Chapter 727

Such a straightforward and unaffected answer really flattered Gu Nanyan.

"What do you want me to do?"

There is nothing to show courteousness, either adultery or stealing, this woman is dressed up every day and runs around her to make a show of her head, could it be...

"You want to borrow money?"

Gu Nanyan covered her purse vigilantly, and refused very simply.

"No, don't borrow, I'm poor to death."

If you want money, you don't have to die to get it!

Don't think that a little food can make Lao Tzu abandon his principles.

Stimulated by the possibility of being borrowed money, Gu Nanyan exploded with endless potential.

Sweep away all the food in front of you with both hands and with the blink of an eye.

Then serve tea to the guests.

"It's okay to leave!" Gu Nanyan made a gesture of invitation.

Sheng Zhixin: "..."

She looked at the empty food box, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Who wants to borrow money from you!"

Is this girl trying to piss her off?

Does she look like someone short on money? !
It was inevitable that he would not be able to enter the gate of Weiyang Palace in the future, Sheng Zhixin gritted his molars angrily.

"I am a dignified concubine of the palace, and the expenses of food and clothing are already very good in the palace. Besides, my grandfather will send some money to subsidize my palace from time to time, why should I borrow it from you!"

Dead girl is too realistic.

Others smash the pot after eating.

She was so lucky that she almost ate the pot and drove her away as a cook.

Sheng Zhixin, who was questioned about her financial strength, expressed dissatisfaction for not steaming the steamed buns.

In order to prove that she really didn't need silver, she immediately ordered Mingyue to go back to her residence to get a box of gold, silver and jewelry.

And patiently explain the preciousness of each piece of jewelry.

"Is the Grand Master's Mansion so rich?" Gu Nanyan asked suspiciously.

It can't be from corruption.

If so, the house must be stolen!
She is good at copying houses!

Gu Nanyan's eyes shone brightly, and his little abacus was crackling.

"It's okay, the Sheng family has a lot of property." Sheng Zhixin pushed the box of jewelry in front of Gu Nanyan.

"I know you have a friendship with Concubine Wan. I beat her up before, so it must have annoyed you."

When mentioning that she abused the former Concubine Wan, Sheng Zhixin didn't have the slightest bit of guilt on her face.

"For me, as the grand master's daughter, she was robbed of her wedding night by a foot-washing servant girl on the day of her wedding. I shouldn't let her go, just beat her a few times but didn't kill her. That's a great tolerance."

"I believe that if I were a princess, I wouldn't swallow this dumb loss, and I would definitely take revenge on the woman who robbed me of my wedding night, right?"

Gu Nanyan first imagined the scene after hearing the words.

I can't help but ask myself.

What would she do if he slept with another woman on the night she married Li Yi?
"I won't." Gu Nanyan said with certainty, "I won't take revenge on that woman."

She will only castrate Li Yi!
After all, it is the most correct choice to fundamentally solve the problem.

Gu Nanyan smiled coldly.

Sheng Zhixin was surprised by her answer, but didn't ask why.

"That's right, I'm not as broad-minded as the princess, and I can tolerate what others can't."

She leaned on her temples and returned to the topic with a smile.

"I used to have this temper, and I didn't intend to make you change."

"I just hope that the princess can take care of your father and protect my little princess."

"For this, I am willing to pay any price..."

Even if she was asked to give her all her savings, she would say nothing.

As long as Gu Nanyan can guarantee, her daughter can grow up safe and sound in this man-eating harem.

...Although all her savings may not be in her eyes at all.

Moreover, it is impossible for Gu Nanyan to stay in Anyang Kingdom for a long time, and she will leave soon. Even if she agrees, it is impossible for her to be able to ensure the safety of the little princess at all times.

Sheng Zhixin didn't expect others to do their best as they did to their own flesh and blood.

She just wants to use her name to deter those who have bad intentions.

After all, before the niece entered the palace and gave birth to the emperor's heir, the little princess was still easily targeted by her grandfather's political enemies.

