Chapter 729
"Miss Sheng must think about this question before answering it." Gu Nanyan said seriously.

"For example, a young man raised a starling who was very human. Suddenly one day the starling died. The young man was very sad. To comfort him, his mother asked someone to carve a jade parrot of about the same size out of jade. give him."

"The boy was very happy, but the boy's brother died the next day..."

"May I ask why?"

Seeing Gu Nanyan staring at him expectantly, Sheng Rui thought for a while and hesitated, "Is it because that young man wants to get a jade carving as big as his brother?"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Congratulations, you got it right, you're such a smart guy...

But I am not happy at all!
Gu Nanyan twisted her face into a ball, wondering whether she should give her another chance.

"I have another question here..." She trembled and turned a page of the question book.

Sheng Rui frowned slightly when she heard this.

"Didn't you just say that there is only one question left?"

She asked the people in front of her before she came in, and everyone else had ten questions, but she had already answered eleven...

"Two extra questions for the temporary test, this time it's really the last one."

I can't help you if I answer correctly.

Gu Nanyan asked slowly with a wooden face: "A prisoner who had committed a murder met four people on the way out of prison, a government official, a thief, a person whom the prisoner hated, and a passing woman. May I ask this person?" Which Mr. Prisoner will kill?"

Sheng Rui: "Of course it's the yamen servant."

Gu Nanyan: "...Why?"

Sheng Rui: "Kill the yacha first, then the prisoner will kill the others and no one will catch him..."

Gu Nanyan's eyebrows twitched: "Why do you want to kill other people?"

Sheng Rui said as a matter of course: "The princess said that the prisoner met these people on the way out of prison. If he didn't kill them all, wouldn't he have leaked his tracks?"

"In case any of these people recognize him and report to the police..."

Sheng Rui gave her a strange look, as if he was asking why he asked her such a simple question.

Gu Nanyan rubbed the center of her brows, and interrupted her mental analysis tiredly.

"Okay, I'm done asking my questions, you can go."

Is there a typo in the riding information?
This is a 16-year-old underage child?
Were all the ancient children thinking like this!

Damn chicken is so scared!

Gu Nanyan hugged herself tightly, and asked her to go back and wait for news stiffly and politely.

And when Sheng Rui learned that she had answered all three questions correctly, she felt that she would definitely win the first place in this draft, and she retired gracefully with her back straight.

And told the good news to his great-grandfather Mrs. Sheng.

Grand Master Sheng was very puzzled by Gu Nanyan's weird questions, but since his great-grandson answered them all correctly, he didn't think too much about it, and just ordered his servants to buy two carts of good wine, as well as special gifts for the gods. Roast pig.

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan's messy questions are just children's nonsense.

After the emperor chooses a concubine, the most important thing is to look at the power of the other party's natal family, and it is impossible to change it because of a few wrong answers.

As his great-granddaughter, Sheng Rui was the default candidate, and the draft was just a process.

Of course, she can answer all the questions correctly, and it would be good to further expand the reputation of a talented woman.

Grand Master Sheng thought about it, and ordered his followers to spread the news about Sheng Rui's answering the question, and to create more momentum. It would be best if everyone who caused the trouble knew about it, and then the Queen's position would be assured.

On the other hand, Gu Nanyan is still conscientiously choosing a sister-in-law for herself.

At this time, the number of show girls participating in the interview has decreased by one-third.

Gu Nanyan saw that it was getting late, so he planned to end the interview with one more person, and let the rest go back and come back tomorrow.

Yun Xi brought the last person in front of her, and then went out to arrange for the remaining beautiful girls to leave Weiyang Palace.

Gu Nanyan was looking down at the profiles of several qualified girls when she felt that the light in front of her was dimmed and the light source was completely blocked.

She raised her head slowly, and the first thing she saw was a pink skirt and... a wide waist.

Gu Nanyan looked up in a daze, and didn't see the man's face until his head was at a ninety-degree angle to his neck.

Gu Nanyan: ... What a mighty and strong...mother?

"Little girl Fei Qiang, I have seen Your Highness the Princess!" Fei Qiang's tall and loud voice was even louder, and Gu Nan's soul was almost knocked out with his wailing.

Gu Nanyan couldn't hold back and picked out his ears with one hand.

"What are you talking about, Fei Xiang?"

What did this girl grow up with? She has such a loud voice.

Back then, if Meng Jiangnu had a voice like hers, let alone crying down the Great Wall, her men would have made her cry to come back to life!

Don't ask why, it's because the officials of the underworld rushed to send her back because they were afraid that she would tear down the underworld too.

Gu Nanyan, who was almost deaf in both ears, heard "Fei Qiang" as "Fei Xiang", and thought that he had met a colleague who had traveled through time and came to check the signal with him.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked at Fei Qiang suspiciously.

"Are you like that... a fire?"

Please take the next sentence!
Fei Qiang:? ? ?
Gu Nanyan: "...The blazing flame burned me?"

Could it be that I forgot the words?

Fei Qiang: ...Why does this princess look a little strange?

What nonsense.

Why did you let yourself burn her, and get bored?
Fei Qiang suspected that Gu Nanyan had mental problems, so he took two steps back in fear.

Dad is too unreliable. Didn't it mean that this princess is easy to talk to, as long as she has money, she can get it done?

Looking at her state of doesn't look like she can speak well!
"Princess, what are you talking about? Fei Qiang doesn't understand."

Fei Qiang had already stepped outside the door with one foot, and he was able to escape from the scene immediately with Gu Nanyan's order.

"Fei Qiang..." It wasn't Fei Xiang.

Gu Nanyan was very disappointed, and put on the airs of the examiner again.

"Come in, where are you going!"

Hurry up, I have to go back and taste Chef Sheng's skills!
Fei Qiang swallowed, looked left and right, and saw that there were many maids and eunuchs waiting around, he gritted his teeth and retracted the leg he had stepped forward.

No, she has waited so many years for this opportunity to marry Fu Tuo, and she is about to succeed, she must not let a psychopath scare her off!

Gu Nanyan looked at her cautious and defensive appearance, rolled her eyes towards the sky, and looked at the documents in her hand.

"Fei Qiang... there is no such person." She frowned, and went through the information again.

Gu Nanyan raised her head suspiciously after confirming that none of the contestants was named Fei Qiang.

"Are you sure you are this year's show girl?"

"Your name is not on the list, did you go to the wrong door girl?"

She is here for an audition, not a bodybuilder. Just look at this girl's tendons, and you can smell the smell of hormones through the fabric.

As long as Fu Tuo's aesthetics is normal, she will not be selected.

Of course, it is also possible that her cheap brother has a special taste...

Gu Nanyan rubbed her chin, feeling that she shouldn't judge people by their appearance, maybe Miss Fei is beautiful in her heart?
She straightened her body, and said the question that she had asked countless times without discrimination.

What surprised her was that Fei Qiang didn't look very good-looking, but he learned about it...

It's not as good as the appearance.

Gu Nanyan asked ten questions, but she didn't answer one correctly, including the last psychological test question.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I believed in your evil, and finally met someone less educated than me.

Getting the last psychological test question wrong is a good thing.

But none of the first nine knowledge questions were answered correctly, which is too much.

(End of this chapter)

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