Chapter 730
Gu Nanyan asked her to go back and wait for the news in a complicated way, but she had actually been removed from the draft list.

Xu Shi knew her level, Fei Qiang heard that instead of leaving, he bravely stepped forward, took out a dozen banknotes from his pocket, and threw them on the table in front of her with a "slap".

"My father said, this is called Jiasai, and I want to give money."

At the beginning of the draft, Fei Qiang's father reported his daughter's name, but she was rejected in the first round.

Fei Qiang was not reconciled, and asked her father to find a way to get her selected.

He even threatened Fei Jin that she would go on a hunger strike if she didn't complete this task for her!

Fei Jin loves his daughter so much that he really can't bear to see his daughter haggard because of Yixiao.

So he began to use his ability to forcefully send his daughter into the palace before the last hurdle.

It's just that the official in charge of this matter said that although Fei Qiang can participate in the final selection, he can't report her name, otherwise people will definitely find out that he has accepted bribes, and both of them will have to be punished by then. Censor impeachment.

Fei Jin thought that his daughter would definitely not be able to pass the final test, and it didn't matter whether her name was on the roster, so he agreed.

That's why she had the opportunity to participate in the interview today.

Gu Nanyan looked at the dozen or so bank notes in front of him, speechless.

I have never seen anyone speak so confidently about going through the back door. Miss Fei is either out of her mind, or...

My brain is missing a string...

Gu Nanyan really couldn't think of a second adjective, and she didn't even look at the amount on the bank note, so she picked it up and wanted to return it to her.

"I don't accept bribes."

Just kidding, don't think that she didn't see the words "1000 taels" on the bank note, she just wanted to bribe her with just over 1 taels, who is so shabby!
Fei Qiang pouted, his face full of disappointment.

Her father is really unreliable!
He actually asked her to buy the princess with money.

The princess is not that kind of person at all!

Fei Qiang sighed: "It's a pity, my father sold a lot of things to make up for the 1 taels of gold..."

Gu Nanyan: "Nurse Song, take Miss Fei for a physical examination!"

Damn it, I said it earlier, I still think it's more than 1 taels of silver, and after a long time, what people get is gold!

Gu Nanyan immediately withdrew the hand holding the bank note, and Fei Qiang, who was about to receive the bank note, almost lost his waist.

She stared wide-eyed in a daze, unable to believe that she had passed the level.

The physical examination is the last step, and it is almost considered selected.

Fei Qiang was so happy that he almost jumped up.

"Princess, you are such a good person!" Fei Qiang burst into tears, and regardless of the fact that Gu Nanyan was suspected of being mentally ill, he stepped forward to her and held her hand tightly.

The distance between the two is only half a foot, close enough to clearly see the pores on each other's faces.

Gu Nanyan: ... I can't tell that this girl has strong hands.

Grinning her teeth, she pulled out her hand and made a please gesture with a stiff smile.

Fei Qiang was so grateful that he followed Nanny Song to the inner room step by step.

Gu Nanyan breathed a sigh of relief, and counted the bank notes in his hand in a good mood.

"Fat, send..." A total of 5000 taels of gold, which is 15 taels of silver!

Unexpectedly, she was only obliged to help her choose a sister-in-law, and she actually had a windfall.

I don't know when the next draft will be, but she has to ask Fu Tuo before returning to Jianan.


Gu Nan paused.

She seemed to have seen the stubble on Fei Qiang's face just now.

It must be an illusion...

Gu Nanyan shook her head, carelessly put aside her doubts, put the banknotes in her arms and sat down to finish work.

"Princess..." Nanny Song came out of the inner room and walked to Gu Nanyan's side.

"Miss Sheng has a mole the size of a soybean on the back of her neck."

The test of the body is not only whether the beautiful girl is perfect, but also if there are blemishes on the body, she is also unqualified.

