The farmer has a mall

Chapter 736 The little princess is sick

Chapter 736 The little princess is sick

"If that's the case, I'll invite a few more people when my husband goes back."

"As for marrying a side concubine..."

He bowed his head and said: "I said before we got married that you are enough in this life. There is no room for other women by my king's side, but you..."

He stopped and looked at Gu Nanyan with a pair of fox eyes.

"Should I give this king an explanation for what happened last time?"

Gu Nanyan was taken aback: "What happened last time?"

The dog man's eyes look like she has another dog.

Gu Nanyan was silent, and suddenly thought of the matter of her touching Fei Qiang's chest on the day of the draft.

"You mean Fei Qiang?" She was speechless.

"I just want to make sure he is a man or a woman, nothing else."

This dog man is too narrow-minded, why hasn't he forgotten!

"That can't be used." Li Yi's jealousy changed beyond recognition, and he snorted aggrievedly.

"I haven't even been touched by you yet..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She opened her mouth, but she really didn't know how to complain, so she simply closed her mouth.

Then he raised his arm and pressed his small hand on Li Yi's chest with a snap.

Through the clothes, he squeezed the shocked eyes of the other party.

"I touched it." Gu Nanyan had a serious face, and squeezed it twice after speaking.

Not to mention that this dog man's hand feels quite good, look at this firm chest.

Li Yi froze in place for a moment, as if struck by lightning, his pale face quickly flushed red.

"This king doesn't mean that!" Li Yi was ashamed.

"Then what do you mean?" Gu Nanyan looked rascal.

"What this king means is that you can't touch other men casually,"

"Women can touch?"

"also can not!"

"Men and women are not allowed to touch, so who will I touch!"

"You can touch me..." Li Yi's voice froze suddenly.

Gu Nanyan smiled evilly: "Okay, I will reluctantly agree to you."

After finishing speaking, she hooked her finger at Li Yi with the attitude of a gangster molesting a woman from a good family.

"Come here and give Grandpa another touch."

Li Yi: "..."


Li Yi was defeated, and at noon on the second day, under Gu Nanyan's teasing eyes, he drove the steam car back to Jianan.

Not long after he left, Wei Hong came to Weiyang Palace.

Seeing Fei Qiang, Wei Hong couldn't help but burst into tears, hugging the embarrassed Fei Qiang and crying like a dog.

Gu Nanyan couldn't see him crying with tears and snot all over his face, he grinned in distaste and left Weiyang Palace for a walk in the imperial garden.

As she walked, she arrived near the Yilan Hall, and only then remembered that Chef Sheng hadn't shown up for two days.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Nanyan, who believed in the belief that food is the most important thing for the people, walked towards the Yilan Palace decisively.

The one who came out to greet her was Mingyue, Sheng Zhixin's personal maid.

When Mingyue heard that Gu Nanyan was visiting, she was shocked and hurried out to greet her.

Hearing that she came to find her master, she hurriedly led her into the hall.

"Princess, forgive me. The little princess has suffered from the wind and cold for the past two days, and yesterday she even had a fever. The concubine took care of her all night, so she didn't go to your place today."

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly to express her understanding: "Did you ask the imperial physician?"

Children are delicate, and it is common to have a cold and a fever occasionally.

It's just that in ancient times when medical technology was backward, it became a terrible event.

"I've been invited. The Imperial Physician Chen from the Imperial Hospital personally went there and prescribed some medicine to dispel the fever, but for some reason it didn't work." Mingyue looked worried.

Imperial Physician Chen is an apprentice of Imperial Physician Sun, and Imperial Physician Sun has the best medical skills in the Imperial Hospital, followed by Imperial Physician Chen.

Due to his advanced age, Doctor Sun did not often enter the palace.

Her mother-in-law saw that the little princess had taken the medicine of Imperial Physician Chen and it didn't work, so she ordered someone to go out of the palace to find Imperial Physician Sun.

However, Imperial Physician Sun was not in the mansion. The servants of the Sun Mansion said that he had gone to the old master Sheng's house to recuperate Sheng Rui, who was about to marry into the royal family.

