Chapter 726
"Since there is no record, it means that we have not officially joined the clan."

"Since you have never joined the clan, how can you talk about breaking your promise?" Wei Hong asked repeatedly.

No matter ordinary people or nobles, they are very strict about the blood of the clan.

Therefore, no matter whether you leave the clan or join the clan, you must invite a highly respected witness to go to the Yamen to record it before it can be considered successful.

But back then they only recorded their lineage in the genealogy privately, and never visited the Yamen.

In the final analysis, it is an unexplained road, which cannot be counted.

Now Wei Chongshan was completely dumbfounded.

Gu Nanyan wanted to chirp to Wei Hong.

With a clear mind before and after, he was killed in one blow, and he really deserved to be an old fox who had practiced for many years.


Wei Hong mentioned the yamen, although Wei Chongshan and others were not reconciled, they couldn't think of a better idea for a while.

He had no choice but to smash his teeth and Xue Tun, and watched as Wei Hong, who was sitting in a wheelchair, took out an extremely gorgeous book bordered with gold leaf from under his buttocks, and wrote the names of their lineage on it.

Then cross out their names on the old one.

Since then, the direct line has formed its own line.

As if feeling that this stimulation was not enough, Wei Hong crossed out their lineage from the old family tree and wrote it into the new family tree with the permission of Grandpa Seven.

Wei Chongshan fainted on the spot.

Yu Shi was shocked, and hurriedly carried him back to the guest room with a group of children and grandchildren, and did not dare to show up again.

Wei Hong's move was a joke, and Gu Nanyan watched a good show, and returned to the palace contentedly.

It's not that she doesn't want to stay longer in Wei's house, but that the construction supervision of the shelter has not been completed yet. She came here specially this time to participate in the ancestor worship, and she will go back in the afternoon.

So when Sheng Zhixin took a burning bubble and dressed up like a peacock courting a mate, to give Gu Nanyan some food that she had made by herself, what she saw was the empty Weiyang Palace.


With the help of Jianan Kingdom and the full support of Fu Tuo, the construction of the shelter was completed at an incredible speed.

The disaster victims finally have a place to stay, and they no longer need to be displaced in case of natural disasters.

While the people were grateful for the great grace of the emperor, they were even more grateful to Gu Nanyan.

So Anyang once again set off a wave of enshrining Gu Nanyan's real body.

No matter where you go, the first sentence of an acquaintance meeting is no longer an opening sentence like "Have you eaten?"

It is more fashionable topics such as "how many incense sticks did you burn today" and "what melons and fruits were enshrined".

Of course, they did not forget Fu Tuo.

It's just that Fu Tuo is the emperor, they don't dare to cast a statue privately and keep it at home.

Therefore, temples have been built in various places, and bronze statues of "one emperor through the ages" based on Fu Tuo have been built to praise Fu Tuo's series of acts of enlightened emperors.

Fu Tuo became famous, and his reputation soared faster than his blood pressure.

It even surpassed the boss Fu Jingqi who has been king for many years.

Knowing that his reputation had been surpassed by Fu Tuo who had just ascended the throne not long ago, Fu Jingqi immediately ran up to Er Shui and pissed him off.

Said that he didn't know how to win the hearts of the people by his own ability, but relied on his sister instead.

What a hero!
He is different.

Every achievement of his is obtained by his hardworking hands, character comparable to a true god, and unparalleled wisdom.

Fu Jingqi boasted that he was not soft-spoken, and he talked non-stop.

He praised himself for more than an hour.

Fu Tuo sat upright, listening to his father say shameless words without changing his face, and responded with a violent blow.

"Father is indeed better than my son in everything, but there is only one thing, my son is better than you."

Fu Jingqi was puzzled: "Which point?"

"Your sister is not as powerful as I am." Fu Tuo raised his chin proudly.

Fu Jingqi: "..."

Fu Jingqi sneered: "What's so great about my sister, she's still my daughter!"

Fu Tuo smiled: "But my sister helped me win the hearts of the people, and I won without my help. It is more useful than your decades of accumulation."

Yanyan just helps me and doesn't help you.

How to drop it!

Let you get mad at me last time...

Are you stimulated?

The veins on Fu Jingqi's forehead twitched.

"...That's because I don't need her help. As a man and an elder, how can I blindly rely on a younger woman."

Fu Tuo: "...hehe, as long as you are happy."

Don't be blind, not even once.

This old man is quite respectful to himself.

Fu Jingqi was ridiculed and gritted her teeth angrily.

If Eunuch Xu hadn't stopped him nearby, he would have picked up the tongs in the charcoal basin and beat him long ago.

Finally, after thinking about it, if I accidentally broke this kid, wouldn't that give him a reason to be lazy?
At that time, wouldn't all the government affairs fall on him again?
Thinking of the days when he was criticizing memorials day and night, Fu Jingqi shuddered.

Then he looked at Fu Tuo with a complex expression, and sighed faintly.

"It's what you say."

His tone was exceptionally soft, which Fu Tuo had never heard from him in his life.

"Father is not as knowledgeable as you, so don't be angry, take care of your health and don't get angry."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Is the father's mind broken by Yanyan, why is the donkey's lips wrong?
Normally speaking, shouldn't he rush over and beat himself up?
Then he can pretend to be injured and take the opportunity to be lazy!
Seeing his son's bewildered expression, Fu Jingqi shook his head triumphantly.

The brat is playing tricks on me, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten!
Fu Tuo hehe.

Bragging batch.

I can't kill you!


During the battle between father and son, Gu Nanyan was enjoying delicious food from all over the world with the soft pillow on the high bed.

Since she returned to the palace, Sheng Zhixin ran to Weiyang Palace every day, and she never came empty-handed every time.

Except for Gu Nanyan having a little conflict with her when delivering food for the first time without knowing the truth, the two got along very well in recent days.

Gossip and gossip all over the world...

Of course, Sheng Zhixin said most of the time, and Gu Nanyan was only responsible for listening.

Gu Nanyan said that she is a well-educated and reasonable woman, and she never talks about people's merits behind their backs.

But she loves to hear it!
Especially the gossip of those women in the harem who were promoted to the "Tai" generation.

"You don't know."

Sheng Zhixin clicked his tongue twice, and complained with disgust on his face: "Since the return of the Supreme Emperor, those women seem to have taken rejuvenation pills. They usually look sleepy and listless. Battle after defeat, defeat after battle."

"That spirit of not admitting defeat is stronger than when he first entered the palace!"

"If you don't know, you can pick up gold there."

Sheng Zhixin expressed strong contempt.

Gu Nanyan swallowed the food in his mouth, and asked very cooperatively: "Who has succeeded?"

Fu Jingqi is in his prime, so there are still needs in that area, Gu Nanyan doesn't think it's strange.

Sheng Zhixin covered her mouth and let out a coquettish laugh, full of gloating.

"None of them succeeded. The Supreme Emperor didn't see anyone, and in the end they were all forced to change places secretly."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

Well, daddy scum is planning to change his mind and go into the dirt... No, he's settled down?
She squinted at Sheng Zhixin.

"Why don't you go?"

This woman used to be the most pestering person, but in the past few days since she came back, she ran here every day, only willing to leave when it was dark.

If it wasn't for the fact that this fellow is very well-behaved, he would never deliberately get close to him.

Gu Nanyan thought that she had some bad intentions for her.

Sheng Zhixin gave her a blank look when she heard the words.

"Isn't this old lady busy trying to please you, how can I spare time to find fault with the Supreme Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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