Chapter 742

Sheng Rui sneered, waiting for her great-grandfather to return in triumph to seek justice for her.

However, to her disappointment, she did not wait for her great-grandfather, but her great-grandmother.

"You really are, the little princess is seriously ill, why are you robbing the imperial doctor with her?" Mrs. Sheng reprimanded her as soon as she entered the door.

Although it was a reprimand, the tone was not that harsh.

"That's the blood of the Supreme Emperor. If anything happens to the current Holy Majesty's half-sister, no matter how powerful your great-grandfather is, he won't be able to stop him."

"You have always been sensible, how come you are so ignorant this time."

Mrs. Sheng tapped her cane with a straight face, successfully waking up the dazed Sheng Rui.

She clenched her fingers hidden in her sleeves, and said aggrievedly: "Rui'er is also for the Sheng family."

What's the situation? Didn't great-grandfather enter the palace to seek justice for her? Why did he reprimand her?

Facing Mrs. Sheng with a serious expression, Sheng Rui was a little uneasy.

She bit her lower lip, doubts flashed in her lowered eyes.

She knows better than anyone else how much her great-grandfather attaches importance to her entry into the palace.

Otherwise, the old grand master of Anyangguo, who never asks for help, would not spend favors to invite Sun Tai doctor for her.

The debt of favor is the hardest to repay.

"But Rui'er made aunt unhappy?" Sheng Rui didn't know what happened to make her great-grandmother come to her yard to reprimand her.

Then he asked tentatively: "Can Rui Er go to the palace in person to apologize to my aunt?"

"Your aunt is not so stingy."

Although her husband was ready to give up Zhixin for the sake of the overall situation, but she watched the child grow up, so there is still some affection for him.

Old Madam Sheng looked at Sheng Rui who looked aggrieved, and for the first time became dissatisfied with her.

She frowned and said, "Your aunt isn't angry with you, it's your grandfather..."

I suffered from Gu Nanyan.

Old Madam Sheng paused, but did not finish speaking.

After all, he is a grand master of a country, if people find out that he is looking for a little girl to form an alliance, but he is ridiculed in turn, how can he save face.

Madam Sheng sighed inwardly.

She had told her husband before that since Zhixin leaned on Gu Nanyan, it was better for them to leave some room for everything, but instead of listening, he let Rui'er mess around.

I don't know if it's because of his age, he has become more and more impatient these years.

"You just stay in the yard obediently during these days, don't touch your great-grandfather's brows, as for the matter of taking care of your body, it won't be too late to talk about it after you enter the palace."

The grandfather and grandson don't know what they are anxious about. Although the eldest son is indeed more qualified to inherit the throne, it is also in a situation of evenly matched power.

If the skills are not as good as others, what's the use of taking up the word "long", it can only block the life of others.

Sheng Rui gritted her teeth, took a deep breath calmly, and suppressed her unwillingness.

Judging from great-grandmother's attitude, it must be that great-grandfather got angry at someone in the palace.

My aunt doesn't have the guts. After all, she has to rely on her great-grandfather to support her, so she won't tear her face apart.

The emperor respected his great-grandfather, so it wouldn't be him either.

That can only be...

Sheng Rui was suffocated, and couldn't help asking Mrs. Sheng: "But what did the princess say to great-grandfather?"

All civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, including the emperor, no one dared to disrespect the old grand master, let alone make him angry.

Except for Gu Nanyan, who was said to have been ignored by the Supreme Emperor!

According to great-grandmother, great-grandfather might be very angry this time.

So what did the two of them say?
Is it about her?

Sheng Rui's heart was like a cat scratching, curious and nervous at the same time.

Old Madam Sheng glanced at her: "You are a smart person, you should know what to do and what not to do, who can be messed with and who can't be messed with."

"Your grandfather was a pedantic scholar and never regarded women as opponents."

"But he doesn't know that the battle in the back house is never easier than in the court, let alone in the palace."

Old Master Sheng is not stupid, and has always been very jealous of Gu Nanyan.

However, after all, masculinity was at work, and he still underestimated her.

He felt that if he came to ask for an alliance in person, Gu Nanyan should be grateful to agree.

But they didn't know that people didn't take him seriously.

Although Mrs. Sheng didn't know what Gu Nanyan said specifically, she knew her husband whom she had been with for decades.

It must have been a big blow to make him so angry, and shut himself in the study without saying a word.

This is something that has never happened before.

She didn't think it was embarrassing for an old husband to be defeated by a little girl, but she thought it would be good for him to have a good memory.

Facing Sheng Rui's puzzled expression, Mrs. Sheng didn't say any more, and left on crutches.

Sheng Rui was left alone holding his breath in his chest, unable to move up or down.

Obviously he was bullied, but he was reprimanded by his great-grandmother.

Where has she ever been wronged like this.

"Let the chef make a plate of Yunpian Cake and send it over. I'm going to have a look at my great-grandfather." She ordered with a sullen face.

No, if she doesn't ask about this matter today, she might not even be able to fall asleep.

She really couldn't figure out what Gu Nanyan had done to make her great-grandmother full of fear, and she also wanted to figure out whether it would affect her and prevent her from taking the back seat.

She said and got up.

The nurse hesitated for a moment, and reminded: "Didn't the old lady tell you just now that you don't want to go to the old lady first? You just agreed with the front foot and then went against the old lady's intention. If you pass it back, you will not be able to offend the old lady." .”

Seeing that Sheng Rui was not angry, the nanny pulled her to sit down again.

"In my opinion, miss, why don't you go tomorrow and serve a plate of cloud cakes made by you yourself. The old master loves your cooking. Seeing that you are so filial, all anger should be relieved by then." .”

Nanny really thought of Sheng Rui.

Her young lady lost her mother since she was a child, and she was brought up by her nanny. In her heart, the young lady is just like her own daughter.

And the young lady is also very kind to her, and she can always listen to a few words she says.

Sheng Rui really calmed down when she heard the words. She saw the steam rising from the newly brewed tea on the table, her chest heaved a few times, and her eyes suddenly turned red.

"Grandmother, they all bully me." Sheng Rui choked up and leaned into the embrace of the grandma, the grievance of being robbed of the imperial physician during the day poured out.

The nanny hugged her distressedly and comforted her, patted her on the back and comforted her: "Miss, don't cry, you are a promising person, and you will surely skyrocket in the future, you should bear with it today, and bear with it for a while." Avoid a hundred days of worry."

"When you get to the position where one person is under one person and above ten thousand people, you can get it back one by one."

Sheng Rui didn't speak any more after hearing the words, and buried her head in sobs.

She was crying sadly, but Mrs. Sheng was so angry that she vomited blood.

He has lived most of his life, but he has never seen such a rebellious little girl like Gu Nanyan.

Not to mention little girls, even men can't beat her!

Thinking of Gu Nanyan's eyes that were about to roll out of the sky, and his arrogant attitude, Old Master Sheng trembled all over.

"Well, you Gu Nanyan, you are so arrogant at such a young age, just wait for this old man..."

He swallowed a mouthful of old blood, trying to calm himself down.

However, Gu Nanyan's mocking words lingered like a dream for a long time, echoing in his ears all the time.

When he was a little calmer, the moon had already risen.

Now the alliance with Gu Nanyan is probably impossible, he can only continue with his previous plan and let his great-granddaughter enter the palace to give birth to the emperor's heir.

Before that, the Sheng family must not have conflicts with anyone.

Old Master Sheng gritted his teeth.

Especially that villain Gu Nanyan!

Who knows if she will secretly trip Rui'er and make her disqualified from entering the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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