Chapter 735
After arranging Fei Qiang's residence, Gu Nanyan ignored him and continued her career in the talent show. In the end, only more than 50 people survived the selection process.

There are a few people that Fu Tuo specifically ordered to stay, one of them is the concubine daughter of Sun Qi's family, the privy envoy.

And Sheng Zhixin's niece - Sheng Rui.

Regarding this result, Wu Zhi, the wife of the privy envoy, was obviously very dissatisfied.

In desperation, Wu Zhi had to go back to Sheng's house for help.

At that time, the Sheng family was promoting the name of Sheng Rui as a talented woman.

Therefore, the news that she won the first place among the girls in this year's show and was the only one who answered all the questions correctly spread throughout the capital.

Gu Nanyan and Fu Tuo naturally heard about it too.

The two brothers and sisters seldom get together for a meal, so it is unavoidable to talk about it.

"It seems that the old master has high expectations for his great-granddaughter."

Fu Tuo took a small bowl of fried lotus root slices and put it in front of Gu Nanyan, and then continued: "He is putting pressure on me to let me hold Sheng Rui and sit in the back seat."

The most important thing in this draft is to select a queen. All parties racked their brains to send their best daughters to the palace, and many of them came for the post.

After the Sheng family's publicity, Sheng Rui became the best among all the official girls.

"The Sheng family is telling everyone that if Sheng Rui can't take the position of queen, the other beautiful women are even less qualified."

Gu Nanyan looked down at the small bowl of lotus root, which contained a lot of carrots and celery, as well as fungus and lotus seeds, not to mention the taste, but the color match is very nice.

Gu Nanyan frowned.

She glanced at the elegant Fu Tuo, and while he was looking down, she decisively put all the carrots and celery in the bowl into Li Yi's bowl beside her.

Li Yi was speechless, the corner of his mouth moved just as he was about to say something, when he raised his eyes, he met his wife's gaze.

Gu Nanyan stared at him fiercely, his eyes full of threats.

Dare to give me a try!
Li Yi: "..."

"Why don't you eat it?"

Fu Tuo, who was concentrating on eating, saw the two of them stop, and asked suspiciously, "But the food doesn't suit your appetite?"

"It's pretty good." Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and gave Li Yi a look of "you can figure it out".

Li Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, his doting eyes glanced across Gu Nanyan's tender face, and he slowly ate up his daughter-in-law's "gift" one bite at a time.

Gu Nanyan expressed his satisfaction, and rewarded him with a chopstick of fried meat with green peppers, and took the meat out of it and put it in his own bowl.

"Just let them spread the word." Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

"Sometimes being too smart isn't necessarily a good thing."

The Sheng family made so much publicity that they would shoot themselves in the foot one day.

Fu Tuo nodded in agreement and did not continue this topic.

"I have told my uncle about Fei Qiang, and he will enter the palace tomorrow, and let Sanjin send him to Weiyang Palace directly."

Wei Hong was very excited to learn that his elder brother still had heirs alive, and wanted to come to see him last night, but was stopped by San Jin who went to pass on the message.

"Uncle means to take Fei Qiang directly to the Wei family's old house. He is the uncle's child, and he should recognize his ancestors and return to his family. I just don't know if Fei Jin agrees."

Fu Tuo worried that Fei Jin would have some objections when the child who had worked so hard to grow up suddenly left him.

After all, at the beginning they only said that Fei Qiang would stay in the palace for a while, and they hadn't talked about recognizing the ancestors and returning them to the clan.

If he didn't agree, they couldn't take Fei Qiang away by force.That wouldn't be revenge.

Gu Nanyan chewed the lotus root creakingly, and also felt that this matter was a bit tricky.

She looked at her man and dog-headed military adviser, and asked, "What do you think?"

Professional matters must be handed over to a special person. She is only responsible for hands-on work, and it takes too much effort to use her brain.

"You might as well ask what Fei Qiang means first." Li Yi said slowly.