Nanny Song didn't ask Fei Qiang to take off her clothes for a body check at first, but to check her exposed skin first.

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing this.

Although she took money from the other party, she couldn't break the rules again and again.

She turned her head and looked at Fei Qiang who came out.

It's over, what's wrong with growing a mole!

This is great, a mole cost her 10,000+ taels of silver!

Gu Nanyan felt that he was not a profiteer, since he failed the inspection, he should return the money.

She pinched the bank note in her arms in pain.


"I'll give you another 5000 taels of gold!" Fei Qiang interjected in time, stopping what Gu Nanyan was about to say.

Gu Nanyan: "...If there is a mole, there is a mole. My royal brother also has a mole on his buttocks. The husband and wife have the same "mole"...It's good..."

Nanny Song: "..."

Mammy, I have undergone physical examination for so many years, this is the first time I heard that like-minded people can still be used here.

But fortunately, Miss Fei's mole happened to be below the hairline on the back of her head, so she couldn't see it without careful inspection.

What's more, this person was selected by the princess, and the emperor would not mind if Miss Fei had a mole...

Mammy sighed, and took Fei Qiang back to the inner room.

After ten or so breaths, Nanny Song came out from the inner room again.

"Princess, there is a scar on the top of Miss Fei's head the size of a copper coin, which may affect her appearance and scare the holy car..."

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips: "Then..."

Fei Qiang: "I'll pay another 5000 taels!"

"I remember that the emperor's brother also has a scar on his head, and it was bestowed by the emperor's relatives. It's so good..."

Nanny Song: "..."

After a cup of tea.

Nanny Song had a complicated expression: "Princess, Miss Fei has a mustache..."

Fei Qiang: "More!"

Gu Nanyan: "Brother Huang has rhinitis, it's just a bad smell, it's harmless..."

After a stick of incense.

Nanny Song panicked: "Princess, Miss Fei...he is a man!"

Fei Qiang: "I'll add it!"

Gu Nanyan: "So what about men, men are..."

Gu Nanyan's voice suddenly stopped, and the bank notes in his hand were scattered all over the place.

She turned back stiffly.

"You, what are you talking about?"

She looked at Nanny Song in shock and then at Fei Qiang, who was disheveled and timid.

"The old slave said, Miss Fei is a man!" Nanny Song blushed, as if she couldn't stand the stimulation and sat down on the ground, howling.

"God damn old lady has kept her innocence for a lifetime!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Fei Qiang: "..."

Gu Nanyan didn't care about the banknotes scattered all over the floor, ran to Fei Qiang in two or three steps, and grabbed his chest.

Yimapingchuan, without the slightest feminine characteristics.

"Princess, what are you doing!"

"Yan'er, what are you doing!"

Two male voices sounded at the same time, and hurried footsteps came from behind.

Li Yi angrily came to Gu Nanyan, and pulled her hand back.

Gu Nanyan didn't have the energy to pay attention to him, and raised his other hand tremblingly to point at Fei Qiang.

"You, are you a man?"

God, it's just a show, do you need to be so exciting?


The fact that Fei Qiang was a man spread throughout the palace at the speed of light, and spread outside the palace.

Fu Tuo was not surprised to hear the news.

It's not that he knows the fact of Fei Qiang's man's body, but that he feels that with his figure and appearance, it doesn't matter whether he is a man or a woman...

Instead, when she heard that the nanny who performed Fei Qiang's body examination fainted on the spot, and her own sister was also at the scene, she hurried to Weiyang Palace, fearing that Gu Nanyan would be taken advantage of by Fei Qiang, a "prodigal son".

At the same time, he urgently summoned Fei Jin into the palace, intending to settle the account of the crime of deceiving the emperor with him.

Originally, whether Fei Qiang was a man or a woman was none of Fu Tuo's business.

But he is obviously a man, but he still dares to pursue him, and even entered the palace for a draft...

Who should I answer!

(End of this chapter)

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