Chapter 732

Both of them had eyes the size of copper bells, but Fei Jin was born with it, while Fei Qiang...

It seems to be stretched on purpose.

And the nose, Fei Jin's nose is round and collapsed, while Fei Qiang has a tall root and a pointed nose.

But because there is too much powder on his face, it doesn't look so three-dimensional.

And the mouth, Fei Jin's lips are thick, but Fei Qiang's are thin.

But he used rouge to thicken his mouth, which is not exaggerated, and it would not be obvious from a distance.

But Gu Nanyan was sitting two meters away from him, and she had excellent eyesight, so she didn't pay much attention to it before, but now that she took a closer look, his makeup was really weird.

It seems to be hiding something.


For some reason, Fei Qiang's facial features became more and more familiar.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help being silent, and slowly raised her hands to cover Fei Qiang's generous face, leaving only the facial features and forehead.

Then look back at Fu Tuo...

Gu Nanyan: Hmm~
She seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Fu Tuo sat high, his eyes were from top to bottom, and he could only see the top of Fei Qiang's head, so he didn't notice anything strange about him.

He asked Fei Jin, "Why did you ask your son to dress up as a woman?"

Fei Jin: "To hide his identity."

Fu Tuo frowned: "Why do you want to hide his identity?"

Fei Jin: "Because his identity cannot be revealed."

Fu Tuo: "..."

Mada is an idiot.

Of course he knew that Fei Qiang's identity must not be revealed, otherwise he would be hiding something!
He meant to ask him what ulterior identity he has!

Fu Tuo pressed the frantic brows and took a deep breath.

"Let me change the question. Since he is a man, why did he enter the palace for a draft?"

Fei Jin looked at Fu Tuo suspiciously.

"Because Qiang'er wants to marry you."

Didn't he just say that?
How could the emperor be so forgetful at such a young age?
Fu Tuo: "Come here, let me drag Mr. Fei out to fight fifty big boards!"

It is tolerable or unbearable, the uncle can bear it and the aunt can't bear it!
He felt that as the king of a country, he really shouldn't care about a big fool, so he kept suppressing the anger in his heart just now, and planned to interrogate the father and son calmly.

But these two fools seem to be playing tricks on him!

What does Fei Qiang want to marry him?

If he wants to marry, will he marry?
Did you ask him what he meant?

I, gender male!
Love women! !

Fu Tuo's handsome face was livid, and the patience he had endured all kinds of hardships since he was a child was on the verge of collapse.

Fei Jin was shocked when he heard this, and his bull's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Your Majesty, what did I say wrong and you want to beat him, please listen to what I said first!"

Fu Tuo: If you don’t listen, I won’t listen.

What's the matter, wait until you finish the board, let me vent my anger before talking about it.

Fu Tuo pretended not to hear, and insisted on teaching Fei Jin a lesson, so that he would know the seriousness of this matter.

"What is the relationship between Fei Qiang and the Wei family?" Gu Nanyan suddenly asked.

Just as Fei Jin was dragged to the door, before Fei Qiang had time to wave goodbye to him, Gu Nanyan asked him and was dragged back again.

Fei Jin looked at Gu Nanyan in disbelief, his whole body froze in place, it would be better to just relax.

He opened his mouth: "Princess...what does this mean."

Even though he tried his best to conceal it, Gu Nanyan still saw a trace of... panic in his eyes?
Not only Gu Nanyan saw that something was wrong with him, but Fu Tuo also saw it.

He squinted his eyes but didn't make a sound, and only focused on Fei Qiang.

But Fei Qiang, the client, looked at his father in confusion.

"Since you have made trouble in the imperial study today, you have already made plans to tell the truth. Since you are so straightforward, it is not your style to beat around the bush."

Li Yi was in a hurry to go back and "settle accounts" with his daughter-in-law, not seeing Fei Jin grumbling, he simply urged him impatiently.

"Master Fei listens to this king's persuasion, and speaks up quickly if you have something to say."

He gave Fei Qiang a cold look: "Otherwise, don't blame this king to settle the account with your son for his trespassing on Weiyang Palace!"

Regardless of whether Fei Qiang has anything to do with the Wei family, he dared to break into his wife's palace as a man.

