The farmer has a mall

Chapter 731 He is sincere

Chapter 731 He is sincere
Fei Jin and Fei Qiang were taken by Fu Tuo to the imperial study for interrogation.

Together with them were Gu Nanyan and the dark-faced Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't say a word, he grabbed Gu Nanyan's little hand with his right hand, and a dozen thick white handkerchiefs in his left hand, and wiped her hands over and over again.

His force was very light, and to her, it was no different from a feather caress, so even after rubbing it a dozen times, she didn't feel any discomfort.

Gu Nanyan was annoyed and wanted to pull his hand back, but just as he moved, he saw Li Yi staring at him with his dark eyes.

Gu Nanyan: "...Your legs are numb, move your legs, you continue."

Wipe, wipe, let you wipe!

Wipe it until tomorrow if you have the ability!

She just grabbed someone's chest, not shit!
Is there any need to dislike it like this?
Does this dog man have a cleanliness!

Gu Nanyan moved her butt aggrieved, as if she felt uncomfortable in this sitting position, so she raised her legs.

Seeing this, Li Yi stopped his movements, took a deep breath and put down the remaining handkerchief.

It's just that the hand holding Gu Nanyan is still tightly clenched.

He sat upright, squinting at Fei Qiang who was kneeling in the middle, dark clouds rolling in his black pupils.

This father and son are really brave, it's nothing more than a man disguised as a woman to enter the palace for a draft, but they dare to take advantage of Yan'er.

Li Yi ignored the fact that Gu Nanyan made the first move, and quickly arranged one hundred and eight ways to die for Fei Qiang in his mind.

He exudes a coldness all over his body, and the little eunuch who is waiting on the side is shaking his legs in fright.

Compared to Li Yi, Fu Tuo's complexion was not very good either.

His chest rose and fell for a while, and he took several deep breaths in succession, as if trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

However it was of no use.

"Fei Jin, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation for this matter." He gritted his molars and said this, which shows how angry he is.

Fei Jin knelt in front of the case, straightened his back, clasped his fists after hearing this and pondered for a moment.

"I don't know what the emperor is talking about?" He asked loudly, his voice was as loud as his hapless son.

And did not show the slightest guilt.

Fu Tuo: " you have other things to hide from me?"

"Yes." Fei Jin replied as a matter of course.

The innocent look on his face was exactly the same as that of Fei Qiang beside him.

It seems that they were brought to the imperial study room just to chat and talk about family matters...

Fu Tuo almost fell backward in anger, the muscles on the young handsome face twitched, and it took him a long time to hold back the urge to beat someone up.

My sister said that impulsiveness is the devil, he can't be impulsive, he must be a wise king, and listen to their explanations calmly...

Then decide whether to chop off the heads of the father and son!
"Then tell me one by one." He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Let's talk about why Fei Qiang appeared in the palace first."

Because he was afraid of being set aside by his own father, he specially asked San Jin to tell his subordinates that if Fei Qiang participated in the draft, he could just cross out his name, and just say to the outside world that she failed.

Afterwards, he also checked the roster, and there was indeed no Fei Qiang's name in it.

"Weichen used some money to put Qiang'er in the team of beautiful girls, but he didn't make it to the roster." Fei Jin told the fact that he had bribed outrightly and confidently.

You must know that in Anyang country not only accepting bribes is against the law, but giving bribes is also against the law.

Fu Tuo gritted his back molars.

He had heard from his father that although Fei Jin was good at martial arts, he was also loyal enough, but he was a straightforward person, and he was straightforward in his actions and words, so he offended many colleagues.

Fu Tuo hadn't had much contact with him since he ascended the throne. He used to think that a straight-hearted person would not have a bad temper, and Fei Jin must be a very good courtier.

