Chapter 722

"Forget about the uncle's family. One uncle is the Prime Minister of the Liang Kingdom. As a princess, I should treat him with courtesy."

"Secondly, I don't want to share with my grandfather's family anymore, let's not talk about these vain rituals."

Gu Nanyan took a cool look at Wei Chongshan: "But since Master Wei mentioned it, he seems to be a very disciplined person, so I can't lose the dignity of the royal family."

After she finished speaking, regardless of Wei Chongshan's ugly face, she straightened her clothes and sat upright.

"My palace is ready, come on."

Demos make you goofy.

Who is the thousand-year-old fox playing tricks on?

I just don't follow the routine.

She looked at Wei Chongshan's family without blinking, the old god was waiting for them to obey the rules.

Wei Chongshan: "..."

Anyang Kingdom is a country with distinct classes, and ordinary people should indeed give a big gift when they see members of the royal family.

It's just that the royal blood can't help but have a few relatives without officials or titles.

If the other party is an elder, even if you have a noble status, it is human nature to give a junior salute out of sympathy.

The elders will also return the gift to show their respect for the royal family.

Of course, this is just out of courtesy, and there is no express provision for this.

But seeing the royal family give a big ceremony is clearly written in the law.

Wei Chongshan originally thought that Gu Nanyan was just a little girl with a very thin skin, as long as he put on airs of an elder, she would be overwhelmed with shame, thus avoiding his courtesy.

Even from now on, no matter where you see him, you have to treat yourself as a junior respectfully, and you never dare to shirk asking her to help you with things.

Then their lineage will be able to step on her shoulders and climb straight up. Maybe a few years later, they will be even more glorious than the old General Wei back then.

But who would have thought that she would be so shameless!
He actually made an old man bow down to him in front of his descendants.

Wei Chongshan was out of breath and gasped for breath a few times.

Gu Nanyan stood upright and waited for a long while, but seeing no movement from him, she immediately frowned.

"Master Wei, could it be that he forgot how to salute? It seems that he really forgot the rules as you said, after leaving Beijing for too long!"

Her tone sank, and her aura suddenly became fierce, as if a sharp sword was out of its sheath, approaching the sky of everyone, and she was not as restrained as before.

Except for Wei Hong and Liu Zhenzhen, who were familiar with her, the rest broke out in a cold sweat.

Wei Chongshan felt his calf tremble slightly, and for some reason, Fu Jingqi's face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Back then when he was with Old General Wei, he was lucky enough to meet Fu Jingqi once.

This is the side that became Wei Chongshan's dream for more than ten years after the tragic death of General Wei's family.

He was terrified of Fu Jingqi, because he had a deep understanding of the power of imperial power.

With just one word from the other party, he could easily kill his whole family.

And Gu Nanyan's appearance at this time is even more intimidating than that of Fu Jingqi at that time!

The fragmented corpses of General Wei's family seemed to be right in front of his eyes. Wei Chongshan's face was pale, and cold sweat rolled down the corners of his forehead.

Why did he forget that the petite girl in front of him is also a member of the royal family, the daughter of Fu Jingqi whom he fears the most!

With a sound of "pa", the teacup in Wei Chongshan's hand fell in response.

Because the body was shaking so much, the whole person slowly slid down from the seat.

A middle-aged man sitting on the right below him hurriedly stood up to support him.

To prevent him from being pierced by broken porcelain all over the place.

"This... my father is not feeling well, look at this gift..." The middle-aged man gave Gu Nanyan a shy look, apparently he didn't want to perform this big gift either.

But Gu Nanyan thinks he is a consistent person, and will never give up halfway because of a little accident.

She nodded lightly: "Since he is unwell, I will excuse him this time."

The middle-aged man was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard her say again: "But the rules cannot be broken. Mr. Wei can waive the courtesy, but you can't."

She said with a very easy-to-talk and kind look: "Unless you are not feeling well anymore."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yun Xi, who had already picked up her things, took out a dagger from her waist and threw it on the coffee table next to Gu Nanyan.

The dagger has no scabbard, and the blade is so cold that it hurts to look at it.

Middle-aged man: "..."

If he guessed correctly, this girl was threatening them!
The middle-aged man was furious, he flicked his sleeves and let go of his father's hand, and rushed to Gu Nanyan in a few steps.

Raise your breath and retract your abdomen, and shout out as if slamming Fang Qiu.

"Caominwei seeks wealth to meet the princess! May the princess live forever and be in harmony with the heavens!"

After shouting, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, raised his head and smiled flatteringly at Gu Nanyan: "Do you think Caomin's courtesy is still the same?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I don't know the rules or not, and I'm not familiar with the etiquette of Anyang Kingdom.

But you, Wei Chucai, are really abducted. I never thought that you would kneel so happily.

Gu Nanyan quietly touched his knee and looked at it.

Look at this smooth movement...

Could it be that he wore "Easy to Kneel"?

Although Wei Chongshan is one of the richest households in their area, he is nothing more than an ordinary person after all.

When facing the local county magistrate, that also bowed his head and bowed his knees.

It's just that when he arrived at the old house of Wei's family, he saw that Wei Hong, the prime minister of a country, regarded himself as a junior in front of him, especially when it came to worshiping ancestors, everything was based on his opinion, and he suddenly felt that he was doing it again.

He thought that with his seniority, he would be able to live a prosperous life in the Wei family's old house in the future.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he bumped into Gu Nanyan, a big brick.

Wei Chongshan's family saluted Gu Nanyan honestly.

Seeing that Wei Hong didn't intend to stop him at all, he still allowed Gu Nanyan to bully others with a doting smile on his face.

Wei Chongshan immediately understood that this seemingly amiable elder nephew was actually not so amiable.

That's right, he is the prime minister of a country at any rate, if he is really as easy to bully as he looks on the surface, his bones will probably be gone by now.

Wei Chongshan didn't make another sound, just silently lowered his eyelids and waited.

It wasn't until everyone finished their salutes that he was helped back to the guest room.

Before leaving, an old woman who was about the same age as Wei Chongshan snorted coldly at Gu Nanyan.

"You guys are so capable, why would you ask us to do something? Why don't you do the ancestor worship yourself?"

With a sullen old face, the creases on her face became more and more obvious, and she said coldly: "After all, we poor relatives can't get into your eyes, princess, so why bother to take it upon ourselves."

Gu Nanyan didn't even bother to look at her, so he took the tea from Yunxi and drank it with his head up.

Then he said with a smile: "What the old man said is that I really don't take you seriously."

Old woman: "..."

Shouldn't she have said "I don't have me but you don't wrong me"?

Why don't you follow the routine!
The old woman choked suddenly.

"If Uncle Chongshan doesn't want to participate in this ancestor worship, my nephew will never dare to embarrass him." Wei Hong said suddenly.

"If you really make a decision, please ask someone to tell me, my nephew will definitely give you a generous thank you gift and travel expenses for this trip, and send someone to send you back home safely."

He was polite to Wei Chongshan because he was one of the few elders in the Wei family and his father's brother.

But if he wanted to step on top of them and do whatever he wanted because of this, it would have touched his bottom line.

The old woman was shocked, she didn't expect Wei Hong to agree to let them go so happily.

He also acted as if he wanted to send them away as soon as possible.

The old woman was in a hurry, but she didn't dare to say another word.

What she said just now was all her angry words, not what her old man meant.

If he continued to speak quickly and really annoyed Wei Hong and sent them away, then the old man might divorce himself.

(End of this chapter)

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