The farmer has a mall

Chapter 741 How to Explain

Chapter 741 How to Explain
"It's natural."

Wei Hong sincerely thanked Fei Jin, thinking that Fei Qiang's request was justifiable.

"Not only that, if you feel uncomfortable living in Wei's house, you can continue to stay in Fei's house, as long as you visit Wei's house from time to time."

The father-son relationship of more than ten years can't be broken at will, and Wei Hong is not that kind of heartless person. He is very relieved to know that his eldest brother still has blood, so why should he be embarrassed.

Sure enough, Fei Qiang burst into a smile when he heard that.

On the matter of meeting the Wei family, the only thing that made him hesitate was to separate from his father.

It's all right now, not only does he not have to be separated from his father, but he can continue to live together in the future.

Fei Qiang was as happy as a child, killing a whole pot of beef tendon with a grim face.

Ever since Grand Master Sheng left Weiyang Palace, his complexion has not been very good. When he returned to the mansion, he went to the study with a gloomy face.

Mrs. Sheng who came back with him went directly to Sheng Rui's courtyard.

Sheng Rui was very confident about her entering the palace, so she specially asked Mrs. Sheng and Sun Taiyi to recuperate her body so that she could be the first to conceive a dragon descendant after entering the palace.

Fu Tuo has no heir yet, if she can get a boy in one fell swoop, then her child will be the eldest son.

Although Anyang Kingdom's inheritance of the throne is not limited to the eldest son, the first child is always different.

Not only can the eldest son get more attention, but he also has an advantage in establishing a reserve.

The ambitious Mrs. Sheng immediately agreed to her great-granddaughter's request.

I owed a lot of favors to invite Dr. Sun to treat Sheng Rui's body.

Who would have thought that he would be cut off in just a few days.

Sheng Rui hated it.

Doctor Sun said that while he was taking the medicine, he had to apply acupuncture every day, and it would take at least a month to get the effect, and once he started, he couldn't stop it, otherwise everything he had done before would be in vain.

She has been a very calm person since she was a child, and she would not bother to care about it in normal times.

But it's different now, Qin Tianjian is calculating the horoscope of Xiunu's birthday, and when the result comes out, they will be invited to enter the palace again for canonization in a few days.

Great-grandfather said that he would find a way to let the emperor be the first to be lucky.

But if she can't conceive an heir on the first night, there are so many newcomers who have just entered the palace, how long will she have to wait for the next chance.

If someone else takes the lead, the position of the eldest son of the emperor will be gone!
It's all my little aunt's fault!

Sheng Rui squeezed the handkerchief tightly, her delicate face twisted a little.

It's just a mere wind and cold, what a pity if a girl dies, why be so nervous.

She didn't want to find so many imperial physicians in the palace, so she wanted to snatch them from her.

Isn't this against her on purpose?

Who does she think she is!

Sheng Rui gritted her teeth, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes.

She's just an outdated concubine, even the emperor has abdicated, yet she is still so arrogant.

She had thought that they were a family after all, and that she would take care of her more when she ascended to the post in the future, but she didn't want her to hold her back!

That being the case, don't ask her to come to her when you have difficulties in the future.

She doesn't care if you beg her!

And that Gu Nanyan.

She was so vicious even though she was about the same age as herself, and even though she knew that Doctor Sun was here to recuperate her body, she still took her away.

She heard that the emperor and Gu Nanyan have a very good relationship, but now it seems that it is not always the case.

Knowing that she is likely to be her sister-in-law in the future, and that she will give birth to the emperor's blood, but she doesn't distinguish between inside and outside, and helps outsiders bully her future sister-in-law.

Sheng Rui was so aggrieved that she threw tea bowls all over the table for the first time since she was sensible.

"Miss calm down. Don't get too angry." Her nanny comforted her.

Then he glanced around with a stern face, seeing that all the servants who were serving him lowered their heads, and then drove them out with satisfaction.

And warn them to keep their mouths shut and close the door gently.

"You are still taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Sun. Dr. Sun said, don't rush to get angry while taking the medicine."

The nanny sighed as she spoke, and knelt down to pick up the broken porcelain on the floor bit by bit.

Then he touched the floor with his hands again, and when he saw that there was no problem, he got up on his legs, and put the broken porcelain pieces wrapped in handkerchiefs into the food box containing the meals.

Seeing that the vegetables in the food box hadn't moved at all, and that they were completely cold, she sighed again.

"Miss is waiting, the old slave will make you some warm food on the stove." After the nanny finished speaking, she was about to go out with the food box.

"No need, I can't eat." Sheng Rui said angrily.

The nanny knew what her young lady was bothering about, and she also felt that the concubine did something wrong.

If the lady can give birth to the dragon child as soon as possible, it will be the Sheng family who will benefit.

The Sheng family is well, and the toffee empress will only be better.

All of her servants know this truth.

Why can't the empress dowager, an educated lady from the official family, figure it out.

The nanny couldn't figure it out, so she could only comfort Sheng Rui and said, "You have to eat a little, the young lady is delicate, and you are going to give birth to an heir for the emperor, so you can't starve to death."

Hearing the words "bringing children for the emperor", Sheng Rui subconsciously touched his lower abdomen, and his expression immediately eased a lot.

It's just that the hostility in his eyes still hasn't subsided.

"How can my mother let me eat? Seeing that the day of entering the palace is coming soon, but Sun Taiyi was ordered by the princess not to come to Sheng's mansion until the little princess recovers."

Speaking of this, the anger that Sheng Ruifang subsided burned again.

"It's so deceiving!"

"She's just a princess. Why should she be in charge of this lady? It's not certain who will be the master in this palace in the future!"

If it is said that Sheng Rui has resentment towards Sheng Zhixin, then she has unquestionable hatred towards Gu Nanyan.

After all, if she hadn't been meddling in her own business, she would not have interrupted the treatment, making all the efforts in the past few days in vain.

And it is very likely that you will not be able to adjust your body to the best condition before entering the palace.

"Gu, Nan, Yan!"

"You wait for me!"

When she ascends to the throne, she will definitely regret what she did today!
With a sound of "stab", the veil that Sheng Rui was holding in his hand cracked, and the fine silk cloth was just like that.

Seeing this, the grandma hurriedly took another piece for her, folded up the torn piece, and put it into the food box as well.

"Why are you angry with those irrelevant people, and she doesn't often stay in Anyang, so it's not her turn to make decisions in this harem."

Although the emperor's words "Seeing the princess is like seeing me" shocked the government and the public, but in her opinion, there is no real brother-sister relationship in the royal family.

"What's more, this matter is not only related to the young lady. If it gets out, the Sheng family will be ashamed, and the old grand master will definitely go to her to ask for an explanation."

"You just have to wait in peace."

Sheng Rui suppressed her breath when she heard the words: "What Mammy said is true, it's me who is being impetuous."

Their great-grandfather told them since they were young that they should be calm and not act impulsively in order to avoid being caught by others.

So she became the most stable among the many brothers and sisters. Ever since she became sensible, she seldom lost her temper for anything, and she never even blushed in the past few years.

I didn't expect to break the precept today.

Sheng Rui gritted her teeth, picked up the cool tea at the side and drank it down.

"Don't send the food away. I will have dinner with my great-grandfather when my great-grandfather returns home."

After she finished speaking, she straightened her back with a gloomy face, and sat motionless in the room waiting for the news.

She knew that her great-grandfather and great-grandmother entered the palace after noon, and she also knew that their trip must be to seek justice for herself.

In that case she waited.

Waiting to see how Gu Nanyan explained it!

She didn't believe it anymore, she was just a princess who dared to oppose the court ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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