Fu Jingqi: ...unfilial son! ! !

I'm better than giving you a piece of barbecued pork!
Five days later, Gu Nanyan left Li Yi in the field to supervise the construction of the shelter, while she returned to Beijing alone to participate in the Wei family's ancestor worship ceremony.

Since Wei Hong came back, except for the line of Seventh Grandfather Wei Liang who was closer to the capital, the other branches have also received news one after another.

It's just that these people's places are not too close to the capital, and the snowy roads are difficult to walk, so only one family arrived the night before the ancestor worship.

This family was the one that opposed the reintroduction of Old General Wei's family into the genealogy, and was the one that opposed it the most.

Although they are branches, they are the closest to the direct lineage of the Wei family among all the branches.

Therefore, Old General Wei got close to Seventh Grandpa's family back then, which made their headed family, Wei Chongshan, very unhappy.

Wei Chongshan is an old man in his 60s, his eyes are full of sophistication.

He was a few years older than Grandpa Seven. He was a rich, grey-haired old man. He also dressed very richly. He was completely different from Grandpa Seven's family in patched cotton coats.

Wei Chongshan has a group of sons and daughters, one wife and two concubines, each of them is gorgeously dressed, not losing to the rich and noble families in Beijing.

Facing Grandpa Seven's family, these people showed endless contempt and disdain.

So when Gu Nanyan stepped into the gate of Wei's old house, what came into his eyes was a beautiful woman, eating melon seeds and smiling as she watched her brat bully Wei Houdong.

The bear boy was about seven or eight years old, and he pointed at Wei Houdong and threw stones at him.

The honest and loyal Wei Houdong only knew how to dodge and did not resist.

Gu Nanyan paused, walked in the door with a frown, grabbed the bear by the collar and picked him up.

"lay down."

She pointed to the stone in the opponent's hand in a low voice, her face was a little ugly.

The bear kid probably hadn't been beaten by the society, and he wasn't afraid of being carried in the air, instead he threw the stone in his hand towards Gu Nanyan's eyebrows.

"Let go, where does the lowly maid dare to offend the young master, believe it or not, the young master will punish you!"

Xiongzi struggled a few times, but found that he couldn't break free, so he began to threaten Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan tilted his head to avoid the stones he threw, and his brows twitched when he was yelled by the brat's loud voice.

He is not very capable but he is not small, and he still wants to punish Lao Tzu's nine clans.

Do you have the guts to lie down and tell you to kill you!?
Gu Nanyan didn't want to argue with the brat, seeing that the stone in his hand had already been thrown away, she wanted to put him down.

Unexpectedly, before she could move, another scream came from her ear.

"How can a wild girl dare to disrespect my son!"

The woman who was eating melon seeds just now ran over aggressively, grabbed her son, and checked him nervously.

Seeing that his son didn't lose a single hair, he immediately pointed the cannon fire at Gu Nanyan with a ferocious face, and raised his hand to hit Gu Nanyan's face.

The strength used is so great that I am afraid that all the strength of breastfeeding has been used.

(End of this chapter)

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