The farmer has a mall

Chapter 728 Psychological Test

Chapter 728 Psychological Test
The beautiful girls who can be sent to Gu Nanyan are already outstanding from all over the world. Whether it is appearance, figure or family background, there is nothing to say.

She only needs to choose the most suitable person, and it is not her job to make who will be the empress or concubine next.

Out of the importance attached to Fu Tuo, Gu Nanyan did it herself in this draft, carefully going through every show girl.

Among these beautiful girls, one of the most outstanding women is Sheng Rui, the granddaughter of Old Master Sheng and the niece of Sheng Zhixin.

Sheng Rui was twenty-eight years old, two months younger than Gu Nanyan, but taller than her by a whole head, and her figure is also uneven. If it weren't for her age written on the information, she would still be regarded as an eighteen or nineteen-year-old Big girl.

Sheng Rui is the eldest daughter of the grandson of the old lady. Influenced by her great-grandfather since she was a child, she has dabbled in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, poetry, and Fu, and she is proficient in everything. She has been called the most talented woman in the capital at a young age.

It is said that many students who come to Beijing to take the imperial examination are proud to meet her. If they can get her advice, even if the imperial examination is implemented, the trip will not be in vain.

Holding the information about Sheng Rui presented below, Gu Nanyan was amazed.

Those who can come to the capital to take the imperial examination are all talents from all over the country. In modern times, they must be at least famous college students.

But I still need to consult with a little girl who is tied up in her boudoir.

Still proud of it!
Are these students too watery, or is Sheng Rui too smart?

If it's the latter, then she's simply a genius girl!

Of course, it is not known whether there is any bonus from the Taishifu.

Gu Nanyan always respected knowledgeable people, and greeted Sheng Rui with a smile.

Although Sheng Rui is young, his words and deeds are very well-behaved.

Her facial features are small and full, her forehead is full, her eyebrows are slightly raised, and her pair of red phoenix eyes are still a little childish, but she conceals them very well.

She was wearing a well-behaved maroon dress and gown.

This color is usually only worn by elderly people, but it doesn't look old-fashioned on her.

Seeing Gu Nanyan greeted him, Sheng Rui straightened her clothes without arrogance or impetuosity, and walked lightly in front of her with lotus steps, a pair of small jade feet were looming between the corners of her skirt.

"Rui'er has met the princess, I wish the princess a healthy body, long happiness, prosperity, and prosperity."

After finishing speaking, she bowed her knees and saluted, her golden head with a magpie in a hairpin slowly drooped down, her hair slid down with her movements, revealing her slender, white and tender neck.

The whole picture is like a beautiful scene, the elegance and dignity penetrated into the bones seems to be brought from the mother's womb, and every move is very skillful and smooth.

Even people like Gu Nanyan who don't pay much attention to etiquette and rules on weekdays almost applauded her.

Of course, it was impossible for her to clap her hands, otherwise this person would be a big loser.

She took advantage of the other party's bowed head to look her around.

The hairpin on the girl's head is gold from a magpie.

To put it bluntly, it is a magpie holding a gold ingot in its mouth, which probably has the same meaning as a boy giving money.

The maroon dress on her body was also embroidered with ingots with gold thread.

This kind of color is only used by those upstarts with little background, but each of these ingots on her body is very small and round, only a little bigger than a fingernail, and they are evenly distributed on the clothing material, not only does not look vulgar, but very Pocket and cute.

This outfit is really attractive...

At least Gu Nanyan liked it very much.

"Sit down." Gu Nanyan narrowed his eyes with a smile, pointing to the chair beside him.

After thanking Sheng Rui, she sat down neatly, her back straight as if nailed to a steel plate.

Gu Nanyan still admires this girl very much, at least her clothes are very suitable for her taste.

If she marries Fu Tuo in the future, maybe she can bring him money.

Even if you don’t bring money, it’s still festive to put it there!

Of course, appreciation is appreciation, Gu Nanyan upheld the principle of fairness and justice, and asked her a few questions.

She answered the first few questions very satisfactorily, and Gu Nanyan's confidence in her became more and more abundant.

Thinking that this girl might be her sister-in-law in the future, her voice couldn't help being softer.

"Very good, next is the last question, come on!" Gu Nanyan praised without hesitation, and grinned to encourage the one in front of her, who was suspected to be her future sister-in-law.

Sheng Rui pursed her lips and smiled.

Although she didn't understand what "come on" meant, she could tell from Gu Nanyan's expression how satisfied he was with her.

Sheng Rui was proud of herself, but she didn't show it on her face, she calmed down and waited for Gu Nanyan to ask the last question.

"It is said that one year is approaching, a couple bought a pair of shoes for their only son in order to make him happy, but the only son was very angry. Seeing this, the couple bought him a pair of trousers, but the only son was furious , What is the reason?" Gu Nanyan asked softly.

Sheng Rui pondered for a while, then asked Gu Nanyan, "I don't know how the family is doing? But because the things they bought were too cheap, did their son dissatisfy?"

Gu Nanyan smiled happily when he heard the words, and slowly shook his head.

The question she asked is a modern psychological test question, which tests whether the person doing the question has a potential mental illness.

The girl didn't answer correctly, it seems that her temperament is not bad.

"The home of ordinary people, the purchases are also the limit that the couple can afford."

The answer is qualified, but the details are not that important, so Gu Nanyan just replied casually.

However, the other party has such a delicate mind at such a young age, and he will definitely be able to assist Fu Tuo very well in the future.

The more Gu Nanyan watched, the more satisfied she was, and she just wanted to tell her to go home and wait for news.

Who would have thought that seeing her shake her head, Sheng Rui thought she had answered wrongly, and frowned in desperation.

"His son must be angry because the gift is not what he wanted. If it's not a matter of value, it means he can't use these two things."

The smile on Gu Nanyan's face froze, and her heart skipped a beat.

Sure enough, Sheng Rui said slowly in her voice that seemed to have been kissed by an angel: "But because this child has no legs?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

After a few handfuls of calves, the cooked sister-in-law flew away...

Gu Nanyan asked unwillingly: "Why do you think this way? It is his parents who gave the gift. If the child has no legs, how can his parents have the heart to rub salt on his wounds and buy things he doesn't need? ?”

Sheng Rui gave her a strange look: "So what, if there is a famine, there are many people who change their children and eat them in the market, what's so strange?"

Gu Nanyan: ...It's not strange to change children and eat, but you are the strange one!

This answer is simply standard and cannot be more standard!

Proper potential psychopath.

"Princess, did your daughter get the answer right?" Seeing Gu Nanyan staring at her in a daze, Sheng Rui couldn't help asking.

"...The answer is correct." Gu Nanyan said complicatedly.

Sheng Rui showed a satisfied smile when he heard this, and heaved a sigh of relief.

But for some reason, she always felt that the princess was not very happy.

Doesn't she wish she got it right?

Sheng Rui lowered his head, his eyes flashed with thought.

It should not be what she thought, she had never met the princess before, and had never offended her.

And her attitude from the beginning is also very good.

Sheng Rui only thought that he was thinking too much, and just wanted to get up and retreat, but was stopped by the unwilling Gu Nanyan.

Psychological test questions, if you only answer one question correctly, you may be...too smart.

Smart people always think things more comprehensively than ordinary people, and they can't beat them to death just because of a problem.

Gu Nanyan smiled stiffly: "Miss Sheng, wait a moment, I still have a question here..."

(End of this chapter)

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