It just doesn't make sense!
And it was when he was not by her side.

Li Yi overturned the jar of jealousy, thinking of the scene where his daughter-in-law grabbed Fei Qiang's chest, he felt aggrieved.

He hasn't been caught by his wife yet.

Why is this stinky man!
Why! !

Li Yi's heart was sour, but it couldn't be seen on his face.

He stood up with a heavy face, and walked slowly towards Fei Qiang.

Fei Jin only thought that he was going to hurt his son, so he stood in front of him in a flash.

"My lord, please calm down. Our father and son have no choice but to do this. I hope your lord will not argue with us."

No one knows the name of Prince Sheng, but he is a ruthless master who stays cold and doesn't get close to anyone all day long.

Even in Anyang country, there are many rumors about him, most of them are about how strict he is in governing the army, and it is the same for ordinary people, from the officials to the common people, everyone fears and respects him.

Fei Jin was afraid that he would maim his son, so he tensed his muscles and prepared to fight.

He cast his eyes on Gu Nanyan for help.

However, Gu Nanyan ignored it, and the old god was here to drink the tea.

Looking at Fei Jin like this, he seemed to be still hesitating whether to tell the secret hidden in his heart.

She could understand why he hesitated, because he was afraid that speaking out would be bad for their father and son.

But the matter had already started, not to mention himself, even Fu Tuo would not let him do it half-heartedly, he would never give up until he found out the truth.

That being the case, it would be good to ask Li Yi to help speed up the progress.

After all, she had already missed dinner, so she didn't want to miss supper again.

Li Yi, as Gu Nanyan wished, did not stop because of Fei Jin's obstruction.

He looked at Fei Jin coldly, and suddenly struck out without warning, forcing him back with just one slap.

Fei Jin was shocked by his speed, and took a few steps back while clutching his chest.

Before he could react, Li Yi was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

He reached out to grab the skirt of his shirt.

Although Fei Qiang pretended to be a daughter all the year round, Fei Jin often secretly taught him martial arts, his figure flashed in a hurry, and Li Yi missed him.

Li Yi was not discouraged, and reached out to grab it again with a cold face, this time the target was his shoulder.

Fei Qiang was already half a bucket of water, and it was inconvenient for him to move in women's clothes, so he couldn't dodge the second time, and Li Yi held his shoulders tightly and couldn't move.

He grunted in pain, and the cold sweat instantly slipped off, washing away all the powder on his face.

"Say it or not?" Li Yi asked coldly.

Seeing his son's face turned pale from the pain, Fei Jin turned pale with shock.

"I say!"

"Let Qiang'er go first." He shouted hastily.

Li Yi remained unmoved, still clasped Fei Qiang's shoulders, and looked expressionlessly at the "Deng Tuzi" who took advantage of his wife in front of him.

His eyes were cold.

Gu Nanyan looked straight at it, and his hands paused.

She hesitated for a moment, put down the teacup, but did not say anything to stop it.

Seeing this, Fei Jin gritted his teeth, his mind was full of thoughts.

Finally sighed: "Prince Cheng is merciful, don't hurt my son, he..."

He looked at his son and said in a hoarse voice, "He is Wei Qing's son, the grandson of Old General Wei!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the imperial study room, so quiet that a needle could be heard falling.

Gu Nanyan was fine, she had guessed just now, so she wasn't surprised.

Fu Tuo was so shocked that he stood up from his chair suddenly, almost bringing the imperial case over.

The tea was sprinkled on the imperial case, soaking through the memorial placed on it.

However, he had no time to think about these things, and stared blankly at the dazed Fei Qiang for a moment.

 It’s Chinese New Year, little cuties, I wish you a smooth, happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit. In 2023, the “Rabbit” will be out of the tight encirclement, and the “Rabbit” will be grand. "Rabbit" is going well, "Rabbit" is advancing by leaps and bounds, "Rabbit" is suddenly rich, spending money like "Rabbit", the value of "Rabbit" is out, and the Rabbit is turning around~Scattering flowers∠※

  Alright, then the next topic is coming, the author has a rest on New Year’s Eve~
  Happy New Year\\\\('ω')////
(End of this chapter)

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