Besides, if Gu Nanyan is willing, the emperor will take care of their mother and daughter more for her sake.

Sheng Zhixin is still racking her brains on how to increase her weight, so that Gu Nanyan cannot refuse her request.

Then she suddenly asked: "Are you really willing to pay any price, even your life?"

Gu Nanyan asked neither salty nor bland, without any emotion.

Sheng Zhixin only thought that she was testing her sincerity, and after thinking for a while, she slowly shook her head.

"Except for my life."

Gu Nanyan looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"It's normal to be afraid of death..." She tapped her fingers on the table, "After all, you are still young, you can have another child if you lose your child, this life is gone..."

"But there's really nothing left."

She didn't mean any sarcasm, she seemed to be just stating the facts.

However, Sheng Zhixin shook his head when he heard the words.

"The princess misunderstood. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that after I die, no one will take care of the little princess like I do."

Although Sheng Zhixin was a bit short-tempered, he was a rare transparent person.

Just like when she promised the old grand master to enter the palace as a concubine, she was ready to die in the palace battle.

So death was not the most frightening thing for her.

On the contrary, it is her daughter, without the protection of her biological mother, it is hard to say how she will live in the future.

This is what she fears the most.

It's clear.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly to express her understanding, and her dissatisfaction with her before had subsided a bit.

She picked up a string of beads in the box and said, "Take the things back, I don't need them."

Does this mean rejection?

Sheng Zhixin clenched her lower lip in disappointment.

But Gu Nanyan looked at her sideways, propped his chin and said, "From now on, I will deliver food three times a day, no less than five items each time, until I leave Anyang Country."

"If you can do it, I promise you."

What Sheng Zhixin makes are snacks that are only suitable for teeth grinding, they are only suitable for afternoon tea, but not suitable for dinner.

But Gu Nanyan still asked her to give her three meals.

After all, no one stipulates that you can only drink one afternoon tea in a day. Doesn't this mean that you don't take morning tea and supper seriously?

Sheng Zhixin nodded excitedly when she heard the words, she really didn't expect Gu Nanyan to be so easy to talk and agree so happily.

She didn't even have time to increase her size!

"Don't worry, I will study hard on my culinary skills and strive to have different dishes every day, so I will ensure you are full!"

Sheng Zhixin made a solemn promise.

That's great, she has a little understanding of Gu Nanyan's character, she is a person who walks the talk.

The most important thing is that she has enough strength to fulfill her promise!

Sheng Zhixin was like a dream, she was so excited that she almost cried.

Today, she would not be so excited if another person said that she wanted to protect their mother and daughter, even if that person was the Supreme Emperor.

But Gu Nanyan is different...

"Just wait, I'll go back to the palace to learn a few more dishes!" Sheng Zhixin said.

Gu Nanyan smiled happily upon hearing this, sat up straight and patted her on the shoulder to cheer her on.

"You can do it, I like you~"

Great, she has another cook!
Sheng Zhixin went back to Yilan Palace contentedly, learned two more dishes from Mingyue's sister-in-law overnight, and made food for Gu Nanyan in different ways every day.

Perhaps because of being busy, life is more fulfilling than before but much more relaxed.

Gu Nanyan didn't run out of the palace anymore, and stayed in Weiyang Palace honestly, enjoying the skills of the newly promoted cook, and lived a life of not going out of the gate.

She chatted with Li Yi every day, or bickered with Fu Jingqi who came to eat from time to time, and lived a very comfortable life.

The victims of the snow disaster had a place to stay, food and medicines for colds and colds were arranged properly, and Fu Tuo, who had been busy day and night for nearly a month, was finally able to rest.

Fu Tuo had time, so the draft was naturally put on the agenda.

As the chief examiner of this draft, Gu Nanyan deeply felt that she had a great responsibility. After going through layers of screening and finally sending the show girl to the palace, she asked someone to set aside a courtyard in Weiyang Palace for the interview.

(End of this chapter)

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