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing the words: "There is no rush to recuperate the body, can someone come here?"

She walked into the hall while talking, and smelled a smell of Chinese medicine as soon as she entered the room.

"No, the old lady said, wait for the doctor Sun to recuperate the young lady's body before bringing her into the palace..." Mingyue said vaguely.

Gu Nanyan paused when she heard the words, and looked inside.

Sheng Zhixin sat on the edge of the bed with a haggard face, holding a small person in her arms.

Hearing footsteps, Sheng Zhixin raised her head subconsciously.

Messy hair, blue eyes, and bloodshot eyes fully proved that she didn't have a good rest in the past two days.

"You came……"

Sheng Zhixin said hoarsely: "Sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to cook today."

She carefully put the little person on the bed, and wearily pulled out a smiling face: "If you really want to eat, I will ask Mingyue's sister-in-law to make some for you soon... Don't worry, all the things I make are taught by her." Yes, what she does is no worse than mine."

Gu Nanyan didn't say a word, first looked at her a few times, and then said disgustedly: "I haven't seen her for two days, how could it be such a virtue."

Sheng Zhixin smiled awkwardly, and stretched out her hands to straighten her hair: "The little princess is sick, and she hasn't recovered, and I'm not in the mood to clean myself up."

Gu Nanyan walked to the side of the bed and took a look inside.

The child, who was not yet one year old, had two small ram's horns pierced on his head, and his face was flushed, obviously from severe fever.

She stretched out her hand to touch the little man's forehead, and it was hot. The temperature may have exceeded 39 degrees.

If the burning continues like this, people will become stupid.

"Did the Sheng family say when they would send Imperial Physician Sun here?" She asked Mingyue.

Mingyue glanced at her master, saw that the master hung his head and said nothing, bit his lips and said with red eyes: "I don't know yet, it will take at least one or two hours to hear what Old Madam Sheng means."

"It's been so long, what about having a baby?" Gu Nanyan asked dissatisfied.

"It's just giving birth." Sheng Zhixin smiled mockingly.

"Grandfather wanted Rui'er to be the first to conceive the emperor's heir after entering the palace, so he specially asked Sun Taiyi to come over to the house to take care of Rui'er's body to make it easier to give birth."

It was only today that she found out that in the eyes of her grandfather, she and her daughter were so unbearable, and that her daughter's life was not even comparable to an unwarranted emperor's heir.

Even though she had expected that she would not be of much use to her grandfather, she still felt chilled by it.

Gu Nanyan was very surprised: "Does Doctor Sun still have this skill?"

It is easier to have children after taking care of them, even in modern times it is not an easy task.

I didn't realize that this old man has a lot of skills.

"That's also a matter of priority."

She thought about it, and said to Mingyue, "Go get me a hand warmer."

Mingyue thought she was cold, so she hurried to get a hand stove, put a charcoal fire in it, wrapped it tightly and handed it to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan sat down on the edge of the bed holding the hand stove, feeling that her hands were no longer as cold as before, so she handed it back to Mingyue.

Then carefully lifted a corner of the quilt, put his hand in and put it on the little princess' wrist.

It is not easy to feel a child's pulse, but it is not too difficult for Gu Nanyan.

After feeling the pulse, Gu Nanyan tucked his horns in, and went to check the little man's throat.

Seeing this, Sheng Zhixin was taken aback for a moment, but later realized that Gu Nanyan also knew medical skills.

Moreover, it is said that her medical skills are extraordinary, and even Doctor Sun has to ask her for advice.

It's just that compared to her other abilities, her identity as a doctor is easily forgotten.

Sheng Zhixin was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of disturbing Gu Nanyan, she just stared at her anxiously.

"It's nothing serious, it's just a cold, and it will be cured after a few days of medicine."

Sheng Zhixin believed in Gu Nanyan very much now, and he was relieved when he heard the words, and finally let go of his worries for several days.

But Mingyue asked in puzzlement: "The prescription prescribed by Imperial Physician Chen is for wind-cold treatment, why the little princess didn't find any effect after taking it?"

(End of this chapter)

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