Chapter 724
Seventh Grandpa hurriedly raised his hand and wiped away the teardrops from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve.

After thinking about it, he felt that it was embarrassing for him to be red-eyed in front of the junior, so he smiled dryly and prepared to explain.

Unexpectedly, just as he opened his mouth, the little girl in front of him raised her hand and made a stop movement.

"No need to explain, I understand." Gu Nanyan patted his small chest, as if I understood everything.

"Do you want to say that the wind is too strong today, and the wind and sand have blinded your eyes?"

"I believe! You are definitely not crying!"

She patted herself on the shoulder again, and asked very understandingly: "Shall I give you a shoulder to lean on?"

Grandpa Seven: "..."

……not at all.

The old man just wanted to say that he suddenly remembered your grandfather with some nostalgia.

He looked out of the window, the wind was beautiful and the sun was cloudless, and the path paved with bluestone slabs was shining brightly.

Not to mention the wind and sand, there is no dirt.

Seventh Grandpa: This girl is good in everything, but her brain...

It doesn't seem very bright.

He looked at Gu Nanyan with pity, and hesitated to speak.

Although no one is perfect, she is a girl whose brain is broken, how will she live in the future!

Seventh Grandpa's heart suddenly felt pity.

Gu Nanyan was complacent.

Lao Tzu is really a good and considerate girl.

Chou Chou was so moved by this old man that he couldn't even speak...


Wei Hong's main purpose this time is to include Liu Zhenzhen and Ning Tianlu in the genealogy, and he doesn't want to be too ostentatious to attract attention, so everything in the ancestor worship ceremony is kept simple.

The process is simple, but there are a lot of offerings.

There is a row of tables outside the ancestral hall, which are filled with cooked food, drinks, vegetables, fruits and the like.

Wei Hong, who hadn't come back for more than ten years, knelt down for half an hour in front of Old General Wei's memorial tablet.

Like a child who finally found a home, he knelt on the ground and wept bitterly.

It was useless to persuade anyone, and finally almost fainted from crying.

Ning Tianlu and Liu Zhenzhen were also crying uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Qu Zifeng was there to comfort her, and Liu Zhenzhen, a pregnant woman, was able to stabilize her emotions.

Fortunately, I didn't cry out the baby in my stomach.

Gu Nanyan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly took out the Antai Pill for her to take.

After paying homage to the ancestors, the head of the Wei family should write their names into the genealogy.

It's a pity that the previous patriarch has passed away for many years, and the new...

Not selected yet.

Wei Chongshan felt that since he was the oldest here, the names of the two children should be entered into the family tree by himself.

But Wei Hong didn't mean that, instead he asked Grandpa Qi to do it.

But if Wei Chongshan was so angry, the top of his head was going to be smoked.

However, Gu Nanyan was standing opposite him, staring at him covetously.

Wei Chongshan was a little afraid of her, so he dared to act like a demon in her face, swallowed a mouthful of old blood and kept silent.

He didn't say a word, and the others didn't dare to say a word.

The names of the siblings were written into the genealogy, and they were renamed Wei Zhenzhen and Wei Tianlu from then on.

The long-cherished wish came true for many years, and the siblings cried together.

Another anti-abortion pill for Gu Nanyan was abolished.

Gu Nanyan remained expressionless from beginning to end.

Except when kowtowing to burn paper, she kowtowed a few times instead of Wei Lan and burned a dozen paper money.

For the rest of the time, she was like a pinnacle of Dinghai, standing with her hands behind her back in the town hall not far away.

As the ancestor worship came to an end, Wei Hong publicly announced that the line of the seventh grandfather Wei Liang would be included in the direct line.

This news immediately aroused strong opposition from Wei Chongshan's family.

"We disagree!" Wei Chongshan's second son, the middle-aged man Wei Chucai who helped her in the front hall, objected.

"Why should they be included in the direct line, whether it is blood relationship or ability, how can they compare with ours?!"

Wei Chicai refused to accept, even though he felt Gu Nanyan's eyes on him, he still stiffened his neck and refused to back down.

"I've made up my mind and I don't need your consent." Wei Hong gave him a cold look.

"You, you are arbitrarily authorizing power!" Wei Chicai was indignant.

"Yes, I've never heard of any younger generation who can change the genealogy. Do you still pay attention to the elders of the Wei family!"

The old woman who had just threatened Gu Nanyan not to participate in the ancestor worship in the front hall, that is, Wei Chongshan's official wife, came out, pointed at Wei Hong's nose and scolded.

"Don't think that because you are the prime minister, you can ignore old people like us. Rules are rules. You said it yourself!" A cold snort.

He taunted: "Don't break the rules by yourself first, who will obey you at that time, just use your status to oppress others outside, we are relatives, if we do too much, it won't sound good to spread the word."

She was implying that Gu Nanyan asked them to salute.

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes, too lazy to argue with her.

Anyway, it wasn't her who knelt down just now.

"That's right, how can such a big matter be decided by your family, anyway, we don't agree." A woman's voice sounded.

"Unless our family is also included in the direct line!"

Since ancient times, there has been a huge difference between the direct descendant and the concubine, not to mention the direct descendant and the branch.

Simply a world of difference!
And now there is not only a prime minister but also a duke in the direct line. The two nephews are even more powerful. They are definitely the two most powerful people in the Anyang country.

Their lineage is the one with the most status among all the branches, and they should be the most direct descendants! !
The woman couldn't help but imagine the life after becoming a direct descendant of the Wei family.

When the time comes, it is certain that she will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth, and the most important thing is that she may also be able to earn a royal wife to do it.

Hearing these shameless words, Gu Nanyan suddenly felt that the woman's voice sounded familiar.

She looked forward and narrowed her eyes for a moment.

The woman was the one who was kicked out of the mansion by her.

People who should not have appeared here, but participated in the ancestor worship ceremony with others.

Gu Nanyan's face darkened instantly.

It seems that this mansion really needs to be rectified.

The woman felt guilty when she saw her looking at her, so she hurriedly dragged her son into the crowd.

Gu Nanyan didn't look at her again, as long as such a small person didn't make trouble in front of her, she wouldn't bother to talk to her.

"I am arbitrarily authoritarian, so what if I break the rules?" Wei Hong seemed to have run out of patience with this family, and there was no trace of warmth in his tone.

"Don't even think about bringing you into the direct line, Bencheng will not agree."

He showed the majesty he had when he was in the court hall, and looked at Wei Chongshan who had been silent all this time.

What Wei Chongshan thought was to let his son and his wife take the lead, and when they got into a fight with Wei Hong, he would come out and act as a peacemaker to reprimand him.

The son and daughter-in-law will definitely listen to his words and stop arguing, which will not only show his majesty as an elder, but also make Wei Hong remember him well.

But I didn't expect this kid's attitude to be so tough!
Wei Chongshan's heart sank, and his face became ugly.

I was thinking about how to reply him so that I could express my objection to this matter without getting stuck.

He heard his wife snort coldly.

"What else can we do? We can't afford to offend your noble family, but how can we take it lightly when it's about genealogy."

When the old lady Yu Shufang was marrying Wei Chongshan, the old General Wei was in full bloom.

Therefore, her family is not a family of ordinary people. Although no one is an official in the family, it is also a scholarly family.

She has learned how to run a family from her mother since she was in her boudoir, even though so many years have passed, she has not forgotten it.

"Prime Minister, I am afraid that he has been in Daliang for a long time and has forgotten our rules in Anyang."

"Changing the family tree requires the consent of the whole family, if you insist..."

She sneered: "Then I can only invite myself out of the clan, and take your lineage to establish a new family..."

(End of this chapter)

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