The farmer has a mall

Chapter 733 Wonderful 2 Father and Son

Chapter 733

Wei Qing is the eldest son of General Wei, ten years older than Wei Lan and Wei Hong, who are the youngest among the brothers and sisters.

He has one daughter and two sons under his knees. According to Fei Jin, Fei Qiang is Wei Qing's youngest son. He was only five years old when the Wei family accident happened.

At the beginning, Old General Wei had predicted that the Wei family would be doomed, so he immediately severed ties with other branches and drove them out of the capital.

As for the rest of the Wei family, they naturally knew that they were doomed this time, but none of them had the idea of ​​escaping.

Wei Qing didn't want to hurt his wife, so he reluctantly wrote a divorce letter, trying to divorce her back to her natal family to save her life.

However, Wei Qing's wife, Qiao Shi, had a deep relationship with her husband and wife, and she also respected the father-in-law of Old General Wei. In addition, she and her sister-in-law were as close as sisters, so she was willing to leave alone.

She tore up the divorce papers in public and insisted on advancing and retreating with the Wei family.

In order to leave behind for the Wei family, Qiao found out Fei Jin, who grew up with her childhood sweetheart, and secretly sent the youngest son out of the house to be taken care of by Fei Jin.

At that time Fei Jin had not yet served in the court, so no one paid attention to when he had an extra son, but later Ning Zongyuan discovered that the body of the Wei family was missing one person, and ordered people to search everywhere.

In order to prevent Fei Qiang from being found out, Fei Jin had no choice but to disguise him as his daughter to hide the truth.

"After the Wei family was rehabilitated, I also thought about making Qiang'er's life experience public, so as to comfort the old general Wei's family. However, the Supreme Emperor was still in power at the time, and I really didn't know how he would deal with Qiang'er. After various considerations, I thought about it." good idea."

"My minister asked Qiang'er to pretend to love the emperor, and told him that only when he marries you can he know his life experience."

Fei Qiang was already five years old when the Wei family accident happened. He vaguely remembered that his biological parents had other people, but he couldn't remember exactly which family they belonged to.

Fei Xiang didn't tell him either, he only pointed out the way for him to enter the palace to find the answer, and then told him the truth at the right time, so that the two cousins ​​secretly recognized each other.

He had a proud face of am I smart, and everyone present could not help but twitch their mouths.

"Why don't you tell me directly."

Fu Tuo looked at the tall and burly Fei Qiang who was already dumbfounded, and wiped his face tiredly.

He asked his father to give him a marriage and got through the relationship to enter the palace for draft...

Is this confession or enmity?
Thinking that he almost married his cousin, Fu Tuo felt chills.

Fortunately, he was so ruthless at the time that he punched himself in the chest, pretending to be dead to escape the marriage offer, otherwise the grandfather's coffin would not be able to hold down today.

"The Emperor's eyeliner is everywhere around the Emperor, I can't guarantee what he will do to Qiang'er if this matter reaches the Emperor's ears."

Although the tragedy of the Wei family was planned by Ning Zongyuan, the trigger was Fu Jingqi's suspicion.

He is so jealous of the Wei family, who knows if he will be so mad that even Fei Qiang, who was a child back then, would not be spared.

"Who told you that I have father's eyeliner by my side?" Fu Tuo was even more speechless.

After he came to the throne, the first thing he did was to change all the people who served him. The old people in the past were all sent to the father, but now most of them are newcomers to the palace.

The remaining small part is harmless, as long as he wants, they will become useless chess at any time, and they will not get any important information at all.

The most important thing is that his father is now idle, lazy, not productive, and not seeking to make progress.

If Fei Jin really cared so much about state affairs, family affairs, and world affairs as Fei Jin thought, he would have to applaud him and praise him for being strong and promising!
Fu Tuo rubbed his forehead, trying not to think about his wretched father who lived a retirement life at a young age.

"Haven't you ever eaten pork or seen a pig running? It's written like this in the scriptures." Fei Jin took it for granted.

Brothers killing each other, killing sons and fathers for the sake of the throne, this kind of thing is written a lot in the book, and it's just an eyeliner. Compared with these things, there's nothing strange about it.

Although he was not good at reading since he was a child, he believed in the truth in the book, so he firmly believed in the stories in the picture book.

Now not only Fu Tuo was speechless, Gu Nanyan and Li Yi were also speechless.

"That being said, if you tell me the truth, I will spare no effort to keep him safe."

Fu Tuo looked at Fei Qiang. Although he hadn't confirmed it yet, he had an intuition that Fei Jin's words were true.

When he was investigating the Wei family being framed, he had also heard this rumor, saying that Ning Zongyuan searched all over the capital in search of the missing child of the Wei family.

Later, he also privately asked those old officials who had been friends with the Wei family before, but no one knew the whereabouts of the child.

So many years have passed, even if the child escaped from that catastrophe and was only five years old alone, how could he survive in that chaotic world till now.

Fu Tuo only thought that he was no longer in the world, so he didn't pursue him any further.

But he didn't expect him to be in this capital all the time, under his nose.

Fu Tuo sighed: "You should have told me earlier."

"Your Majesty, forgive me. I promised Qiaoer that even if Qiang'er remains anonymous for the rest of his life, he won't be allowed to risk his life. I can't betray Qiaoer's orders." Fei Jin said in a hoarse voice.

Thinking of the gentle and kind Qiao Shi, thinking of the blood-stained hand hanging under the straw mat when Qiao Er's body was transported back to Beijing, his eyes were filled with longing and grief...

Kneel there firmly.

Like a big dog that can't eat meat.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She dared to use her little personality to guarantee that this guy was absolutely uneasy and kind to her aunt who had never seen her before!
Gu Nanyan finally couldn't help it: "Haven't you ever thought that if Fei Qiang is really selected into the harem, once his identity as a man is revealed, he will also be beheaded?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Fei Jin sniffed.

"I believe in the eyes of the emperor." He affirmed.

"The emperor doesn't like Qiang'er, and he will definitely not favor him!"

If the emperor doesn't go to Qiang'er's place, as long as Qiang'er is honest and doesn't act like a monster, he won't attract other people's attention, and it's not difficult to hide the man's body.

After he assists Qiang'er to replace all the palace people around him with his own people, and then finds a way to invite the emperor to explain the truth, others will only think that Fei Qiang is fighting for favor, how can he think that he is actually the emperor's cousin?

To come up with such a foolproof plan, Fei Jin felt that he was simply too smart.

Fu Tuo covered his chest, and said in a word: "You have confidence in me."

What the father said was indeed correct, the commander in front of the palace is indeed not very good at thinking.

Such a frenzied idea, it is estimated that the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty would not be able to come up with it!

"What do you think of Yanyan?" Fu Tuo didn't want to talk to him anymore, and asked Gu Nanyan instead.

When Gu Nanyan raised her head, she met Fei Qiang who was looking back and forth between her and Fu Tuo.

"Mr. Fei, can I have some blood taken by Ben Gong?" It is easy to verify whether he is a descendant of the Wei family, as long as he compares his blood with Wei Hong's blood, they can know their relationship.

As for his disguise as a man to participate in the draft.

Although he committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, as long as he is indeed a member of the Wei family, Gu Nanyan does not think that anyone would dare to make trouble in front of her and the emperor's brother.

Not to mention Fu Jingqi, he is now a hands-off shopkeeper, at most he can ask a few questions out of curiosity, but he won't care.

Fei Qiang was still digesting his life experience, and when Gu Nanyan asked for his own blood, he nodded in a daze.

"How much?"

(End of this chapter)

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