The farmer has a mall

Chapter 723 Wei Houdong's Promise

Chapter 723 Wei Houdong's Promise
The old woman left with a dark face.

Only Wei Hong and Grandpa Seven's family were left in the house.

Seventh Grandpa looked in the direction of the door and sighed for a while.

"The Wei family is no longer what it used to be."

Back then when Big Brother Wei was alive, the Wei family was so beautiful, even if there were a few hypocrites with small minds, they knew the united front when the interests of the whole family were involved.

Now there are only some real villains left for their own interests.

Is it because people's hearts have changed, or the death of Big Brother Wei has made the Wei family's hearts loose...

Wei Houdong was stupid, he didn't know how to comfort his grandfather when he saw his sadness, so he just stood aside dully.

Wei Hong glanced at him.

"I heard from the housekeeper that you were beaten by Uncle Chongshan's little grandson just now in the front yard?"

Wei Houdong was taken aback for a moment, first nodded, then shook his head.

"Children are just playing around, not beating. My nephew doesn't feel any pain."

If it doesn't hurt, then it's not a fight?
Gu Nanyan glanced at a fingernail-sized bruise on his forehead, holding the teacup and saying nothing.

"Then do you think it's too much for Sister Nan to drive their mother and son out of the house?" Wei Hong asked.

Wei Houdong thought he was blaming Gu Nanyan, and quickly waved his hands to defend Gu Nanyan.

"No, no, it was Qing'er who first took the initiative to the princess, and Qing'er's mother also made no excuses, which annoyed the princess, but driving them out of the mansion is already tolerant, why go too far."

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan is already very magnanimous. If it were someone else, even the daughters of ordinary officials would be offended like this, and it would not be so easy to let them go.

What's more, she is still a princess.

"You don't think Sister Nan has gone too far, why did Qing'er's behavior become like a child's fight when it comes to you?"

"The princess is as rich as a daughter, how can my nephew be compared with the princess." Wei Houdong muttered with his head down.

"But you are also a descendant of the Wei family!" Wei Hong suddenly became serious, "How can my descendants of the Wei family be bullied by outsiders."

"The other party is just a child and you don't dare to resist. If the Wei family is targeted by the rich and powerful one day, wouldn't you just watch the Wei family being trampled under their feet and humiliated at will?"

Wei Hong shook his head in disappointment.

"The housekeeper told me what happened between you and Qing'er."

"I wanted to see how you would respond, so I didn't let anyone stop me, but I didn't want you to just bear it, and you didn't even have the courage to push him away."

"If you are so timid and cowardly, how can you be worthy of being the son of the Wei family!"

What Wei Hong said was a little heavy.

Gu Nanyan looked at Uncle Cheap strangely, pondered for a moment, and probably understood the intention of his move.

She said how could the all-powerful Prime Minister Wei be so useless, even a country can be manipulated in the palm of his hand, but he can't manage a small Wei house, let a few servants have trouble with a pair of mother and son who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth The miasma.

Feelings are observing Wei Houdong's reaction.

Sure enough, it was an old fox who was so tempted by a fool.

Properly bullying the small with the big, bullying others is not as smart as him!

Gu Nanyan pouted, expressing shame at Wei Hong's behavior.

It was the first time for Wei Houdong to see this uncle so angry, and he froze in place, looking at his grandfather in bewilderment.

Grandpa Seven didn't seem to notice his grandson's eyes asking for help, and turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

His grandson is good everywhere, but he is too easy to bully. He used to be like this when he was in the village. Even the big yellow dog with a lame leg in the village dared to show his prestige when he saw him, barking like he wanted to turn into a wolf.

He didn't feel anything before.

It's better for the child to be honest than to do evil outside.

But in the final analysis, his grandson's temperament is kind at best, but cowardly at worst!
The Wei family reappeared in the sight of everyone, and there must be many people paying attention, and their branches are no exception.

He can allow his descendants to be cowardly, but he can't bring down Brother Wei's reputation for a lifetime.

Grandpa Seven wanted to let Wei Hong educate his grandson who couldn't straighten his back, so he simply stood up and walked to the opposite side to sit down.

Wei Houdong has been loyal for nearly 20 years. Everyone praises him as a good person because of his honesty. When has he ever been blamed for this?

Seeing that his grandfather ignored him, he couldn't help but feel even more at a loss, his face turned red.

Even the red Gu Nanyan suspected that he was about to explode his blood vessels.

"Father calm down. Elder brother let Qing'er in because of his young age. Although the method was inappropriate, it is better to have a heart to love brothers and sisters."

Ning Tianlu, who sat there silently from the beginning to the end, couldn't help pleading for him when he saw this.

Recently, he has been going in and out with Wei Houdong, consciously knowing him better than his father.

He could see that Wei Houdong wasn't really cowardly, but he didn't want to cause troubles to cause trouble for his family, so he forbeared everything just to calm things down.

This is also related to his growth environment.

Seventh Grandpa took his family to live in seclusion in the countryside. At that time, they were just ordinary people, and they were foreigners. How could they have the confidence to argue with those aborigines? Naturally, they backed down in everything.

Wei Houdong was influenced by his ears and eyes, and over time he formed this temperament of not competing with others.

But it's one thing for him to be soft-tempered, but his character is still very good.

During the few days that Ning Tianlu got along with him, he fully realized the meaning of the word "elder brother", and the brotherhood between the two grew day by day.

Therefore, after hearing his father say such heavy words, he couldn't help but speak out in defense.

"Tianlu cherishes your elder brother's words of defense, which shows that he really regards you as his family."

"However, when Tianlu is bullied one day, I don't know what your elder brother will do."

"Do you want to calm things down like you are now, and swallow this dumb loss?"

My father was loyal all his life, and he never gave in before anyone.

As his descendant, he should not give in, he must support the Wei family with a tough posture, so that outsiders can know that the Wei family has always been the Wei family that makes the enemy fearful!

Wei Hong knew that relying on his son alone was not enough to support the entire Wei family, so he deliberately selected one of the branches to be included in the direct line.

Grandpa Seven's family is naturally the best choice.

But Wei Houdong is too honest to be his son's backing.

That's why he was so disappointed just now.

"I won't!" Wei Houdong suddenly became anxious.

"Tianlu regards me as an elder brother, how can I let him be wronged, if someone really bullies him..."

Wei Houdong looked at Ning Tianlu who was two or three years younger than him.

Ning Tianlu thought he was afraid, so he gave him a comforting look.

Wei Houdong gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely make that person pay the price, if he can't get justice, he will die forever!"

"Okay!" Wei Hong suddenly laughed when he heard the words, "Remember what you said today."

"After worshiping the ancestors, you and Tianlu are real cousins. I hope you can keep your promise today."

Wei Houdong nodded vigorously, his previous simple and honest appearance was replaced by seriousness.

"Uncle, don't worry, Houdong will never forget."

Wei Hong hasn't said anything about becoming a prostitute, so he doesn't know what the phrase "real cousin" means, but he still solemnly promises it.

Grandpa Qi seemed to understand something, looking at Wei Hong with complicated and relieved eyes.

Then look at my grandson and Tianlu's child.

Seventh Grandpa seemed to see himself and Old General Wei back then.

His eye sockets gradually turned red.

Just when the tears were about to fall, suddenly there was darkness around her.



Seventh Grandpa looked back, and saw Gu Nanyan staring at him in a daze while nibbling on melon seeds.

Grandpa Seven: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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