He didn't know that this person was so... irritating until he saw him today!
Gu Nanyan saw that he was blushing with anger and his neck was thick, fearing that Brother Cheap would die of anger, he was silent for a moment and comforted him: "Master Fei is too much of a joke, the draft is a major event in the life of the emperor, how can you let your son mess around. "

She squinted at Fei Qiang.

"What you know is that your father and son are joking with the emperor, but what you don't know is that he really wants to marry the emperor."

Li Yi's intelligence network spread all over the country, and before he came, he had already found out all the officials in Anyang.

Although Fei Qiang's personality is a little unreliable, his professional ability is still very good, and so far he has not been found to form a clique with anyone, so he can be regarded as a loyal faction.

Gu Nanyan didn't want Fu Tuo to lose a good minister because of this kind of thing.

However, Fei Jin did not understand Gu Nanyan's kindness.

Fei Jin: "Princess's words are wrong, this son is not joking with the emperor, he really wants to enter the palace."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Were the ancient parents so open?
Why did she feel that not only did Fei Jin not have the slightest objection, but there was some sincerity in his tone?

Fu Tuo couldn't take it anymore, and took up the conversation again.

"Who did you give the money to, and who sent your... son to the palace?"

The gate of the palace is not easy to enter, especially the harem, the women outside the palace have to hand over the sign before they can enter, let alone the men.

Thinking that a man came and went in and out of the harem at will, and it was his sister's Weiyang Palace, Fu Tuo became even more angry, and slapped the imperial case with his big palm.

"You tell me the truth, if you hide anything, I will reward you with fifty slabs first!"

Hearing this, Fei Jin sold his teammates immediately.

"The guard Xu who guards the palace gate and the teaching nuns in the palace all participated in this matter."

"And Mr. Wu from the Ministry of Rites..." Fei Jin said a dozen more names without hesitation.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

No wonder you are not very popular, I would not want to play with you just because of the speed of selling teammates!

Fu Tuo immediately asked San Jin to deliver the decree to arrest these people and interrogate them later.

Whether this matter is big or small, Fu Tuo has just ascended the throne not long ago, and it seems that he is going to use these people to scare others.

Fei Qiang squeezed the handkerchief and glanced at Fu Tuo. The imposing seven-foot man tangled his orchid fingers for a while, and said in a pinched voice, "Can the emperor let the guard off for the time being?"


Fei Qiang: "My daughter..."

Fu Tuo: "Speak well!"

The court lady is fart!

It doesn't count whether you are a man or a woman, right?

Seeing his affectation, Fu Tuo almost threw the inkstone in his hand at his face.

Fei Qiang curled his lips: "I forgot to bring loose silver when I entered the palace today, and gave Xu Shiwei a silver ticket of one thousand taels, which doesn't match the agreed price..."

Seeing his father nodding his head, Fei Qiang immediately recovered his male voice and looked at Fu Tuo expectantly.

"Can the emperor wait for him to find the money for his courtiers, and then let him be arrested? You don't know, Xu Shiwei is a bad character, and he may not return it after a long delay!"

Fu Tuo: "..."

" say it again?"

Does this person know that he has committed the crime of deceiving the emperor? If he really cares about it, he will be beheaded!

But he is still worried that those taels of money will go to waste?

Fu Tuo's cheeks trembled in anger.

Gu Nanyan rubbed the center of her eyebrows, looking at Fei Qiang with complicated eyes.

Convinced you, the sixth child, when did you still mention the money, what a waste of money!

Why are you more picky than her!
My life is almost gone, but I still feel sorry for Yinzi.

Gu Nanyan sighed.

She looked at the upright appearance of the father and son, there must be something hidden about this matter.

As for the secret...

It must be something that Fu Tuo would not blame if he said it, otherwise Fei Jin would not be so calm.

She squinted her eyes, looked at Fei Jin and then at Fei Qiang, and suddenly paused.

The father and son are indeed very similar at first glance, but if you observe closely, you will find that there is no similarity in their facial features!
(End of this chapter)

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