Chapter 737

Asking Mingyue to fetch the prescription prescribed by Chen Taiyi, Gu Nanyan took a general look at it and understood what the problem was.

"There is no problem with the prescription, and the ratio of various medicinal materials is also appropriate, but the dosage is lighter."

The imperial physician was cautious in prescribing prescriptions, even adults would halve the dosage, not to mention that the little princess was only a child less than one year old.

The medicine prescribed in this prescription is fine, the problem is that the medicine is too mild.

Imperial physician Chen was probably afraid that the little princess might hurt her body if she took too much medicine because of her young age.

It is also suitable for mild typhoid and cold, but with such a high fever, it is still the same dose, and I am afraid that pneumonia has already developed before the medicine can take effect.

Gu Nanyan called Yun Xi who was guarding outside the palace, and asked her to go back to Weiyang Palace to get a bottle of fever-reducing medicine.

Yun Xi walked quickly, and came back as soon as a cup of tea was served.

Gu Nanyan took out a tablet from the porcelain bottle and broke it in half, asking Sheng Zhixin to take it for the little princess.

Without the slightest hesitation, Sheng Zhixin immediately asked Mingyue to pour a glass of warm water, and she wanted to feed the medicine herself.

Mingyue glanced at Gu Nanyan who was drinking tea with downcast eyes, but hesitated to speak.

"The little princess just drank the medicine prescribed by Imperial Physician Chen more than an hour ago, and I don't know if it is compatible with other medicines. Did you ask Imperial Physician Chen first?" Mingyue whispered to Sheng Zhixin.

It's not that she doesn't trust Princess An, it's just that the older she is, the more experienced she is as a doctor. She is too young, and even if there are occasional rumors of her outstanding medical skills, it is really difficult for people to be completely reassured.

What's more, the little princess has a delicate body, so she should be more cautious.

Although her voice was low, Gu Nanyan could hear her clearly.

"There is no conflict between this medicine and that prescribed by Imperial Physician Chen." She said without raising her head.

"Of course, if you are really worried, you can wait until Imperial Physician Sun returns. I think Imperial Physician Chen has never seen this medicine before, so it would be useless to invite him here."

Gu Nanyan understands Mingyue's cautiousness, and doesn't think she is wrong to doubt herself.

After all, this is in the palace, a place where even the slightest distraction may cost one's life.

It's just that according to the current state of the little princess, when the doctor Sun arrives, I'm afraid she will have other problems.

At any rate, she is the half-sister in her own blood, and Gu Nanyan didn't want her to suffer from the disease at a young age, so she ordered Yunxi to leave the palace and go to Sheng's house to bring Imperial Physician Sun back.

"No need." Sheng Zhixin touched the tears at the corners of her eyes, and lightly picked her daughter up from the bed.

"I believe in the princess' medical skills, and I don't need other people to verify it."

If Gu Nanyan really wanted to harm their mother and daughter, with her ability and power, as long as she opened her mouth, countless people would scramble to serve her.

Why did she bother to come forward in person and harm them in such a way that it is easy to leave a handle.

What's more, others don't know, but she heard the Supreme Emperor said with her own ears that the poison in the current Holy Lord's body is helpless and the entire Tai Hospital is helpless, and it is asserted that he will not survive the end of last year.

But looking at the current emperor, it looks like he was poisoned and dying.

This poison was also cured by Gu Nanyan himself.

What is the difference between this and the flesh and bones of the living dead.

Sheng Zhixin didn't think that she could revive a dying person, but she couldn't cure a little cold.

Without thinking about it, she crushed the medicine and put it into her daughter's little mouth. Under Mingyue's anxious eyes, she calmly took the teacup with warm water from her hand, and fed her to drink bit by bit.

Gu Nanyan was not moved by her unhesitating trust, but only lightly told Yunxi: "You go, go to the Sheng family and bring back Dr. Sun, just say it's my intention."

"Also, tell them that until the little princess recovers, Imperial Physician Sun will stay in the palace, and no longer go to the Sheng family to recuperate Sheng Rui's body." As she spoke, her voice became more and more condensed.

