Chapter 720

If this slap was real, the nose would be bruised and the face would be swollen. I am afraid that some of the back molars might fall out.

Wei Houdong, who had never spoken a word, changed drastically.


He reacted and hurried forward.

It's a pity that the woman's movements were too fast, and he didn't have time to stop him, watching helplessly as the slap was about to fall on Gu Nanyan's face.

Gu Nanyan didn't dodge or dodge, with a calm face, he grabbed the woman's wrist and twisted her back, then kicked her ass.

She didn't use much strength, but the woman felt as if her buttocks had been hit by a hammer. She staggered forward a few steps, sweating coldly from the pain, and almost threw the fat boy in her arms out.

Fortunately, Wei Houdong gave him a hand, and the mother and son escaped unharmed.

"Auntie is easy to discuss everything, don't do anything..." He glanced at Gu Nanyan, and his forehead was sweating anxiously.

"This is the gentleman..."

He just wanted to tell her Gu Nanyan's identity, but this woman is obviously not one to reciprocate.

After standing firmly, he pushed him away, but pushed him a bit.

Then he pointed at Gu Nanyan's nose and cursed with full firepower.

"It's the other way around, really any cat or dog can enter the gate of my Wei house, what are you still doing, why don't you arrest her!" The woman was so angry that she ordered the servants around to take down Gu Nanyan .

Gu Nanyan wears Tsing Yi all the year round, she cares more about comfort than gorgeous fabrics, plus she doesn't like to wear accessories, she looks very low-key.

The woman only thought she was sneaking in to join in the fun.

And most of those servants were bought by Wei Hong from Ren Yazi a few days ago, and they had never seen Gu Nanyan before. Hearing this, they looked at each other and gathered around her.

Gu Nanyan frowned more and more, not knowing what Wei Hong was doing.

After only a few days of absence, Wei's house became a mess.

Gu Nanyan stood there without saying a word.

The woman only thought she was afraid, and she couldn't help raising her chin proudly.

"Where did the thief dare to enter my Wei's house to steal things, Mrs. Ben must show you some flair today."

Her father-in-law is the one in the branch who is closest to old General Wei's blood.

They wanted to go back to Beijing when the emperor rehabilitated the Wei family last year, but father-in-law said that it would be safe to wait two years before talking about it, so as not to be involved again if something happened.

Although the others were not reconciled, the head of the family had spoken, and they had to listen.

He could only wait in a remote county town, keeping an eye on news from the capital.

It wasn't until recently that he learned that Wei Hong had returned and that the other party had become the prime minister of Daliang, that father-in-law brought them back to Beijing.

Fortunately, they paid special attention to the capital at the beginning, so they came back before other branches.

According to father-in-law's words, Wei Hong can't stay in Anyang country for a long time, and will return to Daliang sooner or later.

At that time, only his son Ning Tianlu will be left alone, and it will be really hard to manage the Wei family's huge house.

These relatives should share some for him.

Among other things, as a man, he definitely doesn't know how to manage the middle class, and he has never been married. There is no mistress and housekeeper in the family. Isn't it going to mess up the rules?

At that time, it will not be their old Wei family who will be lost!
In order to keep the face of the Wei family, they could only do what they could, and took care of Ning Tianlu before he got married.

As for his marriage...

Her natal family has an unmarried eldest niece, and they are about the same age, so they just make a good couple.

At that time, it will not be the same whether she is the aunt's housekeeper or the niece's housekeeper.

As for other branches disagreeing...

The woman pouted.

The pits are all occupied, and I am afraid that others will not be able to snatch them.

She is not afraid.

And the most urgent task is to establish a prestige in front of these subordinates, so that it will be easier to manage in the future.

The woman imagined the future infinitely, and immediately regarded the Wei family as her own.

He didn't pay attention to Wei Houdong's pale face at the side.

That's a princess!

Even if it is the granddaughter of the Wei family, it is also in the direct line of the family.