"Although he is of the Wei family blood, he has always regarded himself as the Fei family all these years. If he does not agree, it will be useless even if Mr. Fei agrees."

Being kind is not as good as raising kindness, Fei Jin protected him so tightly that even the former Liang Emperor failed to find out his whereabouts, which shows that it took a lot of effort.

It was also enough to show that he attached great importance to Fei Qiang.

Conversely, although Fei Qiang has been pretending to be a daughter, the father-son relationship with Fei Jin is not fake.

Li Yi felt that if it was him, it would be difficult to make a choice between the two.

"Actually, I also feel that it doesn't matter if you deny your ancestors or not. The important thing is that Fei Qiang is still alive. This is the best consolation for uncle, but uncle..."

Fu Tuo sighed, Wei Hong has always felt that he owes the Wei family, so he has always been obsessed with the Wei family's affairs.

I am afraid that even if Fei Qiang refuses, he will not give up the idea of ​​letting him recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

"I will probe into Fei Jin's tone first, let's talk about Fei Qiang's side after he sees his uncle tomorrow."


After the meal, Fu Tuo went back to the Imperial Study to start work, while Gu Nanyan and Li Yi walked and ate in Weiyang Palace.

"Long Yi has received news from the elder brother of the Gu family that the Cangyun will arrive in the capital in five days."

Li Yi stood still in front of Gu Nanyan, and wrapped her cloak tightly.

"I'm going back to Jianan tomorrow. One is to welcome my elder brother back from his long journey, and the other is to sort out the information they found during this trip, so as to prepare for our departure to Yangguo."

"Us?" Gu Nanyan frowned, "You want to go too?"

Li Yi hooked his lips, and Jun's face was soft: "Of course I want to go, how can I let the princess take risks alone."

Sailing is not as risky as land, and it is not known when we will return.

Li Yi knew that he couldn't stop his wife, and he didn't want to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Rather than worrying about it alone in the mansion, it's better to be with her.

Gu Nanyan's brows stretched out, and the corners of his mouth curled up in the same arc as Li Yi's.

Tilting his head and jokingly said: "Is this considered a husband's singing and a wife's following?"

Li Yi chuckled, and his soft breath fell on Gu Nanyan's face.

He stretched out his fingers and flicked her forehead lightly.

"Of course not, this king is my husband, so don't get Yan'er confused."

Gu Nanyan snorted twice, but did not refute, and took the initiative to hold Li Yi's hand and continue walking.

"This trip seems dangerous, but it is not a big deal to me. If you decide to go with me because you are worried about my safety, you don't have to."

In ancient times, there were not so many complicated procedures for going abroad. At the speed of the Cangyun, it only took two or three days at most from Jianan to Yangguo.

It took Gu Yunge several months to go back and forth, just because he had to follow the ships of Yangguo when he went, and he couldn't go fast.

For Gu Nanyan, who often went abroad on missions in his previous life, going to Yang Country was no different from leaving the province.

Li Yi squeezed Gu Nanyan's fingers, the smooth touch made him feel very good.

"Just be my king and want to experience the exotic customs, so you can learn a lot."

Worrying is really worrying, the most important thing is that since the two got married, they have been together less and more often, and he really couldn't bear to be separated from her for too long.

Of course, he would not let her know such a shameful thought.

Hearing this, Gu Nanyan raised her head and gave him a sideways glance, the black pupils under the hood were agile and dangerous.

"I heard that the women of Yang Kingdom are gentle and virtuous. They regard their husbands as their gods and are very good at housework. Why don't you take this opportunity to marry a concubine and come back, so that someone can take care of the backyard for you."

After Gu Nanyan married into the palace, she hardly even touched the books in the palace. Most of the affairs were still handled by Butler Tao, who was a veritable hands-off shopkeeper.

Li Yi pursed his lips and thought about it for a while, before Gu Nanyan almost pinched his fingers and asked: "But because the affairs in the house are too complicated, Yan'er feels impatient, so she wants to marry her as her husband." Concubine to share with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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