The farmer has a mall

Chapter 744 Zhao's Worries

Chapter 744 Zhao's Worries

Sun Qi sat in Zhao's room for half an hour, feeling that it was time for Wushi to come back, so he got up and left the courtyard.

Inside the house, Zhao shi folded his hands in front of him and watched him go away submissively.

"The master is too shameless. It's not that the young lady doesn't know what he did to you, but he still wants you to lie to the young lady." A maid dressed as a woman was furious and glared at the direction Sun Qi left.

"Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the broken tea sent by the public is so good that even the servants can drink it. Madam is lucky, and all of them have been sent to you."

The woman took out a brocade box from the corner and opened it, her round face flushed with anger, "Most of it is moldy."

She said that she was not angry, and threw the box of moldy tea leaves together with the brocade box into the brazier at the door.

The cloth wrapped outside the brocade box instantly ignited, making a crackling sound.

The woman became even angrier: "Look at it, even this brocade box is fake. It's made of the same material as your shirt. It catches fire when it sees fire. If you accidentally get sparks in the winter..."

The woman's face turned pale, and she hurriedly pulled Mrs. Zhao away from the brazier.

The person involved, Sun Ying, was sitting in the imperial study room, rubbing her fingers nervously facing the indifferent Fu Tuo.

"How is Second Brother?" Zhao smiled softly, which was different from when facing Sun Qi, it was a smile from the heart.

Eating, drinking and lassing are also handled in the bedroom, and those who don't know think that he is paralyzed and can't go out!
Fu Tuo gritted his teeth.

"Besides, Ying'er has entered the palace, and that person is not something she can talk to. Although the steam car is good, there is no rush for the next few months, just wait slowly."

Thinking of her daughter Zhao's worry.

"Madam clearly doesn't want you to live!"

"You don't have to be sorry, the young lady is now a concubine. I heard that it was the one who gave the question when I answered the question. I should like the young lady very much."

What Zhao didn't say was that she always felt that her daughter had something to hide from her, and the fact that she was canonized was also very strange.

The woman is dissatisfied with the Sun family, so she has not changed her words for more than ten years, and still calls Miss Zhao and Miss Sun Ying.

After all, the Zhao family is a well-known wealthy businessman in the local area, so they need this kind of rare thing to be worthy of her family's young lady.

Not everyone can use a steam car. So far, only the capital city of Anyang has sold it, and all of them have been reserved by the most powerful people.

After all, she doesn't care about this.

It's not that she looks down on her daughter and feels that she is unworthy.

"It's not a day or two to be so excited about what to do."

The Zhao family is not considered prominent in the capital, but it is easy to spend a few 10 taels of silver.

But because of his strong background, those who want to use power to suppress others dare not make a move, so they can only wait obediently.

She has been trapped in the back house all year round, and she doesn't understand these palace rules.

But you did a good job of criticizing the memorial!

Every time the second master of the Zhao family came to deliver things, the woman ran out to meet them, so he knew a little more about the Zhao family than she did.

If her daughter can't return home, she can only start with Sun Qi and find a way to enter the palace to see her daughter.

However, her young lady stuck a flower in the cow dung, nestled in this small courtyard where the sun never came out, and was angry with that nasty woman!

Although Mrs. Zhao has never seen what a steam car looks like, she can guess five or six points after listening to the people below.

"The journey to the Western Regions is far away, and it takes at least two months to go back and forth, so there is nothing to worry about."

After changing her clothes, she combed Zhao's hair again, and put on the purple jade hairpin she usually wears.

The last time Fu Jingqi failed to run away from home, after being carried back to the palace by Gu Nanyan, he has been hiding in his bedroom without seeing anyone.

Except for the beginning, when he asked her to sit down without raising his eyebrows, he hasn't said a word until now.

"When you meet the little lady, you may wish to mention it to her. Maybe that one will allow us to reserve one because of face."

"Ying'er has just entered the palace, I just hope that she is safe and sound, nothing else matters."

It is said that the order of Gu's Automobile Store has been lined up for half a year after it just opened, and then the shopkeeper in the store has never accepted the order, and only said that he will continue to accept orders after the first batch of deliveries is completed.

The Zhao family also wanted to reserve one, but when they got the news and rushed to the capital, it was already ten days after the opening, and Gu's car dealership no longer accepted reservations.

Seeing this, the woman didn't care to speak ill of Sun Qi, and hurried to get her clothes.

"Second Lord has a good vision. It is said that this purple jade hairpin was cut from a piece of jade brought over from the Western Regions. Few people in the entire Anyang Kingdom have it." The woman's tone was full of pride.

The woman chattered endlessly, and Mrs. Zhao looked at her helplessly.

Wu Zhi hated her, she could understand, so no matter how harshly she treated herself these years, she endured it.

Mrs. Zhao didn't correct her either.

The rules of Gu's car dealership are very strict, if you don't sell it, you won't sell it, and if you don't make a reservation, you won't be able to pay twice the money.

He only concentrated on reading the memorial with his head down.

It's fine if he doesn't go out, and he doesn't bother to care about him.

In this way, the car dealership is still full of people. Apart from running to ask when the order will be accepted every day, there are also people who visit the only sample car left in the store.

"Second brother went to the Western Regions again?" Zhao frowned worriedly.

What she didn't know was that Fu Tuo had completely forgotten that she was still there.

"Go out and inquire tomorrow, and ask the concubine if she has come back to say something."

Sun Ying's heart was beating wildly, thinking about whether she had done something wrong.

It's only because of the second elder brother, who obviously has sons and daughters but can't stay at home all year round.

If the Zhao family could reserve one at this time, it would be a great deal of face!

Otherwise, according to the identity of the young lady and concubine, she is at most only a concubine.

The same goes for my father. The money earned in the Western Regions is hard work. It would be easier to open a few more shops to make money, but he just refused to let go.

An hour ago, the emperor had someone summon her over.

Just gotta figure out what's going on.

"It's different this time. The second master borrowed a steam car from his business partner in Beijing. I heard that he will be back in half a month. If he didn't have to sell the goods, he could make a round trip in two days."

She frowned uncomfortably.

"Miss, you can't listen to him. Our young lady is now a nobleman in the palace. If you are as tolerant as before, how sad it will be if the young lady finds out."

Mrs. Zhao felt that there must be something wrong, and wanted to ask her daughter clearly but couldn't meet her.

"Go and get my dark green's the one that my second brother sent me a few days ago." Mrs. Zhao touched the sleeves, the rough fabric was more scratchy than the linen clothes.

She only hoped that her daughter would be fine, and everything else was false.

Mrs. Zhao shook her head in disapproval when she heard the words.

It was because there were too many noble daughters selected, regardless of their status and status, there were many who were higher than her, but the emperor gave his daughter one of the only two concubines this year.

"The second master is well. The master handed over the business in the Western Regions to him. Now he is busy with his feet. When he came back, he asked his slaves to take good care of you. He may not be free to visit you in the near future."

The woman chattered while changing her clothes.

"Indeed, it's a pity that I was limited in my actions and I couldn't make it public, otherwise I could have reserved one for my second brother."

Fortunately, he accepted the memorial he sent as usual, but made random comments inside.

What are "I am so annoying", "I am so bored", "I am bored", "I want to leave the palace", "I am not happy".

The book is full of his complaints!
Fu Tuo was so angry that he wanted to give him a hammer.

Let him enjoy the charming beauty of this colorful world! !

(End of this chapter)

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