After all, these branches are just distant relatives, how can they do anything to the princess.

That is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor!
A few days ago, the imperial list was released, seeing Princess Anyang is like seeing a king!
Wei Houdong patted his thigh anxiously, almost crying.

"Auntie can't do it, can't do it, this is the father-in-law..." In a hurry, Wei Houdong couldn't speak fluently.

The woman waved him away impatiently.

"What father-in-law, this looks like a woman, I'm blind!"

Although she had never seen the father-in-law in the palace, the bulging chest of the man in front of her was obviously a woman's feature.

Although the father-in-law is no longer a man, he will never grow breasts!
The woman looked at Gu Nanyan's chest.

Although it is not obvious...

Wei Houdong: "..."


Facing the siege of more than a dozen servants, Gu Nanyan didn't even raise his eyelids.

"Yunxi." Gu Nanyan suddenly called out.

As soon as the voice fell, a blue figure fell beside him.

"What is the princess' order?" Yun Xi stood in front of her with her head bowed, her face was surprisingly cold.

She knew it when the master first entered the door, and saw with her own eyes that these people provoked her desperately.

I've long wanted to come up and beat someone up!

However, as a hidden guard, she was not allowed to show up at will when the master was not in danger and never called her. She could only hold back her anger and wait in the dark for the master to teach them a lesson.

But he didn't expect the master to call her out.

Yun Xi, who finally had a place to use, was gearing up, waiting for Gu Nanyan to give an order, and would rush up to beat people like a mad dog running off the leash.


"Throw the two mother and son out to Bengong, and then send these servants to the housekeeper, and let him figure it out."

Since these people have entered Wei's house, they have the responsibility to maintain the peace in the mansion.

But they watched Wei Houdong being bullied by a child, but they didn't know to inform the master, and instead helped the perpetrator.

If they were kept any longer, the Wei family's reputation would not be ruined.

The son does not teach the father's fault, and the servant makes the fault of the housekeeper.

It's not good for a person with a foreign surname to meddle too much in the affairs of the house, so let the housekeeper handle it.

Yun Xi was very disappointed upon hearing this.

She has been helping the Wei family to prepare for the ancestor worship these few days. The woman has seen her before and knows that she is the princess's personal maid.

Seeing her bowing her head to Gu Nanyan at this time, the woman couldn't help being startled.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, and then he began to ponder Gu Nanyan's identity.

However, before she could figure it out, she listened to the other party's words and wanted to throw her out.

At this time, the woman doesn't care about her identity.

If she was really thrown out of the Wei family's gate, she would lose all face. How would she manage the Wei family's old house in the future!

"you dare!"

She screamed and held her son in her arms.

His eyebrows stood upright, and he was about to say some obscenities immediately.

Yun Xi, who couldn't find a place to vent her anger, could not allow her to dirty her master's ears any more, she grabbed the rag from the hand of the servant next to her, and stuffed it into the woman's mouth without hesitation.

Then she grinds her back molars and looks at the bear in her arms.

The bear boy opened his mouth halfway, but when he saw something was wrong, he closed it again instantly.

Honestly nestling in his mother's arms and pretending to be a good baby.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Sure enough, the one who knows the times the most has to be the brat.

Think about it too.

According to the frequency of their troubles, if they didn't even know how to look at the face of adults, they would have been beaten to death by their mothers long ago!
Gu Nanyan was too lazy to look at the mother and son, and walked towards the main hall with her hands behind her back.

The servants surrounding her glanced at each other and lowered their heads to make way.

The unknown Gu Nanyan and the others dared to mess with them, but Miss Yunxi couldn't be messed with.

What's more, Yunxi's attitude really made all the servants uneasy.

They probably also wanted to understand Gu Nanyan's identity, and they all stood there at a loss, watching Gu Nanyan's back disappear.

My heart is full of uneasiness.

(End of this chapter)

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