"If the Sheng family is not convinced, let the old grand master come to this palace in person to ask for an explanation."

Gu Nanyan was really angry this time.

In any case, the little princess still has the blood of the Sheng family flowing in her body, so it is unreasonable to ignore her condition just to recuperate her body.

Ma's family is crazy!
The more Gu Nanyan thought about it, the angrier she became, she simply asked someone to invite Fu Jingqi, and asked him, a father, to come and stand up for her daughter.

However, two quarters of an hour later, the little eunuch who had gone to invite someone returned tremblingly.

"Qi, Qi, princess, Tai, Taishang Huang left the palace..."

Gu Nanyan: "... When did it happen?"

The motherfucker's scumbag father ran away again?

Why is there no news!

"Just, just now, the servant went to invite the Supreme Emperor to come over according to your order. The Supreme Emperor said that he would not come, and told you not to look for him again. Not coming……"

Seeing that Gu Nanyan's face became darker the more he listened, the little eunuch shrank twice, and his voice gradually dropped.

Wuwu princess is so scary, she can't eat people~
Eunuch Xu is also really, he can't speak for himself when he has something to say, and he runs away after telling him. He really doesn't have the style of a great eunuch!

The little eunuch's legs trembled in fright.

Gu Nan was shaking from the smoke!

The whole room was filled with the sound of her grinding teeth, which made people's skin crawl.

"The Emperor Xu has something important to do..." Sheng Zhixin said bitterly while holding the child.

Gu Nanyan sneered: "Indeed, something will happen to him soon."

Running away from home is addictive, right?

He dared to run away with his pick, let's see how I broke his leg!
You're still wandering around the world, I let you wander! !

Gu Nanyan stood up abruptly, and was about to walk out aggressively.

"You, don't get excited."

Now even Sheng Zhixin stuttered in fright, knowing that Gu Nanyan was really in a hurry, fearing that she would beat Fu Jingqi to death, she hurriedly stood up to stop her.

However, her movements were not as fast as Gu Nanyan's. Before she could stand still, she was already at the door.

"I'm not excited."

Gu Nanyan grinned ferociously, revealing a mouthful of sharp white teeth.

"I'm just going to talk to him about life."

Let him understand well, what is the wind blowing, the water cold, and the strong man gone...

No, return, return!

Gu Nanyan snapped off the half-drawn door frame with a click, carried it on his shoulder and ran away in an instant.

Sheng Zhixin: ... My door has just been painted.


At the gate of the capital city, Fu Jingqi, who was pretending to be a merchant, was sitting in a spacious and thick carriage, sipping wine with his legs crossed.

Eunuch Xu looked out of the car window anxiously.

"Don't look, just let you let out such a little hot breath." Fu Jingqi rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, that girl can't catch us."

He made preparations early in the morning, and asked someone to drive his steam car out of the city gate first. The dead girl would never have imagined that he would run away in an ordinary carriage.

Fu Jingqi grinned triumphantly.

While throwing the washed strawberries into his mouth.

Not to mention, this girl has a bad temper, but the strawberries she grows are very sweet. I should have bought more if I had to run away.

Fu Jingqi regretted that she hadn't prepared in advance, so she ate two more and started humming a little song.

"Master, wouldn't it be good for us to leave like this?" Eunuch Xu said helplessly.

"The little princess is still sick."

"Go to the imperial physician when you are sick, and I don't know how to do it." Fu Jingqi said heartlessly.

"Besides, with that girl here, it's just a small wind and cold, and it will be cured in two or three days."

That brat Fu Tuo has been carrying memorials to his palace every day recently, but he happily chooses a wife, regardless of how tired his father is.

But the two brothers and sisters were fighting together, and they didn't even give him a chance to resist.

He would be a fool not to run away!
Fu Jingqi didn't want to mention the pair of unfilial sons, so he changed the subject to Eunuch Xu.

"Where do you think we should go, Jiangnan or the Lingxi area, or go directly to the Western Regions for a stroll?"

He doesn't believe it anymore.

It's so far away in the Western Regions, let's see where that girl goes to catch him!

(End of this chapter)

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